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Science et communicationCaraça, João.Que sais-je?. 1999, issn 0768-0066, isbn 2-13-050261-X, 127 p., isbn 2-13-050261-XBook

Computational methods and experimental measurements XV (New Forest, 2011)Carlomagno, G. M; Brebbia, C. A.WIT transactions on modelling and simulation. 2011, Vol v. 51, isbn 978-1-84564-540-3, 1 vol (715 p.), isbn 978-1-84564-540-3Conference Proceedings

Grade inflation in the UK's 1996 research assessment exercise ?DOYLE, J. R; ARTHURS, A. J.Omega (Oxford). 1998, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 461-465, issn 0305-0483Article

A strong relevant logic model of epistemic processes in scientific discoveryJINDGE CHENG.Lecture notes in computer science. 1998, pp 403-404, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-65390-2Conference Paper

Judging the quality of research in business schools : a comment from accounting. Authors' replyJONES, M. J; BRINN, T; PENDLEBURY, M et al.Omega (Oxford). 1996, Vol 24, Num 5, pp 597-613, issn 0305-0483Article

Write a better brochureBLY, Robert W.Chemical engineering progress. 2001, Vol 97, Num 10, pp 92-94, issn 0360-7275Article

Bibliometric approach of factors affecting scientific productivity in environmental sciences and ecologyMIHAI DRAGOS, Cristian; LAURA DRAGOS, Simona.Science of the total environment. 2013, Vol 449, pp 184-188, issn 0048-9697, 5 p.Article

Avoid these technical writing mistakesBLY, R. W.Chemical engineering progress. 1998, Vol 94, Num 6, pp 107-112, issn 0360-7275Article

Computational steering annotated bibliographyVETTER, J. S.SIGPLAN notices. 1997, Vol 32, Num 6, pp 40-44, issn 0362-1340Article

Visualizing technology and practical knowledge in the Encyclopédie's plates: rhetoric, drawing conventions, and enlightenment valuesKOSTELNICK, Charles.History and technology. 2012, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 443-454, issn 0734-1512, 12 p.Article

Impact factors: uses and abusesNEUBERGER, James; COUNSE, Christopher.European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology. 2002, Vol 14, Num 3, pp 209-211, issn 0954-691XArticle

Elements of calculation styleANTHONY, James.Chemical engineering progress. 2001, Vol 97, Num 11, pp 50-55, issn 0360-7275Article

Annual report 1998 - ONRI1999, 102 p.Report

Mise à jour du rapport scientifique et technique de la SEE = SEE scientific and technical report. 1996-1997 outstanding eventsJERPHAGNON, J; VILLEPELET, J.-P.REE. Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique. 1997, Num 11, pp 67-119, issn 1265-6534, 51 p.Serial Issue

Vorteile und Innovationen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau durch Technische Dokumentation. Teil 1: Neue Möglichkeiten der Benutzerinformation = Advantages and innovations in mechanical engineering. Part 1: New possibilities for user informationHARTUNG, R; LIMBACH, G; ZWIRNER, P et al.Keramische Zeitschrift. 1996, Vol 48, Num 5, pp 388-395, issn 0023-0561, 4 p.Article

The sociology of scientific knowledge and the activity of science ; or, science is a system, tooKLAASSEN, J. A.Cybernetica. 1996, Vol 39, Num 2, pp 77-98, issn 0011-4227Article

Souligné, gras, italique ou couleur ?ANDRE, J.Micro bulletin. 1996, Num 66, pp 124-137, issn 0761-2907Article

Ein halbes Jahrhundert Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden = Five decades of the Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift of the Dresden University of technologyHENDLMEIER, Ute.Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden. 2002, Vol 51, Num 1-2, pp 9-18, issn 0043-6925, 10 p.Article

Quel avenir pour l'édition scientifique ? = What future for the scientific edition?Technologies internationales (Strasbourg). 2005, Num 114, pp 3-6, issn 1165-8568, 4 p.Article

Les cinquante ans de la Théorie de l'Échantillonnage des matières discrètes = Fifty years of the sampling theory of the discrete mattersGY, Pierre.Annales des falsifications, de l'expertise chimique et toxicologique. 2001, Vol 94, Num 957, pp 335-356, issn 0242-6110, 22 p.Article

An assessment of systems and Software Engineering scholars and institutions (1993-1995)GLASS, R. L.The Journal of systems and software. 1996, Vol 35, Num 1, pp 85-89, issn 0164-1212Article

U.S. technology policy in the information ageBERGHEL, H.Communications of the ACM. 1996, Vol 39, Num 6, pp 15-18, issn 0001-0782Article

B. Dodoens, Renaissance pionier = R. Dodoens, Renaissance pioneerTHIERY, M.Het ingenieursblad. 2002, Vol 71, Num 3, pp 64-70, issn 0020-1235Article

L'impensé informatique au miroir de la presse quotidienne nationale (1972-1994) = The unthinked computing in the mirror of the national daily press (1972-1994)ROBERT, P.European colloquium on IT and SocietyColloque européen en informatique et société. 1998, pp 225-232Conference Paper

Enjeux et stratégies pour la presse écrite = The gamings and strategies for the write pressROLLAND, I.Micro bulletin. 1997, Num 67, pp 105-125, issn 0761-2907Article

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