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Reducing Web Latency: the Virtue of Gentle Aggression

FLACH, Tobias1 ; DUKKIPATI, Nandita2 ; TERZIS, Andreas2 ; RAGHAVAN, Barath2 ; CARDWELL, Neal2 ; YUCHUNG CHENG2 ; JAIN, Ankur2 ; SHUAI HAO1 ; KATZ-BASSETT, Ethan1 ; GOVINDAN, Ramesh1
[1] Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, United States
[2] Google Inc., United States
Conference title
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIGCOMM 2013 Hong Kong & Best Papers of the Co-Located Workshops
Conference name
ACM SIGCOMM Conference 2013 and Co-Located Workshops (Hong Kong 2013-08-12)
Author (monograph)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), New York, NY, United States (Organiser of meeting)

Computer communication review. 2013, Vol 43, Num 4, pp 159-170, 12 p ; ref : 46 ref

Scientific domain
Computer science; Telecommunications
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY
Publication country
United States
Document type
Conference Paper
Author keyword
Congestion Control Internet Measurements Packet Loss Recovery Redundancy TCP Web Latency
Keyword (fr)
Canal transmission avec perte Date limite Déploiement Echelle grande Infrastructure Internet Latence Moyenne temporelle Perte transmission Protocole TCP Protocole transmission Redondance Retard Récupération Réseau web Service proactif Service utilisateur Service web Transport Offre service
Keyword (en)
Lossy channel Deadline Unfolding Large scale Infrastructure Internet Latency Time average Transmission loss Transmission control protocol Transmission protocol Redundancy Delay Recovery World wide web Proactive service User service Web service Transport Service Proposal
Keyword (es)
Canal con perdida Fechas últimas Despliegue Escala grande Infraestructura Internet Latencia Promedio temporal Pérdida transmisión Protocolo TCP Protocolo transmisión Redundancia Retraso Recuperación Red WWW Sevicio proactivo Servicio usuario Servicio web Transporte Proveedores de servicios
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D02 Computer science; control theory; systems / 001D02B Software / 001D02B04 Computer systems and distributed systems. User interface

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001D Applied sciences / 001D04 Telecommunications and information theory / 001D04B Telecommunications / 001D04B03 Teleprocessing networks. Isdn / 001D04B03A Access methods and protocols, osi model

Computer science : theoretical automation and systems Telecommunications and information theory
INIST identifier

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