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Randomized Controlled Trial of Osmotic- Release Methylphenidate With Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy in Adolescents With Aitention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorders

RIGGS, Paula D1 ; WINHUSEN, Theresa2 ; JAFFEE, William B6 ; HAMINTON, Nancy16 ; CANDACE HODGKINS, M. P. A7 ; WHITMORE, Elizabeth1 10 ; TRELLO-RISHEL, Kathlene8 ; TAMM, Leanne8 ; ACOSTA, Michelle C9 ; ROYER-MALVESTUTO, Charlotte10 ; SUBRAMANIAM, Geetha11 12 ; FISHMAN, Marc11 13 ; DAVIES, Robert D1 ; HOLMES, Beverly W14 ; KAYE, Mary Elyse15 ; VARGO, Mark A16 ; WOODY, George E10 ; NUNES, Edward V17 ; LIU, David18 ; LEIMBERGER, Jeffrey D3 ; MIKULICH-GILBERTSON, Susan1 ; KLEIN, Constance1 ; MACDONALD, Marilyn1 ; LOHMAN, Michelle1 ; BAILEY, Genie L4 ; HAYNES, Louise5
[1] University of Colorado-Denver, United States
[2] University of Cincinnati, United States
[3] Duke Clinical Research Institute, United States
[4] Brown University, and Stanley Street Treatment and Resources, Inc., United States
[5] Medical University of South Carolina, United States
[6] Harvard University, United States
[7] Gateway Community Services, United States
[8] University of Texas, United States
[9] Center for Technology and Health and National Development and Research Institutes, Inc, United States
[10] University of Pennsylvania, United Kingdom
[11] Johns Hopkins University, United Kingdom
[12] Division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States
[13] Mountain Manor Treatment Center, United States
[14] Lexington/Richland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council, United States
[15] University of Pittsburgh, United States
[16] Operation PAR, Inc, United States
[17] Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, United States
[18] Center for Clinical Trials Network, NIDA, NIH, United States

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2011, Vol 50, Num 9, pp 903-914, 12 p ; ref : 39 ref

Scientific domain
Pediatrics; Psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry
Elsevier, Maryland Heights, MO
Publication country
United States
Document type
Author keyword
ADHD osmotic-release methylphenidate randomized controlled trial substance use disorders
Keyword (fr)
Abus de substance Adolescent Essai thérapeutique contrôlé Libération Méthylphénidate Psychotrope Stimulant SNC Thérapie cognitive Thérapie comportementale Trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité Dérivé de la pipéridine Homme Traitement
Keyword (en)
Substance abuse Adolescent Controlled therapeutic trial Release Methylphenidate Psychotropic CNS stimulant Cognitive therapy Behavior therapy Attention disorder with hyperactivity Piperidine derivatives Human Treatment
Keyword (es)
Abuso de sustancias Adolescente Ensayo terapéutico controlado Liberación Metilfenidato Psicotropo Estimulante SNC Terapia cognitiva Terapia conductual Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad Piperidina derivado Hombre Tratamiento
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B02 Pharmacology. Drug treatments / 002B02B Neuropharmacology / 002B02B02 Psychoanaleptics: cns stimulant, antidepressant agent, nootropic agent, mood stabilizer..., (alzheimer disease)

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B18 Psychopathology. Psychiatry / 002B18I Treatments / 002B18I06 Behavior therapy. Cognitive therapy

770 Psychology. Psychoanalysis. Psychiatry / 770-D Psychopathology. Psychiatry / 770-D09 Treatments / 770-D09F Behavior therapy. Cognitive therapy

770 Psychology. Psychoanalysis. Psychiatry / 770-E Psychopharmacology / 770-E02 Psychoanaleptics: cns stimulant, antidepressant agent, nootropic agent, mood stabilizer…

Pharmacological treatments Psychopathology. Psychiatry. Clinical psychology
INIST identifier

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