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Key Integration Technologies for Nanoscale FRAMsJUNG, Dong J; KIM, Hyun-Ho; KIM, Kinam et al.IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control. 2007, Vol 54, Num 12, pp 2535-2540, issn 0885-3010, 6 p.Conference Paper

Collinearity and stitching performance on an ASML stepperDE MOOSDIJK, Michel Van; VAN DEN BRINK, Enno; SIMON, Klaus et al.SPIE proceedings series. 2002, pp 858-866, isbn 0-8194-4434-0, 2VolConference Paper

Thermal domain stability of advanced digital recording (ADR) thin film headsBIJKER, M. D; DRAAISMA, E. A; EISENBERG, M et al.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 2002, Vol 242-45, pp 1182-1185, issn 0304-8853, 2Conference Paper

Archival Video status?WHEELER, Jim.SMPTE journal (1976). 2001, Vol 110, Num 5, pp 305-306, issn 0036-1682Conference Paper

Read/write characteristics of focused-ion-beam-etched heads for perpendicular magnetic recording mediaTSUBOI, S; MATSUTERA, H; ISHI, T et al.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 2001, Vol 235, Num 1-3, pp 375-381, issn 0304-8853Conference Paper

Writing performances of cusp-field single-pole headISE, Kazuyuki; YAMAKAWA, Kiyoshi; OUCHI, Kazuhiro et al.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 2001, Vol 235, Num 1-3, pp 187-190, issn 0304-8853Conference Paper

Liquid crystal aberration compensation devicesSTALLINGA, Sjoerd; VREHEN, Joris; WALS, Jeroen et al.SPIE proceedings series. 2000, pp 50-59, isbn 0-8194-3720-4Conference Paper

Polarized diffractive optical element design for a multiple-beam optical pickup headSHIH, Hsi-Fu; FREEMAN, Mark O; JU, Jau-Jiu et al.SPIE proceedings series. 2000, pp 220-225, isbn 0-8194-3720-4Conference Paper

Optimization of signature file parameters for databases with varying record lengthsKOCBERBER, S; CAN, F; PATTON, J. M et al.Computer journal (Print). 1999, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 11-23, issn 0010-4620Article

Microactuators for precise head positioning in hard disk drivesIMAMURA, T; KOGANEZAWA, S; UEMATSU, Y et al.Proceedings - Electrochemical Society. 1998, pp 281-295, issn 0161-6374, isbn 1-56677-214-1Conference Paper

A statistical model for interpreting hard disk drive stiction measurementsMEYER, D; GOGLIA, P; MENON, A. K et al.Journal of tribology. 1997, Vol 119, Num 1, pp 43-48, issn 0742-4787Article

Disk scheduling for variable-rate data streamsKORST, J; PRONK, V; COUMANS, P et al.Lecture notes in computer science. 1997, pp 119-132, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-63519-XConference Paper

Analysis of mark formation mode in exchange-coupled double-layer magneto-optical diskKUBOGATA, M; HIDAKA, Y; HASEGAWA, M et al.Japanese journal of applied physics. 1996, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 1732-1737, issn 0021-4922, 1Article

Development of a magnetic head suspension system for high-speed seeking performanceUTSUNOMIYA, M; HASHIMOTO, M; KAJITANI, H et al.NEC research & development. 1996, Vol 37, Num 3, pp 369-381, issn 0547-051XArticle

Issues in the design of a storage server for video-on-demandMOURAD, A. N.Multimedia systems. 1996, Vol 4, Num 2, pp 70-86, issn 0942-4962Article

Mode switching control design with initial value compensation and its application to head positioning control on magnetic disk drives : MechatronicsYAMAGUCHI, T; SHISHIDA, K; TOHYAMA, S et al.IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982). 1996, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 65-73, issn 0278-0046Article

Revised record/playback interface systems for GA-HDTV, HD-VCR and D3 VTRLEE, M; KIM, J. G; LEE, H et al.IEEE transactions on consumer electronics. 1996, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 128-131, issn 0098-3063Article

Seek distances in two-headed disk systemsMANZUR MURSHED, M; KAYKOBAD, M.Information processing letters. 1996, Vol 57, Num 4, pp 205-209, issn 0020-0190Article

Capacitance modulation from submicron domain on ferroelectric-semiconductor mediaYAMAMOTO, R; SANADA, K; UMEMURA, S et al.Japanese journal of applied physics. 1996, Vol 35, Num 10, pp 5284-5287, issn 0021-4922, 1Article

The past and present roles of computer-aided engineering in DASD designKAN, T; LAWSON, D. B; RUIZ, O. J et al.IBM journal of research and development. 1996, Vol 40, Num 6, pp 615-621, issn 0018-8646Article

Tribology of videotapesOSAKI, H.Wear. 1996, Vol 200, Num 1-2, pp 244-251, issn 0043-1648Article

Readback signal decrease due to dynamic load head-disk contactsTA-CHANG FU; BOGY, D. B.Journal of tribology. 1996, Vol 118, Num 2, pp 370-375, issn 0742-4787Conference Paper

Electrostatic levitator for hard disk mediaJIN, J; HIGUCHI, T; KANEMOTO, M et al.IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982). 1995, Vol 42, Num 5, pp 467-473, issn 0278-0046Article

Optimization of azimuth angle and other geometrical parameters in digital tape recordingWONG-LAM, H. W; RIJCKAERT, A.IEEE transactions on magnetics. 1995, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 917-922, issn 0018-9464, 2Article

Silicon micromachined SCALED* technology : Disk file access systems for data storage devicesMIU, D. K; YU-CHONG TAI.IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982). 1995, Vol 42, Num 3, pp 234-239, issn 0278-0046Article

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