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Detecting regularity in Hamiltonian systems by tracing critical parameters of potential functionsGHIKAS, D. P. K; RAPTIS, S. N.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 1996, Vol 65, Num 8, pp 2409-2416, issn 0031-9015Article

Self-adaptivity and irregular behaviour of kick-excited systemsDAMGOV, V. N.Journal of Technical Physics. 1996, Vol 37, Num 3-4, pp 311-316, issn 0324-8313Conference Paper

Intégrabilité et Périodes des Systèmes dynamiques hamiltoniens = Integrability and Periodics of hamiltonians dynamicals systemsChouhab, Khaled; Caboz, R.1995, 113 p.Thesis

Exact Bogomolny sections for separable systemsOZORIO DE ALMEIDA, A. M.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1994, Vol 27, Num 8, pp 2891-2904, issn 0305-4470Article

Versal normal from of the Hamiltonian function of the restricted problem of three bodies near L4SCHMIDT, D.Journal of computational and applied mathematics. 1994, Vol 52, Num 1-3, pp 155-176, issn 0377-0427Article

A coordinate-independent center manifold reductionLEEN, T. K.Physics letters. A. 1993, Vol 174, Num 1-2, pp 89-93, issn 0375-9601Article

Conditions for local (reversing) symmetries in dynamical systemsLAMB, J. S. W; ROBERTS, J. A. G; CAPEL, H. W et al.Physica. A. 1993, Vol 197, Num 3, pp 379-422, issn 0378-4371Article

Differential geometric Poisson bivectors in one space variableDOYLE, P. W.Journal of mathematical physics. 1993, Vol 34, Num 4, pp 1314-1338, issn 0022-2488Article

Nonperturbative (but approximate) method for solving differential equations and finding limit cyclesDELAMOTTE, B.Physical review letters. 1993, Vol 70, Num 22, pp 3361-3364, issn 0031-9007Article

Two new integrable systems in Liouville's senseZHIJUN QIAO.Physics letters. A. 1993, Vol 172, Num 4, pp 224-228, issn 0375-9601Article

Normalized momentum maps and reductionCANTRIJN, F.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1993, Vol 26, Num 20, pp 5481-5490, issn 0305-4470Article

Gel'fand-Dikii hierarchies with sources and Lax representation for restricted flowsANTONOWICZ, M.Physics letters. A. 1992, Vol 165, Num 1, pp 47-52, issn 0375-9601Article

Greene's residue criterionMACKAY, R. S.Nonlinearity (Bristol. Print). 1992, Vol 5, Num 1, pp 161-187, issn 0951-7715Article

Conditions for deriving conservation laws in nonconservative Lagrangian dynamicsMIMURA, F; NONO, T.Tensor. 1992, Vol 51, Num 2, pp 162-166, issn 0040-3504Article

Kolmogorov's condition for the square potential spherical pendulumMAORONG ZOU.Physics letters. A. 1992, Vol 166, Num 5-6, pp 321-329, issn 0375-9601Article

Perturbative forces on an artificial binary for measuring GKEYSER, P. T.Physics letters. A. 1992, Vol 167, Num 1, pp 29-31, issn 0375-9601Article

Vortex dynamics of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equationMATSUOKA, C; NOZAKI, K.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 1992, Vol 61, Num 5, pp 1429-1432, issn 0031-9015Article

Dérivée seconde de l'action fonction des coordonées = Second variation of the lagrangian action considered as a function of variable end pointBEREST, P; BOURGEOIS, E; PELE, J.-L et al.Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'univers, Sciences de la Terre. 1992, Vol 314, Num 6, pp 547-552, issn 0764-4450Article

Casimir forcesMILONNI, P. W; MEI-LI SHIH.Contemporary physics. 1992, Vol 33, Num 5, pp 313-322, issn 0010-7514Article

Theory of locking of a distributed self-oscillating system with delayed feedbackAIZATSKII, N. I; OSTROVSKII, A. O; ANDERSON, J. R. X et al.Soviet physics. Technical physics. 1992, Vol 37, Num 11, pp 1051-1054, issn 0038-5662Article

On the Hamiltonian structure of 2D ODE possessing an invariantCAIRO, L; FEIX, M. R.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1992, Vol 25, Num 23, pp L1287-L1293, issn 0305-4470Article

Real sandpiles : dilatancy, hysteresis and cooperative dynamicsMEHTA, A.Physica. A. 1992, Vol 186, Num 1-2, pp 121-153, issn 0378-4371Conference Paper

Noether symmetries and the swinging atwood machineMOREIRA, I. C; ALMEIDA, M. A.Journal de physique 2, Atomic, molecular and cluster physics, chemical physics, mechanics and hydrodynamics. 1991, Vol 1, Num 7, pp 711-715, 5 p.Article

Periodic solutions of non linear differential difference equationsLAEDERICH, S.Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 1991, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 264-279, issn 0044-2275, 16 p.Article

The ergodicity of a Hamiltonian system of two particles in an external fieldCHERNOV, N. I.Physica. D. 1991, Vol 53, Num 2-4, pp 233-239, issn 0167-2789Article

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