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Continued breast cancer risk reduction in postmenopausal women treated with raloxifene: 4-year results from the MORE trial

CAULEY, Jane A1 ; NORTON, Larry2 ; STEPAN, Jan J11 ; POWLES, Trevor J12 ; MORROW, Monica13 ; COSTA, Alberto14 ; SILFEN, Sheryl L5 ; WALLS, Erin L5 ; SCHMITT, Henry5 ; MUCHMORE, Douglas B4 ; JORDAN, V. Craig15 ; LIPPMAN, Marc E3 ; ECKERT, Stephen4 ; KRUEGER, Kathryn A5 ; PURDIE, David W6 ; FARRERONS, Jordi7 ; KARASIK, Avraham8 ; MELLSTROM, Dan9 ; NG, Kong Wah10
[1] Department of Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh, United States
[2] Department of Breast Cancer Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States
[3] Lombardi Cancer Center and Division of Imaging Science, Department of Radiology, Georgetown University Medical Center, Houston, TX, United States
[4] Applied Logic associates, Inc., Houston, TX, United States
[5] Eli Lilly and Co., Hull, United Kingdom
[6] Centre for Metabolic Bone Disease, University of Hull and the Royal Hull Hospitals, Hull, United Kingdom
[7] Hospital Santa Cruz & San Pablo, Barcelona, Spain
[8] Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel
[9] Department of Geriatrics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden
[10] The University of Melbourne Department of Medicine, Victoria, Australia
[11] Charles University, 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Praha, Czech Republic
[12] Breast Unit, Royal Marsden NHS Trust Hospital, Milano, Italy
[13] Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Medical School, Milano, Italy
[14] European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy
[15] Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center, Northwestern University

Breast cancer research and treatment. 2001, Vol 65, Num 2, pp 125-134 ; ref : 29 ref

Scientific domain
Medical oncology; Obstetrics, gynecology, andrology; Pharmacology drugs
Springer, Dordrecht
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Document type
Keyword (fr)
Anticancéreux Antihormone Antioestrogène Chimiothérapie Composé non stéroïde Essai clinique Facteur risque Femelle Glande mammaire Homme Oestrogène Ostéoporose Postménopause Raloxifène Récepteur hormonal Tamoxifène Toxicité Traitement Tumeur maligne Glande mammaire pathologie Ostéopathie Système ostéoarticulaire pathologie
Keyword (en)
Antineoplastic agent Antihormone Antiestrogen Chemotherapy Non steroid compound Clinical trial Risk factor Female Mammary gland Human Estrogen Osteoporosis Postmenopause Raloxifene Hormonal receptor Tamoxifene Toxicity Treatment Malignant tumor Mammary gland diseases Bone disease Diseases of the osteoarticular system
Keyword (es)
Anticanceroso Antihormona Antiestrógeno Quimioterapia Compuesto no esteroide Ensayo clínico Factor riesgo Hembra Glándula mamaria Hombre Estrógeno Osteoporosis Postmenopausia Raloxifeno Receptor hormonal Tamoxifeno Toxicidad Tratamiento Tumor maligno Glándula mamaria patología Osteopatía Sistema osteoarticular patología
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002B Medical sciences / 002B02 Pharmacology. Drug treatments / 002B02R Antineoplastic agents / 002B02R02 Chemotherapy

Pharmacological treatments
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