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Temperature distribution in the vortex flow target system for accelerator breederMITACHI, K; TACHIBANA, H; FURUKAWA, K et al.Bulletin of the JSME. 1986, Vol 29, Num 254, pp 2554-2561, issn 0021-3764Article

Plutonium- Rückführung in DWR aus Sicht des Gutachters = Retraitement du plutonium dans l'optique des experts en RFAFABER, C; SEMMRICH, J; WIESNER, W et al.Atw. Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik. 1986, Vol 31, Num 4, pp 179-183, issn 0365-8414Article

A new concept for product refining in the Purex processHENRICH, E; BAUDER, U; MARQUARDT, R et al.Atomkernenergie, Kerntechnik. 1986, Vol 48, Num 4, pp 241-245, issn 0171-5747Article

Entwicklung des Trenndüsenverfahrens zur Uran-Anreicherung = Mise au point d'un procédé de séparation par tuyère pour l'enrichissement de l'uranium = Development of the nozzle separation process for enrichment of uraniumBECKER, E. W.Chemieingenieurtechnik. 1986, Vol 58, Num 1, pp 1-5, issn 0009-286XArticle

Fuel reprocessing versus direct disposal of spent fuel. A comparison from the standpoint a radiological safetyPAPP, R; LOSER, H.Nuclear technology. 1986, Vol 73, Num 2, pp 228-235, issn 0029-5450Article

Astrée: dossier de réalisation. Suivi des wagons spéciaux pour le transport de combustibles nucléaires irradiés = Astrée: realization report. Follow up of special wagons for the transpormation of irradiated nuclear fuel1987, non paginéReport

Interphase transfer kinetics of uranium between phosphoric acid and DEPA-TOPO extractant using Lewis cell techniquesHURST, F. J.Hydrometallurgy (Amsterdam). 1986, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 197-208, issn 0304-386XArticle

Thermal conductance at solid interfaces: an application of the Fenech-Rohsenow modelFENECH, H.International journal of heat and mass transfer. 1986, Vol 29, Num 8, pp 1103-1108, issn 0017-9310Article

A thermal desorption study of the kinetics of uranium hydride decompositionLILLARD, R. S; TAYLOR, C. D; WERMER, J. R et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2014, Vol 444, Num 1-3, pp 49-55, issn 0022-3115, 7 p.Article

Americium-based oxides: Dense pellet fabrication from co-converted oxalatesHORLAIT, Denis; LEBRETON, Florent; GAUTHE, Aurélie et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2014, Vol 444, Num 1-3, pp 181-185, issn 0022-3115, 5 p.Article

Carbothermic synthesis of 820 μm uranium nitride kernels: Literature review, thermodynamics, analysis, and related experiments : Accident Tolerant FuelsUNDEMER, T. B; VOIT, S. L; SILVA, C. M et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2014, Vol 448, Num 1-3, pp 404-411, issn 0022-3115, 8 p.Article

Influence of gamma irradiation on uranium determination by Arsenazo III in the presence of Fe(II)/Fe(III)ZHONG ZHENG; MINGLIANG KANG; CHUNLI WANG et al.Chemosphere (Oxford). 2014, Vol 107, pp 373-378, issn 0045-6535, 6 p.Article

Simulation of the impact of 3-D porosity distribution in metallic U-10Zr fuelsDI YUN; YACOUT, Abdellatif M; STAN, Marius et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2014, Vol 448, Num 1-3, pp 129-138, issn 0022-3115, 10 p.Article

Thermodynamics of chromium in UO2 fuel: A solubility modelRIGLET-MARTIAL, Ch; MARTIN, Ph; LARGENTON, R et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2014, Vol 447, Num 1-3, pp 63-72, issn 0022-3115, 10 p.Article

Underground nuclear repositories and international civil liability: the time factor : Nuclear Energy Law and Decision Making in IndiaREYNERS, Patrick.Journal of risk research (Print). 2014, Vol 17, Num 1-2, pp 133-143, issn 1366-9877, 11 p.Article

EURATOM supply agency - Annual report 2013Annual report - Euratom Supply Agency (Print). 2014, Vol a.2013, issn 0257-9138, isbn 978-92-79-38681-7, 47 p., isbn 978-92-79-38681-7Book

A comparison of microstructural strengthening for thermal creep and radiation damage resistance of titanium aluminide alloysHANLIANG ZHU; TAO WEI; CARR, David et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 438, Num 1-3, pp 190-192, issn 0022-3115, 3 p.Article

A comparative study of the mechanical properties and the behavior of carbon and boron in stainless steel cladding tubes fabricated by PM HIP and traditional technologiesSHULGA, A. V.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 434, Num 1-3, pp 133-140, issn 0022-3115, 8 p.Article

A high burnup model developed for the DIONISIO codeSOBA, A; DENIS, A; ROMERO, L et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 433, Num 1-3, pp 160-166, issn 0022-3115, 7 p.Article

A theoretical study of thorium titanium-based alloysOBODO, K. O; CHETTY, N.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 440, Num 1-3, pp 229-235, issn 0022-3115, 7 p.Article

Ab initio study on structural stability of uranium carbideSAHOO, B. D; JOSHI, K. D; GUPTA, Satish C et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 437, Num 1-3, pp 81-86, issn 0022-3115, 6 p.Article

Americium and plutonium release behavior from irradiated mixed oxide fuel during heatingSATO, I; SUTO, M; MIWA, S et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 437, Num 1-3, pp 275-281, issn 0022-3115, 7 p.Article

Analysis of hardening limits of oxide dispersion strengthened steelRAMAR, A; SCHÄUBLIN, R.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 432, Num 1-3, pp 323-333, issn 0022-3115, 11 p.Article

Analysis of the anisotropy, stoichiometry and polytypes in pyrolytic carbon and silicon carbide coatingsLOPEZ-HONORATO, E; ZHANG, H; SHATWELL, R. A et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 432, Num 1-3, pp 334-340, issn 0022-3115, 7 p.Article

Assessing the kinetics of high temperature oxidation of Inconel 617 in a dedicated HTR impure helium facility coupling thermogravimetry and gas phase chromatographyCHAPOVALOFF, J; ROUILLARD, F; COMBRADE, P et al.Journal of nuclear materials. 2013, Vol 441, Num 1-3, pp 293-300, issn 0022-3115, 8 p.Article

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