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Variant Philadelphia translocations: molecular-cytogenetic characterization and prognostic influence on frontline imatinib therapy, a GIMEMA Working Party on CML analysis

MARZOCCHI, Giulia1 ; CASTAGNETTI, Fausto1 ; VALORI, Laura5 ; DISCEPOLI, Giancarlo6 ; MONTALDI, Anna7 ; SANTORO, Alessandra8 ; BONALDI, Laura9 ; GIUDICI, Giovanni10 ; CIANCIULLI, Anna Maria11 ; GIACOBBI, Francesca12 ; PALANDRI, Francesca1 ; PANE, Fabrizio13 ; LUATTI, Simona1 ; SAGLIO, Giuseppe14 ; MARTINELLI, Giovanni1 ; BACCARANI, Michele1 ; ROSTI, Gianantonio1 ; TESTONI, Nicoletta1 ; BALDAZZI, Carmen1 ; STACCHINI, Monica1 ; GUGLIOTTA, Gabriele1 ; AMABILE, Marilina1 ; SPECCHIA, Giorgina2 ; SESSAREGO, Mario3 ; GIUSSANI, Ursula4
[1] Department of Hematology and Oncology L. e A. Seràgnoli, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
[2] Hematology, University of Bari, Italy
[3] Department of Internal Medicine, University of Genova, Genova, Italy
[4] Cytogenetics Unit, Bergamo, Italy
[5] Cytogenetics Unit, Treviso, Italy
[6] Centre of Medical Genetic and Prenatal Diagnosis, Ancona, Italy
[7] Department of Hematology, Vicenza, Italy
[8] Department of Clinical and Biotechnological Research, A.O.U. Cervello, Palermo, Italy
[9] Molecolar Oncology and Cytodiagnostic Unit, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
[10] Research Center Tettamanti, Monza, Italy
[11] Clinical Pathology Department Regina Elena Institute, Rome, Italy
[12] Hematology University of Modena, Modena, Italy
[13] Department of Biochemistry and Medical Biotechnology, Federico II University, Napoli, Italy
[14] Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Torino, Orbassano, Italy
Gruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto (GIMEMA) Working Party on Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Italy

Blood. 2011, Vol 117, Num 25, pp 6793-6800, 8 p ; ref : 42 ref

Scientific domain
Medical oncology; Hematology
Americain Society of Hematology, Washington, DC
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Anticancéreux Cytogénétique Génotype Hématologie Imatinib Leucémie myéloïde chronique Pronostic Séquence nucléotide Traitement Translocation chromosomique Variabilité génétique Variant Aberration chromosomique Cancer Chromosome anormal Enzyme Hémopathie maligne Inhibiteur de la tyrosine kinase Inhibiteur enzyme Protein-tyrosine kinase Syndrome myéloprolifératif Transferases
Keyword (en)
Antineoplastic agent Cytogenetics Genotype Hematology Imatinib Chronic myelogenous leukemia Prognosis Nucleotide sequence Treatment Chromosome translocation Genetic variability Variant Chromosomal aberration Cancer Abnormal chromosome Enzyme Malignant hemopathy Tyrosine kinase inhibitor Enzyme inhibitor Protein-tyrosine kinase Myeloproliferative syndrome Transferases
Keyword (es)
Anticanceroso Citogenética Genotipo Hematología Imatinib Leucemia mieloidea crónica Pronóstico Secuencia nucleótido Tratamiento Translocación cromosómica Variabilidad genética Variante Aberración cromosómica Cáncer Cromosoma anormal Enzima Hemopatía maligna Inhibidor tyrosine kinase Inhibidor enzima Protein-tyrosine kinase Mieloproliferativo síndrome Transferases
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B19 Hematologic and hematopoietic diseases / 002B19B Leukemias. Malignant lymphomas. Malignant reticulosis. Myelofibrosis

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B23 Medical genetics / 002B23B Chromosome aberrations

Blood diseases Medical genetics
INIST identifier

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