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Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis

BEAGLEHOLE, Robert1 ; BONITA, Ruth1 ; CECCHINI, Michele10 ; COLAGIURI, Ruth19 ; COLAGIURI, Stephen; COLLINS, Tea11 ; EBRAHIM, Shah12 ; ENGELGAU, Michael13 ; GALEA, Gauden14 ; GAZIANO, Thomas15 ; GENEAU, Robert16 ; HAINES, Andy; HORTON, Richard2 ; HOSPEDALES, James4 ; JHA, Prabhat18 ; KEELING, Ann19 ; LEEDER, Stephen20 ; LINCOLN, Paul; MCKEE, Martin17 ; MACKAY, Judith22 ; MAGNUSSON, Roger20 ; MOODIE, Rob23 ; MWATSAMA, Modi21 ; ADAMS, Cary3 ; NISHTAR, Sania24 ; NORRVING, Bo25 ; PATTERSON, David; PIOT, Peter17 ; RALSTON, Johanna; RANI, Manju7 ; SRINATH REDDY, K; SASSI, Franco10 ; SHERON, Nick; STUCKLER, David; ALLEYNE, George4 ; SUH, I. I; TORODE, Julie3 ; VARGHESE, Cherian7 ; WATT, Judith; ASARIA, Perviz5 ; BAUGH, Vanessa6 ; BEKEDAM, Henk7 ; BILLO, Nils8 ; CASSWELL, Sally9
[1] University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
[2] The Lancet, London, United Kingdom
[3] NCD Alliance/Union for International Cancer Control, Geneva, Switzerland
[4] Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC, United States
[5] School of Public Health, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
[6] Commonwealth Secretariat, London, United Kingdom
[7] WHO/Western Pacific Regional Office, Manila, Philippines
[8] NCD Alliance/ International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Paris, France
[9] Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
[10] Health Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France
[11] NCD Alliance, Geneva, Switzerland
[12] South Asia Network for Chronic Disease, New Delhi, India
[13] World Bank, Washington, DC, United States
[14] WHO European Regional Office, Copenhagen, Denmark
[15] Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States
[16] University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[17] London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom
[18] Centre for Global Health Research, Toronto, ON, Canada
[19] NCD Alliance/International Diabetes Federation, Brussels, Belgium
[20] University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
[21] National Heart Forum, London, United Kingdom
[22] World Lung Foundation, Hong-Kong
[23] University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
[24] HeartFile, Islamabad, Pakistan
[25] World Stroke Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
The Lancet NCD Action Group and the NCD Alliance

Lancet (British edition). 2011, Vol 377, Num 9775, pp 1438-1447, 10 p ; ref : 84 ref

Scientific domain
General medicine general surgery
Elsevier, Kidlington
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Crise Médecine Priorité Maladie non contagieuse
Keyword (en)
Crisis Medicine Priority
Keyword (es)
Crisis Medicina Prioridad
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B01 General aspects

Generalities in medical sciences
INIST identifier

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