Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases



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Production, oxidation, emission and consumption of methane by soils : A review

LE MER, Jean1 ; ROGER, Pierre1
[1] Laboratoire de microbiologie IRD, Institut fédératif de recherches en biotechnologies agro-industrielles de Marseille, universités de Provence et de la Méditerranée, ESIL, Case 925, 163, avenue de Luminy, 13288, Marseille, France

European journal of soil biology. 2001, Vol 37, Num 1, pp 25-50 ; ref : 250 ref

Scientific domain
Agronomy, agriculture, phytopathology; Ecology; Geology; Zoology
Editions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier, Paris
Publication country
Document type
Keyword (fr)
Action végétation Activité microbienne Anaérobiose Article synthèse Aérobiose Bactérie du méthane Carbone dioxyde Condition climatique Cycle carbone Effet environnement Emission gaz Engrais minéral Engrais organique Facteur édaphique Interaction atmosphérique Méthane Méthanogenèse Méthanotrophie Plante aquatique Relation source puits Sol cultivé Sol de prairie Sol forestier Submersion Technique culturale Zone humide Aérenchyme Gaz effet serre SOL DE RIZIERE Cycle biogéochimique Microflore Rizière Tissu végétal
Keyword (en)
Vegetation effect Microbial activity Anaerobiosis Review Aerobiosis Methane bacteria Carbon dioxide Climatic condition Carbon cycle Environmental effect Gas emission Inorganic fertilizer Organic fertilizer Edaphic factor Atmospheric interaction Methane Methanogenesis Methanotrophy Aquatic plant Source sink relationship Cultivated soil Grassland soil Forest soil Submersion Cultural practice Wetland Aerenchyma Greenhouse gas PADDY SOIL Biogeochemical cycle Microflora Paddy field Plant tissue
Keyword (es)
Acción vegetación Actividad microbiana Anaerobiosis Artículo síntesis Aerobiosis Bacteria del metano Carbono dióxido Condición climática Ciclo carbono Efecto medio ambiente Emisión gas Fertilizante inorgánico Fertilizante orgánico Factor edáfico Interacción atmosférica Metano Metanogénesis Metanotrofia Planta acuática Relación fuente patrón Suelo cultivado Suelo de pradera Suelo forestal Sumersión Técnica cultivo Zona húmeda Aerénquima SUELO DE ARROZALES Ciclo biogeoquímico Microflora Arrozal Tejido vegetal
002 Biological and medical sciences / 002A Fundamental and applied biological sciences. Psychology / 002A32 Agronomy. Soil science and plant productions / 002A32B Soil science / 002A32B03 Physics, chemistry, biochemistry and biology of agricultural and forest soils / 002A32B03B Chemical, physicochemical, biochemical and biological properties / 002A32B03B3 Organic matter

Agronomy. Soil sciences and vegetal productions
INIST identifier

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