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Effect of fiber surface modification on the mechanical and water absorption characteristics of sisal/polyester composites fabricated by resin transfer molding

SREEKUMAR, P. A1 3 ; THOMAS, Selvin P2 ; SAITER, Jean Marc3 ; JOSEPH, Kuruvilla4 ; UNNIKRISHNAN, G1 ; THOMAS, Sabu5
[1] National Institute of Technology Calicut, NITC P O, Calicut, Kerala 673 601, India
[2] Corporate R&D Division, Hindustan Latex Limited, Karamana, Trivandrum, Kerala 695 002, India
[3] Laboratoire Polymères, Biopolymères et Membranes, FRE 3101, équipe LECAP, Institut des Matériaux Rouen, Université de Rouen, Faculté des Sciences, Avenue de L'université BP 12, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France
[4] Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Trivandrum, Kerala 695 022, India
[5] School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadarshini Hills P O, Kottayam, Kerala 686 560, India

Composites. Part A, Applied science and manufacturing. 2009, Vol 40, Num 11, pp 1777-1784, 8 p ; ref : 42 ref

Scientific domain
Chemical industry parachemical industry; Mechanics acoustics; Metallurgy, welding; Polymers, paint and wood industries
Elsevier, Kidlington
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
A. Fibers B. Fiber/matrix bond B. Mechanical properties E. Resin transfer molding
Keyword (fr)
Absorption eau Ester polymère Etude expérimentale Fibre naturelle Fibre végétale Matériau composite Matériau renforcé fibre Module élasticité Moulage transfert Propriété mécanique Relation mise en oeuvre propriété Résistance choc Résistance flexion Résistance traction Sisal Traitement chimique Traitement surface
Keyword (en)
Water absorption Ester polymer Experimental study Natural fiber Plant fiber Composite material Fiber reinforced material Elastic modulus Transfer molding Mechanical properties Property processing relationship Impact strength Bending strength Tensile strength Sisal Chemical treatment Surface treatment
Keyword (es)
Absorción agua Ester polímero Estudio experimental Fibra natural Fibra vegetal Material compuesto Material reforzado fibra Módulo elasticidad Moldeo por transferencia Propiedad mecánica Relación puesta en marcha propiedad Resistencia choque Resistencia flexión Resistencia tracción Sisal Tratamiento químico Tratamiento superficie
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D10 Polymer industry, paints, wood / 001D10A Technology of polymers / 001D10A06 Forms of application and semi-finished materials / 001D10A06H Composites

Polymer industry, paints, wood
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