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Recent advances in global electric circuit coupling between the space environment and the troposphere

RYCROFT, Michael J1 2 ; NICOLL, Keri A3 ; APLIN, Karen L4 ; GILES HARRISON, R3
[1] CAESAR Consultancy, 35 Millington Road, , Cambridge CB3 9HW, United Kingdom
[2] Centre for Space, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom
[3] Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading RG6 6BB, United Kingdom
[4] Department of Physics, University of Oxford, OX1 3RH, United Kingdom
Conference title
Recent Progress in the Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System
Conference name
IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES-II TG4 Workshop on vertical coupling in the atmosphere-ionosphere system (4 ; Prague 2011-02-14)
Author (monograph)
PANCHEVA, Dora (Editor)1 ; KOUCKA KNIZOVA, Petra (Editor)2 ; SHIOKAWA, Kazuo (Editor)3 ; WEIXING WAN (Editor)4
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), International (Organiser of meeting)
International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere (ICMA), International (Organiser of meeting)
Climate and Weather for Sun-Earth System– II (CAWSES), Task Group4 (Organiser of meeting)
[1] Chair, NIGGG, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
[2] STEL, Nagoya University, Japan
[3] IAP, AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic
[4] Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, Beijing, China

Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics. 2012, Vol 90-91, pp 198-211, 14 p ; ref : 1 p.1/2

Scientific domain
Astronomy earth cosmic environment
Elsevier, Kidlington
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Conference Paper
Author keyword
Analogue model of global circuit Cloud edge charging Cluster ion infra-red absorption Droplet charge Observations of variations of atmospheric electricity parameters Radiative transfer Thunderstorms
Keyword (fr)
Couplage Courant vertical Ecoulement vertical Effet Forbush Electricité atmosphérique Electron relativiste Eruption chromosphérique Espace temps Gouttelette Magnétosphère Maximum activité solaire Minimum activité solaire Modèle Nuage Orage Particule chargée Particule relativiste Pluie Précipitation atmosphérique Rayonnement cosmique galactique Soleil Transfert radiatif Troposphère Variabilité
Keyword (en)
coupling Vertical current Vertical flow Forbush decrease Atmospheric electricity Relativistic electron Solar flare Space time droplets magnetosphere Maximum solar activity Minimum solar activity models clouds Thunderstorm Charged particle Relativistic particle rainfall atmospheric precipitation Galactic cosmic ray Sun radiative transfer troposphere variability
Keyword (es)
Corriente vertical Flujo vertical Efecto Forbush Electricidad atmosférica Electrón relativista Erupción cromosférica Espacio tiempo Magnetosfera Máximo actividad solar Mínimo actividad solar Modelo Nube Tormenta Partícula cargada Partícula relativista Lluvia Precipitación atmosférica Radiación cósmica galáctica Sol
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E02 External geophysics / 001E02I Physics of the ionosphere

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E02 External geophysics / 001E02J Physics of the magnetosphere

External geophysics
INIST identifier

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