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Short crack initiation and growth kinetics analysis in a microalloyed steel plate using rotating bending fatigue modified notched specimens

MAYEN, Jan1 ; SERNA, Sergio A1 ; CAMPILLO, Bernardo2 3 ; FLORES, Osvaldo2 3
[1] CIICAp-FCQel Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Av. Universidad 1001 Col. Chamilpa, C.P. 62209 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
[2] Facultad de Química - UNAM, Coyoacán D. F. C. P. 04510, Mexico
[3] ICF - UNAM, Avenida Universidad s/n Chamilpa, C. P. 62210, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

Materials science & engineering. A, Structural materials : properties, microstructure and processing. 2013, Vol 582, pp 22-28, 7 p ; ref : 24 ref

Scientific domain
Crystallography; Chemical industry parachemical industry; Metallurgy, welding; Condensed state physics
Elsevier, Kidlington
Publication country
United Kingdom
Document type
Author keyword
Crack growth kinetics Fatigue Microalloyed steel Short crack growth
Keyword (fr)
Acier micro allié Amorçage fissure Bande glissement Cinétique Coalescence Distribution contrainte Endommagement Eprouvette entaillée Essai flexion rotative Fatigue Fissure courte Fissure fatigue Fissure superficielle Limite fatigue Limite élasticité Longueur fissure Microscopie optique Microstructure Monitorage Mécanisme croissance Méthode élément fini Point critique Propagation fissure Taux croissance Vérification expérimentale 6220D 8110A
Keyword (en)
Microalloyed steel Crack initiation Slip band Kinetics Coalescence Stress distribution Damaging Notched test piece Rotating beam fatigue test Fatigue Short crack Fatigue crack Surface crack Fatigue limit Yield strength Crack length Optical microscopy Microstructure Monitoring Growth mechanism Finite element method Critical point Crack propagation Growth rate Experimental test
Keyword (es)
Acero microaleado Iniciación grieta Banda deslizamiento Cinética Coalescencia Campo restricción Deterioración Probeta entallada Ensayo flexión rotativa Fatiga Fisura corta Fisura fatiga Fisura superficial Límite fatiga Límite elasticidad Largo fisura Microscopía óptica Microestructura Monitoreo Mecanismo crecimiento Método elemento finito Punto crítico Propagación fisura Tasa crecimiento Verificación experimental
Keyword (de)
Mikrolegierter Stahl Risseinleitung Gleitband Kinetik Koaleszenz Mechanisches Spannungsfeld Kerbpruefkoerper Umlaufbiegedauerversuch Ermuedung Ermuedungsriss Oberflaechenriss Ermuedungsgrenze Streckgrenze Risslaenge Optische Mikroskopie Mikrogefuege Wachstumsmechanismus Finite Element Methode Rissausbreitung
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001B Physics / 001B60 Condensed matter: structure, mechanical and thermal properties / 001B60B Mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter / 001B60B20 Mechanical properties of solids / 001B60B20D Elasticity, elastic constants

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001B Physics / 001B80 Cross-disciplinary physics: materials science; rheology / 001B80A Materials science / 001B80A10 Methods of crystal growth; physics of crystal growth / 001B80A10A Theory and models of crystal growth; physics of crystal growth, crystal morphology and orientation

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D11 Metals. Metallurgy / 001D11G Mechanical properties and methods of testing. Rheology. Fracture mechanics. Tribology / 001D11G03 Fatigue

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D11 Metals. Metallurgy / 001D11G Mechanical properties and methods of testing. Rheology. Fracture mechanics. Tribology / 001D11G05 Fractures

Metals. Metallurgy Physics and materials science Physics of condensed state : structure, mechanical and thermal properties
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