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Diet, Fluid, or Supplements for Secondary Prevention of Nephrolithiasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials. Commentary

FINK, Howard A1 2 3 4 ; AKORNOR, Joseph W5 6 ; GARIMELLA, Pranav S4 ; MACDONALD, Rod2 3 ; CUTTING, Andrea2 ; RUTLCS, Indulis R2 3 ; MONGA, Manoj5 ; WILT, Timothy J2 3 ; TISELIUS, Hans-Göran (Commentator (written text)) 7
[1] Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, United States
[2] Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research, VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, United States
[3] Cochrane Review Group in Prostate Diseases and Urologic Malignancies, VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, United States
[4] Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
[5] Department of Urologic Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
[6] Wichita Urology Group, Wichita, KS, United States
[7] Division of Urology, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Urology, Karolinska University Hospital, 141 86 Stockholm, Sweden

European urology. 2009, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 72-80, 9 p ; ref : 33 ref

Scientific domain
Urology, nephrology
Elsevier, Kidlington
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
Adverse events Diet Dietary supplements Nephrolithiasis Review Treatment outcome
Keyword (fr)
Article synthèse Effet secondaire Essai clinique Fluide Lithiase du rein Métaanalyse Nutrition Néphrologie Pronostic Randomisation Revue bibliographique Régime alimentaire enrichi Régime alimentaire Secondaire Supplémentation Toxicité Traitement diététique Urologie Prévention systématique Alimentation Calcul urinaire Pathologie de l'appareil urinaire Pathologie du rein
Keyword (en)
Review Secondary effect Clinical trial Fluid Renal lithiasis Metaanalysis Nutrition Nephrology Prognosis Randomization Bibliographic review Supplemented diet Diet Secondary Supplementation Toxicity Diet therapy Urology Systematic prevention Feeding Urinary stone Urinary system disease Kidney disease
Keyword (es)
Artículo síntesis Efecto secundario Ensayo clínico Fluido Litiasis renal Meta-análisis Nutrición Nefrología Pronóstico Aleatorización Revista bibliográfica Régimen alimenticio enriquecido Régimen alimentario Secundario Suplementación Toxicidad Tratamiento dietético Urología Alimentación Cálculo urinario Aparato urinario patología Riñón patología
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B14 Nephrology. Urinary tract diseases / 002B14B Urinary lithiasis

Nephrology. Urinary tract diseases
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