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Interaction between Tobacco and Alcohol Use and the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer : Pooled Analysis in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium

HASHIBE, Mia1 ; BRENNAN, Paul1 ; FERNANDEZ, Leticia9 ; WIINSCH, Victor10 ; FRANCESCHI, Silvia1 ; HAYES, Richard B11 ; HERRERO, Rolando12 ; KELSEY, Karl13 14 ; KOIFMAN, Sergio15 ; LA VECCHIA, Carlo16 ; LAZARUS, Philip17 ; LEVI, Fabio18 ; CHUANG, Shu-Chun1 ; LENCE, Juan J9 ; MATES, Dana19 ; MATOS, Elena20 ; MENEZES, Ana21 ; MCCLEAN, Michael D22 ; MUSCAT, Joshua17 ; ELUF-NETO, Jose10 ; OLSHAN, Andrew F23 ; PURDUE, Mark11 ; RUDNAI, Peter24 ; BOCCIA, Stefania2 ; SCHWARTZ, Stephen M4 ; SMITH, Elaine25 ; STURGIS, Erich M; SZESZENIA-DABROWSKA, Neonilia; TALAMINI, Renato6 ; QINGYI WEI; WINN, Deborah M11 ; SHANGINA, Oxana; PILARSKA, Agnieszka; ZHANG, Zuo-Feng; CASTELLSAGUE, Xavier3 ; FERRO, Gilles1 ; BERTHILLER, Julien1 ; BOFFETTA, Paolo1 ; CHU CHEN4 ; CURADO, Maria Paula1 5 ; DAL MASO, Luigino6 ; DAUDT, Alexander W7 ; FABIANOVA, Eleonora8
[1] IARC, Lyon, France
[2] Institute of Hygiene, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy
[3] Institut Català d'Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain
[4] Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, United States
[5] Hospital Araujo Jorge, Goiania, Brazil
[6] Aviano Cancer Centre, Aviano, Italy
[7] Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil
[8] Specialized State Health Institute, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
[9] National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology, Havana, Cuba
[10] Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
[11] National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, United States
[12] Instituto de Investigación Epidemiológica, San José, Costa Rica
[13] Harvard School of Public Health, United States
[14] Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, United States
[15] Escola Nacional de Saude Publica, Fundaçao Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
[16] Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, and University of Milan, Milan, Italy
[17] Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States
[18] Institut de médecine sociale et préventive, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
[19] Institute of Public Health, Bucharest, Romania
[20] Institute of Oncology Angel H. Roffo, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[21] Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil
[22] Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
[23] University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
[24] National Institute of Environmental Health, Budapest, Hungary
[25] College of Public Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, United States

Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention. 2009, Vol 18, Num 2, pp 541-550, 10 p ; ref : 32 ref

Scientific domain
Medical oncology; Hygiene and public health, epidemiology, occupational medicine
American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Alcoolisme Boisson alcoolisée Cancer de la tête et du cou Cancérologie Consommation Epidémiologie Facteur risque Interaction International Pool Risque Santé publique Tabagisme Monde Cancer Pathologie ORL Tumeur maligne
Keyword (en)
Alcoholism Alcoholic beverage Head and neck cancer Cancerology Consumption Epidemiology Risk factor Interaction International Pool Risk Public health Tobacco smoking World Cancer ENT disease Malignant tumor
Keyword (es)
Alcoholismo Bebida alcohólica Cáncer de cabeza y cuello Cancerología Consumo Epidemiología Factor riesgo Interacción Internacional Pool Riesgo Salud pública Tabaquismo Mundo Cáncer ORL patología Tumor maligno
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B03 Toxicology / 002B03E Tobacco, tobacco smoking

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B04 Tumors

Toxicology Tumours
INIST identifier

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