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A Genome-wide Association Study of Lung Cancer Identifies a Region of Chromosome 5p15 Associated with Risk for Adenocarcinoma

LANDI, Maria Teresa1 ; CHATTERJEE, Nilanjan1 ; BERGEN, Andrew W3 ; QIZHAI LI1 4 ; CONSONNI, Dario5 ; PESATORI, Angela C5 ; WACHOLDER, Sholom1 ; THUN, Michael6 ; DIVER, Ryan6 ; OKEN, Martin7 ; VIRTAMO, Jarmo8 ; ALBANES, Demetrius1 ; KAI YU1 ; ZHAOMING WANG1 ; BURDETTE, Laurie1 ; DOHENY, Kimberly F9 ; PUGH, Elizabeth W9 ; LAURIE, Cathy10 ; BRENNAN, Paul11 ; HUNG, Rayjean12 ; GABORIEAU, Valerie11 ; MCKAY, James D11 ; LATHROP, Mark13 ; GOLDIN, Lynn R1 ; MCLAUGHLIN, John12 ; YING WANG12 ; TSAO, Ming-Sound14 ; SPITZ, Margaret R15 ; YUFEI WANG16 ; KROKAN, Hans17 ; VATTEN, Lars17 ; SKORPEN, Frank17 ; ARNESEN, Egil18 ; BENHAMOU, Simone19 ; GOLDSTEIN, Alisa M1 ; BOUCHARD, Christine20 ; METSAPALU, Andres21 ; VOODER, Tonu21 ; NELIS, Mari21 ; VÄLK, Kristian21 ; FIELD, John K22 ; CHU CHEN23 ; GOODMAN, Gary23 ; SULEM, Patrick24 ; THORLEIFSSON, Gudmar24 ; ROTUNNO, Melissa1 ; RAFNAR, Thorunn24 ; EISEN, Timothy25 ; SAUTER, Wiebke26 ; ROSENBERGER, Albert; BICKEBÖLLER, Heike; RISCH, Angela; CHANG-CLAUDE, Jenny; WICHMANN, H. Erich26 ; STEFANSSON, Kari24 ; MIRABELLO, Lisa1 ; JACOBS, Kevin1 ; WHEELER, William2 ; YEAGER, Meredith1
[1] Division of Cancer Epidemiology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD 20892, United States
[2] Information Management Services, Inc., Rockville, MD 20852, United States
[3] Center for Health Sciences, Molecular Genetic Program, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States
[4] Key Laboratory of Systems and Control, Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100190, China
[5] Unit of Epidemiology, Fondazione Istituto di Ricevero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Mangiagalli e Regina Elena and Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, University of Milan, Milan, 20122, Italy
[6] American Cancer Society, Epidemiology and Surveillance Research, Atlanta, GA 30301, United States
[7] Hubert H. Humphrey Cancer Center, Robbinsdale, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, United States
[8] Department of Chronic Disease Prevention, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, 00280, Finland
[9] Center for Inherited Disease Research, Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21224, United States
[10] Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, United States
[11] International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 69372, France
[12] Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Division of Epidemiology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5T 3L9, Canada
[13] Fondation Jean Dausset-Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH), Paris, 75010, France
[14] Department of Pathology, University Health Network, Princess Margaret Hospital and University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5T 3L9, Canada
[15] Department of Epidemiology, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Houston, TX 77030, United States
[16] Section of Cancer Genetics, Institute of Cancer Research, Surrey, SM2 5NG, United Kingdom
[17] Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 7489, Norway
[18] Department of Community Medicine, University of Tromso, Tromso, 9037, Norway
[19] INSERM and Fondation Jean Dausset-CEPH, Paris, 75010, France
[20] Geneva Cancer Registry, Geneva, 1205, Switzerland
[21] Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and Estonian Genome Project of the University of Tartu, Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, 51010, Estonia
[22] Roy Castle Lung Cancer Research Program, The University of Liverpool Cancer Research Center, Liverpool, L3 97A, United Kingdom
[23] Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109, United States
[24] DeCODE Genetics, Reykjavik, 101, Iceland
[25] Department of Oncology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 2RE, United Kingdom
[26] Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Center Munich, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, 85764, Germany

American journal of human genetics. 2009, Vol 85, Num 5, pp 679-691, 13 p ; ref : 54 ref

Scientific domain
Cell Press, Cambridge, MA
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Adénocarcinome Association Carte génétique Chromosome Facteur risque Génome Génétique Homme Risque Cancer du poumon Cancer Pathologie de l'appareil respiratoire Pathologie des bronches Pathologie des poumons Tumeur maligne
Keyword (en)
Adenocarcinoma Association Genetic mapping Chromosome Risk factor Genome Genetics Human Risk Lung cancer Cancer Respiratory disease Bronchus disease Lung disease Malignant tumor
Keyword (es)
Adenocarcinoma Asociación Mapa genético Cromosoma Factor riesgo Genoma Genética Hombre Riesgo Cáncer del pulmón Cáncer Aparato respiratorio patología Bronquio patología Pulmón patología Tumor maligno
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A04 Molecular and cellular biology

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A07 Genetics of eukaryotes. Biological and molecular evolution / 002A07C Classical genetics, quantitative genetics, hybrids / 002A07C03 Human

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B11 Pneumology / 002B11A Tumors of the respiratory system and mediastinum

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B23 Medical genetics / 002B23A General aspects. Genetic counseling

Eukaryotes genetics. Biological and molecular evolution Medical genetics Molecular and cell biology Pulmonology
INIST identifier

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