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Renewable energy systems in perspectiveDANIEL, G. D.Energy world (Monthly). 1989, Num 168, pp 17-19, issn 0307-7942Article

Evaluation of the Community Cost-shared research programme on solar, wind and biomasse energy and joint Research Center's programme on non-nuclear energies (1979-1985) Research Evaluation = Evaluation des recherches communes menées par la Communauté Européenne dans les domaines de l'énergie solaire, l'énergie éolienne, la biomasse et les énergies non nucléaires (1979-1985)BOFFA, C; CHADJIVASSILIADIS, J; CHEMILLIER, P et al.1986, 143 p.Report

Research and development of alternative technologies in Puerto RicoBONNET, J. A. JR; PYTLINSKI, G.Sunworld. 1985, Vol 9, Num 3, pp 69-73, issn 0149-1938Article

Megawatts from the sunYERKES, J. W; TOLBERT, R. E.IEE conference publication. 1984, Num 233, issn 0537-9989, 9Article

Météorologie et énergies renouvelables: Valbonne, Mars 1984 = Meteorology and renewable energies. Valbonne, Mars 1984Météorologie et énergies renouvelables. 1984, 869 p.Conference Proceedings

Contribution to the simultaneous production of fresh water and saltTSITSIS, D. A.EC conference on solar heating. 1. 1984, pp 764-768Conference Paper

Electric-semiconductor induced junction solar cellFILION, A; NOIRHOMME, B; GELFANDBEIN, V et al.Photovoltaic specialists conference. 17. 1984, pp 965-970Conference Paper

Advantages of a mseometeorological network for new energies resources evaluationVAN GRUNDERBEECK, P.Météorologie et énergies renouvelables. Colloque. sd, pp 177-190Conference Paper

Autonomous electrical power supply systems―wind/photovoltaic/diesel/batteryCRAMER, G.Solar & wind technology. 1990, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 43-48, issn 0741-983XArticle

Las energías solar, eólica y microhidráulica: realizaciones y perspectivas en América Latina = Energie solaire, éolienne et microhydraulique: réalisations et perspectives = Solar energy, wind energy and microhydraulic energy: realizations and prospectsMONTES, N.Revue de l'énergie. 1988, Vol 39, Num 406, pp 682-691, issn 0303-240XArticle

Etat du développement des sources non-traditionnelles d'énergie en dehors de l'URSSNADEZHDIN, E. V.Teploenergetika (Moskva, 1954). 1987, Num 9, pp 68-71, issn 0040-3636Article

Simulation of a combined wind and solar power plantSAMARAKOU, M. T; HENNET, J. C.International journal of energy research. 1986, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 1-10, issn 0363-907XArticle

Small-scale power productionFLAVIN, C.Chemtech. 1986, Vol 16, Num 10, pp 606-611, issn 0009-2703Article

Effectiveness of explosion venting as a protective measure for silesBARTKNECHT, W.Plant/operations progress. 1985, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 4-13, issn 0278-4513Article

Renewable heat and electricity concept for industrial applications in the UKTHABIT, S. S; STARK, J.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A. Power and process engineering. 1985, Vol 199, Num 3, pp 193-202, issn 0263-7138Article

Les énergies nouvelles, leur potentiel et leurs indices économiquesBELYAEV, L. S; SLAVIN, G. B.Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Ènergetika i transport. 1984, Num 5, pp 3-11, issn 0002-3310Article

Analytical modeling of heavily doped emitters for solar cellsDEL ALAMO, J; SWANSON, R. M.Photovoltaic specialists conference. 17. 1984, pp 1303-1308Conference Paper

Renewable energy projects at the University of New South WalesSERGEANT, G. D.Sunworld. 1983, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 6-8, issn 0149-1938Article

A preliminary research proposal to establish an international program on the production, storage, transmission and utilization of hydrogen derived from renewable energy sourcesTAKAHASHI, P. K.Hydrogen energy soft systems. International symposium. Hydrogen energy system society of Japan. Anniversary. 10. Celebration event. 1983, pp 121-134Conference Paper

A self-sustaining energy system for a rural community in IndiaGUPTA, M. C.Miami international conference on alternative energy sources. 6. sd, 380Conference Paper

Die Entwicklung des globalen Energie-bedarfs im Spannungsfeld zwischen Nord and Süd = Développement des besoins globaux en énergie dans le cadre des tensions entre le Nord et le Sud = The development of global energy demand in the field of stress between North and SouthOTT, G.VGB Kraftwerkstechnik. 1990, Vol 70, Num 5, issn 0372-5715, 369-372, A17-A18, A20[6 p.]Article

The Victorian study on stand alone power supply systems (SAPS)TREGASKIS, T. B.Solar & wind technology. 1990, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 49-54, issn 0741-983XArticle

An overview of the literature on barriers to the diffusion of renervable energy sources in agricultureJARACH, M.Applied energy. 1989, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 117-131, issn 0306-2619Article

Les énergies renouvelables = Renewable energiesKHEREDDINE GUELLOUZ.Revue de l'énergie. 1988, Vol 39, Num 401, pp 277-282, issn 0303-240XConference Paper

Stromerzeugung aus Regenerativen Energiearten. Ein ersatz für Kernenergie = Production d'énergie électrique à partir d'énergies renouvelables: une énergie de remplacement du nucléaireFETT, F. N; KRUMM, W; PFEIFER, H et al.Brennstoff-Wärme-Kraft. 1987, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 71-79, issn 0006-9612Article

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