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Valley current mode pulse train control technique for switching DC-DC convertersJIN SHA; JIANPING XU; SHU ZHONG et al.Electronics letters. 2014, Vol 50, Num 4, pp 311-313, issn 0013-5194, 3 p.Article

Soft ferrite cores characterization for integrated micro-inductorsYEN MAI NGUYEN; BOURRIER, David; CHARLOT, Samuel et al.Journal of micromechanics and microengineering (Print). 2014, Vol 24, Num 10, issn 0960-1317, 104003.1-104003.10Conference Paper

Space-vector based PWM strategies with six-fold symmetry for three-phase voltage source invertersKLIMA, Jiri.Acta technica ČSAV. 2007, Vol 52, Num 1, pp 45-67, issn 0001-7043, 23 p.Article

Analysing the dynamics of regulated convertersSUNTIO, T; HANKANIEMI, M; KARPPANEN, M et al.IEE proceedings. Electric power applications. 2006, Vol 153, Num 6, pp 905-910, issn 1350-2352, 6 p.Article

Synchronisation method for three-phase PWM converters under unbalanced and distorted gridDE CAMARGO, R. F; PINHEIRO, H.IEE proceedings. Electric power applications. 2006, Vol 153, Num 5, pp 763-772, issn 1350-2352, 10 p.Article

Mitigation of common-mode voltage in matrix converterFAN YUE; WHEELER, Patrick W; CLARE, Jon C et al.IEE conference publication. 2006, pp 296-300, issn 0537-9989, isbn 0-86341-618-7, 1Vol, 5 p.Conference Paper

Hacheurs : filtres, commutations et commande = Choppers : filters, switching and controlBERNOT, Francois.Techniques de l'ingénieur. Electronique. 2002, Vol 3, Num E3965, pp 1-13, issn 0399-4120, 13 p.Article

A mct based matrix converter with minimized commutation times and enhanced waveform qualityWHEELER, P. W; CLARE, J. C; EMPRINGHAM, L et al.IEE conference publication. 2002, pp 206-210, issn 0537-9989, isbn 0-85296-747-0, 5 p.Conference Paper

A special bidirectional step-up and inverting step-up/down DC/DC converterHIMMELSTOSS, F. A; HOERMANN, W; WIMMER, E et al.IEE conference publication. 2001, pp 89-94, issn 0537-9989, isbn 0-85296-744-6, 6 p.Conference Paper

Analysis and evaluation of interleaving techniques in forward convertersZHANG, M. T; JOVANOVIC, M. M; LEE, F. C. Y et al.IEEE transactions on power electronics. 1998, Vol 13, Num 4, pp 690-698, issn 0885-8993Article

Highly dynamic vector control with adaptive line harmonic adjustment for high power voltage source convertersJANNING, J; BECK, H. P.Electrical engineering (Berlin). 1998, Vol 81, Num 5, pp 309-315, issn 0948-7921Article

What is the reason for using additional ring in rotor of squirrel-cage motor? Theoretical and experimental groundsKLUSZCZYNSKI, K; MIKSIEWICZ, R.Journal of Technical Physics. 1998, Vol 39, Num 3-4, pp 483-491, issn 0324-8313Conference Paper

Soft-switched square-wave half-bridge DC-DC converterSULLIVAN, C. R; SANDERS, S. R.IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems. 1997, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 456-463, issn 0018-9251, 1Article

Modeling, simulation, and analysis of variable-speed constant frequency power conversion scheme with a permanent magnet brushless dc generatorKRISHNAN, R; GEUN-HIE RIM.IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982). 1990, Vol 37, Num 4, pp 291-296, issn 0278-0046Article

The double-buck and buck-inverter D.C.-D.C. convertersBIRCA-GALATEANU, S.Revue roumaine des sciences techniques. Electrotechnique et énergétique. 1990, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 373-388, issn 0035-4066Article

Principes fondamentaux : Dualité dans les convertisseurs statiques = Fundamental principles : Duality in static convertersFOCH, Henri; ARCHES, Raphaël; BORDRY, Frédérick et al.Techniques de l'ingénieur. Génie électrique. 1989, Vol D4, Num D3154, pp 1-8, issn 0992-5449, 8 p.Article

A system for controlling the rotor of a three-degree electromechanical transducerDVOJNYKH, E. V.Èlektrotehnika (Moskva, 1963). 1989, Num 1, pp 65-68, issn 0013-5860, 4 p.Article

Dynamisches Verhalten von I/U-Konvertern für die Messung kleiner Ströme = Comportement dynamique d'un convertisseur courant tension en régime faible = Dynamic behavior of a current-voltage convertor in small operatingGÜNTHER, W; HEY, P.Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Karl-Marx-Stadt. 1988, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 138-141, issn 0372-7610Article

Le bruit magnétique des convertisseurs de fréquence électromécaniques actuelsPOPOV, V. I.Èlektričestvo. 1984, Num 9, pp 38-43, issn 0013-5380Article

Transient analysis of low-voltage ride-through in three-phase grid-connected converter with LCL filter using the nonlinear modal series methodWEI WANG; XIKUI MA.Electric power systems research. 2013, Vol 105, pp 39-50, issn 0378-7796, 12 p.Article

Analytical closed-form solution of three-phase four-switch PWM rectifierSKRAMLIK, Jiří; VALOUCH, Viktor; KLIMA, Jiří et al.Acta technica ČSAV. 2010, Vol 55, Num 3, pp 223-235, issn 0001-7043, 13 p.Article

A low-cost-ZVS-Class-E converter using PTWEIPING ZHANG; DONGYAN ZHANG; YUHUA WANG et al.Power electronics specialists conference. 2004, pp 1803-1807, isbn 0-7803-8399-0, 6Vol, 5 p.Conference Paper

3-D space vector PWM for three-leg four-wire voltage source invertersVILLALVA, M. G; RUPPERT F, E.Power electronics specialists conference. 2004, pp 3946-3951, isbn 0-7803-8399-0, 6Vol, 6 p.Conference Paper

Characterization of wire corona electrodes at various discharge gaps in electrostatic separation processesIUGA, Alexandru; SAMUILA, Adrian; BLAJAN, Marius et al.IAS annual meeting. 2004, pp 1967-1973, isbn 0-7803-8486-5, 7 p.Conference Paper

A practical formula to calculate critical value of the interphase reactor in a six-phase diode rectifier with tap-changerQIJUN PAN; WEIMING MA; DEZHI LIU et al.IEEE Industial Electronics Society. Annual conference. 2004, isbn 0-7803-8730-9, 3Vol, Vol1, 696-699Conference Paper

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