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Final Gondwana breakup: The Paleogene South American native ungulates and the demise of the South America―Antarctica land connection

REGUERO, Marcelo A1 2 5 ; GELFO, Javier N2 5 ; LOPEZ, Guillermo M2 ; BOND, Mariano2 5 ; ABELLO, Alejandra3 5 ; SANTILLANA, Sergio N1 ; MARENSSI, Sergio A4 5
[1] Instituto Antártico Argentino, Balcarce 290, C1064AAF, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[2] División Paleontología de Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, B1900FWA, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[3] LASBE, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, B1900FWA, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[4] IGEBA Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón II, Núñez, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[5] CONICET, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Issue title
Scotia Arc Evolution: Global Implications
Author (monograph)
MALDONADO, Andrés (Editor); DALZIEL, Ian W. D (Editor); LEAT, Philip T (Editor)

Global and planetary change (Print). 2014, Vol 123, pp 400-413, 14 p ; b ; ref : 1 p.3/4

Scientific domain
Global change; Glaciology; Geology; Climatology, meteorology; Oceanography
Elsevier, Amsterdam
Publication country
Document type
Author keyword
Early Paleogene South America South American and Antarctic native ungulate West Antarctica land connection
Keyword (fr)
Biostratigraphie Campanien Faune vertébré Gondwana Isolement Mer épicontinentale Paléocène Paléogène inf Phylogénie Pont continental Ungulata Amérique du Sud Antarctique Ouest Argentine Détroit Drake Ile James Ross Mer de Scotia Océan Antarctique Patagonie Péninsule Antarctique Chordata Crétacé sup Crétacé Cénozoïque Eutheria Mammalia Mésozoïque Paléogène Phanérozoïque Sénonien Tertiaire Tetrapoda Theria Vertebrata Antarctique Région Polaire
Keyword (en)
biostratigraphy Campanian vertebrates Gondwana isolation epicontinental seas Paleocene lower Paleogene phylogeny land bridges Ungulata South America West Antarctica Argentina Drake Passage James Ross Island Scotia Sea Antarctic Ocean Patagonia Antarctic Peninsula Chordata Upper Cretaceous Cretaceous Cenozoic Eutheria Mammalia Mesozoic Paleogene Phanerozoic Senonian Tertiary Tetrapoda Theria Vertebrata Antarctica polar regions
Keyword (es)
Bioestratigrafía Campaniense Fauna vertebrado Gondwana Paleoceno Filogenia Ungulata America del sur Argentina Estrecho Drake Mar de Escocia Península Antártica Chordata Cretácico sup Cretáceo Cenozoico Mammalia Paleógeno Fanerozoico Senoniense Terciario Tetrapoda Vertebrata Antártico
001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E01 Earth sciences / 001E01I Stratigraphy

001 Exact sciences and technology / 001E Earth, ocean, space / 001E01 Earth sciences / 001E01Q Paleontology / 001E01Q04 Vertebrate paleontology

Earth sciences
INIST identifier

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