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Dynamic Subcarrier Allocation for 100 Gbps, 40 km OFDMA-PONs With SLA and CoS

LIM, Wansu1 ; KOURTESSIS, Pandelis1 ; MILOSAVLJEVIC, Milos1 ; SENIOR, John M1
[1] Optical Networks Research Group, School of Engineeering and Technology, University of Hertfordshire College Lane Campus, Hatfield, AL10 9AB, United Kingdom

Journal of lightwave technology. 2013, Vol 31, Num 5-8, pp 1055-1062, 8 p ; ref : 28 ref

Scientific domain
Electronics; Optics; Telecommunications
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, NY
Publication country
United States
Document type
Author keyword
Class of service (CoS) OFDMA-PON OFDMA TDMA dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) quality of service (QoS) service level agreement (SLA)
Keyword (fr)
Accès multiple répartition fréquence Accès multiple répartition temps Affectation priorité Algorithme Allocation bande passante Allocation dynamique Allocation fréquence Communication fibre optique Contrôle accès Débit information Matériau granulaire Multiplexage fréquence orthogonal Ordonnancement Protocole accès Qualité service Régulation trafic Réseau fibre optique Réseau optique passif Simulation Sous porteuse Système attente Temps retard Transmission haut débit Transmission information Télétrafic Gestion ressources
Keyword (en)
Frequency division multiple access Time division multiple access Priority assignment Algorithm Bandwidth allocation Dynamic allocation Frequency allocation Optical fiber communication Access control Information rate Granular material Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing Scheduling Access protocol Service quality Traffic control Optical fiber network Passive optical network Simulation Subcarrier Queueing system Delay time High rate transmission Information transmission Teletraffic Resource management
Keyword (es)
Acceso múltiple distribución frecuencia Acceso múltiple distribución tiempo Asignación prioridad Algoritmo Asignación dinámica Asignación frecuencia Índice información Material granular Multiplaje frecuencia ortogonal Reglamento Protocolo acceso Calidad servicio Regulación tráfico Red fibra óptica Red óptica pasiva Simulación Subportadora Sistema fila espera Tiempo retardo Transmisión alta caudal Transmisión información Teletráfico Gestión recursos
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D04 Telecommunications and information theory / 001D04A Information, signal and communications theory / 001D04A04 Signal and communications theory / 001D04A04G Multiplexing

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D04 Telecommunications and information theory / 001D04B Telecommunications / 001D04B02 Systems, networks and services of telecommunications / 001D04B02E Operation, maintenance, reliability

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D04 Telecommunications and information theory / 001D04B Telecommunications / 001D04B02 Systems, networks and services of telecommunications / 001D04B02G Transmission and modulation (techniques and equipments)

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D04 Telecommunications and information theory / 001D04B Telecommunications / 001D04B03 Teleprocessing networks. Isdn / 001D04B03A Access methods and protocols, osi model

Telecommunications and information theory
INIST identifier

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