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Kontinuierlich arbeitende Kleinstapparatur zur Druckbehandlung von Kohlemaischen = Installation en continu de petite taille pour le traitement sous pression des suspensions de charbon = Continuous small size unit for coal slurries pressure handlingSCHOLZE, S; HELLING, S; LANGE, J et al.Chemische Technik (Berlin, DDR, 1949). 1987, Vol 39, Num 6, pp 250-251, issn 0045-6519Article

Interchangeability of alcohols in appliances designed for fuel oilsNATARAJAN, G; KUO, A. H. P; ESSENHIGH, R. H et al.ASHRAE transactions. 1986, Vol 92, pp 203-219, issn 0001-2505, 1AArticle

Selectivity of hydrogen atom reactionsSCHROEDER, K; BOCKRATH, B; KELDSEN, G et al.Preprints - American Chemical Society. Division of Petroleum Chemistry. 1986, Vol 31, Num 3-4, issn 0569-3799, 752Article

La tecnologia Snamprogetti nel campo delle miscele acqua-carbone: produzione, trasporto, combustione. Esperienze recenti e progetti in corso in Italia e in URSS = La technologie Snamprogetti dans le domaine des suspensions charbon-eau: production, transport, combustion. Expériences récentes et projets en cours en Italie et en URSS = The Snamprogetti's coal water mixtures technology: production, transportation, combustion. Recent experience and current projects in Italy and URSSERCOLANI, D; GRINZI, F; ROMANI, G et al.Termotecnica (Milano). 1986, Vol 40, Num 11, pp 47-54, issn 0040-3725Article

Frictional flow properties of coal-oil slurries at low Reynolds numberBEANS, E. W; MASIULANIEC, K. C.Journal of energy resources technology. 1986, Vol 108, Num 3, pp 211-213, issn 0195-0738Article

Estrazione con fluidi in condizioni supercritiche: impianto sperimentale = Extraction avec des fluides en conditions supercritique ― Installation expérimentale = Extraction with fluids in supercritical conditions ― Experimental plantBARTOLOMEO, G; BERTUCCO, A; GUARISE, G. B et al.Rivista dei Combustibili. 1986, Vol 40, Num 7, pp 185-192, issn 0370-5463Article

Influenza dei sistemi di macinazione sulle caratteristiche reologiche di miscele acqua-carbone = Influence du système de broyage sur les caractéristiques rhéologiques des suspensions charbon eau = Influence of the grinding system on the coal water slurries rheological characteristicsBERTACCHI, S; PEDRELLI, G; TREBBI, G et al.Termotecnica (Milano). 1986, Vol 40, Num 12, pp 31-37, issn 0040-3725Article

Diesel fuels from vegetable oilsSCHWAB, A. W; BAGBY, M. O; FREEDMAN, B et al.Preprints - American Chemical Society. Division of Petroleum Chemistry. 1986, Vol 31, Num 1, issn 0569-3799, 337Conference Paper

Marketing alternative transport fuels: lessons for alcoholsWEST, J.Symposium international sur les carburants alcoolisés. 7. 1986, pp 490-496Conference Paper

Synthesis gas production and synthesis of energy alcoholHOHLEIN, B; DOTSCH, H; FEDDERS, H et al.Symposium international sur les carburants alcoolisés. 7. 1986, pp 76-81Conference Paper

The benefits of a fuel/vehicle system based on intermediate methanol blendsNICHOLS, R. J; MOULTON, S; SEFER, N et al.Symposium international sur les carburants alcoolisés. 7. 1986, pp 179-189Conference Paper

Magnetic resonance studies of high boiling products and heavy ends from coal liquefactionLETT, R. G; SPRECHER, R. F; PERRY, M et al.Preprints - American Chemical Society. Division of Petroleum Chemistry. 1985, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 274-279, issn 0569-3799Article

Acoustic study of commercial coal-water fuelsBARRETT-GULTEPE, M. A; GULTEPE, M. E; YEAGER, E. B et al.Coal science and technology. 1985, Vol 9, pp 441-449, issn 0167-9449Article

Sinteza procesne sheme za dobivanje dimetiletera iz otpadnih plinova destilacije sirovog metanola = Schéma d'un procédé de récupération du diméthyl éther à partir des effluents gazeux de la distillation du méthanol = The synthesis process flowsheet for the recovery of the dimethyl ether from methanol plant flue gasOLUJIC, Z; LUKEC, D; PAVOSEVIC, I et al.Nafta (Zagreb). 1985, Vol 36, Num 12, pp 637-641, issn 0027-755XArticle

Experience with automobile engines, operating on biogas in cogeneration setsHUSS, H.-H.Synthetic fuels. Course. 1985, pp 301-321Conference Paper

Role of hydrogen in solar energy utilisation: problems and aspects of the hydrogen issueGRETZ, J.Solar energy'85: resources, technologies, economics. Summer school. 1985, pp 115-127Conference Paper

A hydride fuel system for hydrogen powered mine vehiclesBAKER, N; LYNCH, F; MEJIA, L et al.Intersociety energy conversion engineering conference. 19. 1984, pp 1421-1428Conference Paper

Aspects of mechanisms of the syngas reactionsPONEC, V.Preprints - American Chemical Society. Division of Petroleum Chemistry. 1984, Vol 29, Num 4, issn 0569-3799, 1140Conference Paper

A theoretical model of hydrocarbon formation from CO and H2BAETZOLD, R. C.Preprints - American Chemical Society. Division of Petroleum Chemistry. 1984, Vol 29, Num 4, pp 1131-1133, issn 0569-3799Conference Paper

Investigation of the mechanism of CO hydrogenation to hydrocarbons and oxygenates using probe moleculesGOODWIN, J. G. JR; CHUANG, S. C; WENDER, I et al.Preprints - American Chemical Society. Division of Petroleum Chemistry. 1984, Vol 29, Num 4, pp 1108-1111, issn 0569-3799Conference Paper

Le développement par Creusot-Loire d'une technologie avancée d'électrolyseurs en vue de la production massive d'hydrogène = Development by Creusot-Loire of an advanced technology of electrolysors in view of massive hydrogen productionBONZON, M; LHENRY, B; PERE, G et al.Ingénieurs et scientifiques de France. Journée d'études. 1984, 6 p.Conference Paper

Les recherches entreprises par le Gaz de France dans le domaine de la production, du transport et du stockage de l'hydrogène = Researches curried out by Gaz de France in the field of production, transportationPOTTIER, J.Ingénieurs et scientifiques de France. Journée d'études. 1984, 14 p.Conference Paper

Alternative anodic reactions in water splittingSARFARAZI, P; BOCKRIS, J. O.Physical and chemical energy storage annual contractors' review meeting. 1983, pp 119-121Conference Paper

Coal oil mixtures: pipelining and combustion testsSINGH, V. P.International symposium on coal slurry combustion and technology. 5. 1983, pp 17-36Conference Paper

Direct wet-grinding and dispersion of coal for preparation of coal-water mixturesSCHALL, G.International symposium on coal slurry combustion and technology. 5. 1983, pp 558-578Conference Paper

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