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Program Characteristics Associated With Testing for HIV and Hepatitis C in Veterans Substance Use Disorder Clinics

KEITH MCINNES, D1 2 ; HYUN, Jenny K3 ; TRAFTON, Jodie A4 ; ASCH, Steven M5 ; GIFFORD, Allen L6 7
[1] Center for Health Quality Outcomes and Economic Research (CHQOER), Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, 200 Springs Rd. (152), Bldg. 70, Bedford, MA 01730, United States
[2] Department of Health Policy and Management, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, United States
[3] National Center for PTSD, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Palo Alto, Palo Alto, California, United States
[4] VA Center for Health Care Evaluation, Menlo Park, California, United States
[5] HIV Hepatitis Quality Enhancement Research Initiative, VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System, and the Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, United States
[6] HIV Hepatitis Quality Enhancement Research Initiative, VA New England Health Care System, Bedford, Massachusetts, United States
[7] Boston University Schools of Public Health and Medicine, United States

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2010, Vol 61, Num 1, pp 90-94, 5 p ; ref : 12 ref

Scientific domain
Cognition; Hygiene and public health, epidemiology, occupational medicine; Psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry
American Psychiatric Association, Arlington, VA
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Abus de substance Amélioration Ancien combattant Dépistage Environnement social Facteur risque Homme Hépatite virale C Personnel sanitaire Programme thérapeutique Qualité SIDA Santé mentale Service santé Sevrage toxique Sérologie Etats-Unis Immunodéficit Immunopathologie Infection Pathologie de l'appareil digestif Pathologie du foie Psychométrie Santé publique Traitement Virose Amérique du Nord Amérique
Keyword (en)
Substance abuse Improvement Veteran Medical screening Social environment Risk factor Human Viral hepatitis C Health staff Therapeutic schedule Quality AIDS Mental health Health service Poison withdrawal Serology United States Immune deficiency Immunopathology Infection Digestive diseases Hepatic disease Psychometrics Public health Treatment Viral disease North America America
Keyword (es)
Abuso de sustancias Mejora Veterano Descubrimiento Contexto social Factor riesgo Hombre Hepatítis virica C Personal sanitario Programa terapéutico Calidad SIDA Salud mental Servicio sanidad Destete tóxico Serología Estados Unidos Inmunodeficiencia Inmunopatología Infección Aparato digestivo patología Hígado patología Psicometría Salud pública Tratamiento Virosis America del norte America
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B18 Psychopathology. Psychiatry / 002B18H Social psychiatry. Ethnopsychiatry / 002B18H05 Mental health / 002B18H05A Prevention. Health policy. Planification

770 Psychology. Psychoanalysis. Psychiatry / 770-D Psychopathology. Psychiatry / 770-D08 Social psychiatry. Ethnopsychiatry / 770-D08E Mental health / 770-D08E01 Prevention. Health policy. Planification

Psychopathology. Psychiatry. Clinical psychology
INIST identifier

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