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2012 American College of Rheumatology Guidelines for Management of Gout. Part 1: Systematic Nonpharmacologic and Pharmacologic Therapeutic Approaches to Hyperuricemia

KHANNA, Dinesh1 ; FITZGERALD, John D2 ; KALDAS, Marian2 ; GOGIA, Maneesh2 ; PEREZ-RUIZ, Fernando8 ; TAYLOR, Will9 ; LIOTE, Frederic10 ; CHOI, Hyon4 ; SINGH, Jasvinder A11 ; DALBETH, Nicola12 ; KAPLAN, Sanford13 ; NIYYAR, Vandana14 ; KHANNA, Puja P1 ; JONES, Danielle14 ; YAROWS, Steven A15 ; ROESSLER, Blake1 ; KERR, Gail16 ; KING, Charles17 ; LEVY, Gerald18 ; FURST, Daniel E2 ; LAWRENCE EDWARDS, N19 ; MANDELL, Brian20 ; SCHUMACHER, H. Ralph21 ; BAE, Sangmee2 ; ROBBINS, Mark22 ; WENGER, Neil2 ; TERKELTAUB, Robert7 ; SINGH, Manjit K3 ; NEOGI, Tuhina4 ; PILLINGER, Michael H5 ; MERILL, Joan6 ; LEE, Susan7 ; PRAKASH, Shraddha2
[1] University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States
[2] University of California, Los Angeles, United States
[3] Rochester General Health System, Rochester, New York, United States
[4] Boston University Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
[5] VA Medical Center and New York University School of Medicine, New York, United States
[6] Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, United States
[7] VA Healthcare System and University of California, San Diego, United States
[8] Hospital Universitario Cruces, Vizcaya, Spain
[9] University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand
[10] Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cite, and Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris, France
[11] VA Medical Center and University of Alabama, Birmingham, United States
[12] University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
[13] Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Beverly Hills, California, United States
[14] Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
[15] IHA University of Michigan Health System, Chelsea, United States
[16] Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DC, United States
[17] North Mississippi Medical Center, Tupelo, United States
[18] Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Downey, United States
[19] University of Florida, Gainesville, United States
[20] Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
[21] VA Medical Center and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States
[22] Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates/Atrius Health, Somerville, Massachusetts, United States

Arthritis care & research (2010 : Print). 2012, Vol 64, Num 10, pp 1431-1446, 16 p ; ref : 73 ref

Scientific domain
Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ
Publication country
United States
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Acide urique Goutte (pathologie) Hyperuricémie Microcristal Purine Rhumatologie Traitement Arthropathie microcristalline Maladie métabolique Pathologie du système ostéoarticulaire
Keyword (en)
Uric acid Gout Hyperuricemia Microcrystal Purine Rheumatology Treatment Microcristalline arthropathy Metabolic diseases Diseases of the osteoarticular system
Keyword (es)
Urico ácido Gota (patología) Hiperuricemia Microcristal Purina Reumatología Tratamiento Artropatía por microcristales Metabolismo patología Sistema osteoarticular patología
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B15 Diseases of the osteoarticular system / 002B15D Inflammatory joint diseases

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B15 Diseases of the osteoarticular system / 002B15I Miscellaneous. Osteoarticular involvement in other diseases

002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B22 Metabolic diseases / 002B22E Other metabolic disorders / 002B22E01 Purines and pyrimidines (gout, hyperuricemia...)

Metabolic diseases Osteoarticular pathology
INIST identifier

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