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Tolerance Optimization of a Lower Arm by using Genetic Algorithm and Process Capability IndexLEE, Kwang-Ki; RO, Yun-Cheol; HAN, Seung-Ho et al.International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing. 2014, Vol 15, Num 6, pp 1001-1007, 7 p.Article

Patent watch WeatherTESKA, Kirk.Mechanical engineering (New York, N.Y. 1919). 2012, Vol 134, Num 5, pp 42-43, issn 0025-6501, 2 p.Article

A cost estimating framework for electronic, electrical and electromechanical (EEE) components obsolescence within the use-oriented product―service systems contractsROMERO ROJO, F. J; ROY, R; SHEHAB, E et al.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B. Journal of engineering manufacture. 2012, Vol 226, Num 1, pp 154-166, issn 0954-4054, 13 p.Article

Defending Against Patent InfringementGAFF, Brian M; MURPHY, Brian P; CUOMO, Peter J et al.Computer (Long Beach, CA). 2012, Vol 45, Num 4, pp 9-12, issn 0018-9162, 4 p.Article

Impact of sustainable manufacturing practices on consumer perception and revenue growth: an emerging economy perspectiveJAYARAMAN, Vaidyanathan; SINGH, Rakesh; ANANDNARAYAN, Ajay et al.International journal of production research. 2012, Vol 50, Num 5, pp 1395-1410, issn 0020-7543, 16 p.Article

A Do-It-Yourself Approach to Securing Patent Protection, Part 1 in a Series on Protecting Your Inventions with Limited ResourcesMOUALLEM, Reuven K.IEEE instrumentation & measurement magazine. 2010, Vol 13, Num 1, pp 20-22, issn 1094-6969, 3 p.Article

EL SALARIO EMOCIONAL : CLAVE PARA REDUCIR EL ESTRES = THE EMOTIONAL WAGE : KEY TO REDUCE STRESSGAY PUJAL, Francisco.Dyna (Bilbao). 2008, Vol 83, Num 7, issn 0012-7361, N128-N131Article

Management stratégique des projets d'innovationROMON, Français.Techniques de l'ingénieur. L'Entreprise industrielle. 2008, Vol AGC1, Num AG2230, issn 1282-9072, AG2230.1-AG2230.20Article

L'innovation, une politique stratégique pour l'entreprise = The innovation, a strategical policy for the enterprisePARISE, Vital.Technologies internationales (Strasbourg). 2003, Num 98, pp 41-44, issn 1165-8568, 4 p.Article

Système de management de la qualité (SMQ) : mise en oeuvre = Quality management system: implementationLE COZ, Edmond.Techniques de l'ingénieur. L'Entreprise industrielle. 2003, Vol 1, Num AG1750, pp AG1750.1-AG1750.15, issn 1282-9072Article

Cost-effectiveness of roll-over protective structuresPANA-CRYAN, Regina; MYERS, Melvin L.American journal of industrial medicine. 2002, Vol 42, pp 68-71, issn 0271-3586, SUP2Conference Paper

Continual quality improvement: Cooperative advantageLULLA, Suresh.Chemical engineering world. 2001, Vol 36, Num 6, pp 86-87, issn 0009-2517Article

Structure et organisation de l'entreprise = Enterprise structure and organizationHERARD, Jacques.Techniques de l'ingénieur. L'Entreprise industrielle. 2001, Vol AGB1, Num AG1400, pp AG1400.1-AG1400.12, issn 1282-9072Article

Management international = International managementURBAN, Sabine.Techniques de l'ingénieur. L'Entreprise industrielle. 2000, Vol AGB1, Num AG1340, pp AG1340.1-AG1340.18, issn 1282-9072, DocAG1340Article

New formulation for Coordinate Cross orthogonality ChecksMATSUMURA, Y; TSUJIUCHI, N; KURITA, Y et al.SPIE proceedings series. 2000, pp 1013-1017, isbn 0-912053-67-4, 2VolConference Paper

MIDAS: A framework for integrated design and manufacturing processMOON JUNG CHUNG; KWON, Patrick; PENTLAND, Brian et al.SPIE proceedings series. 2000, pp 348-355, isbn 0-8194-3857-XConference Paper

Genetic algorithms for the optimal design of electromagnetic micro-motorsLI ZHENBO; ZHANG CHEN.High technology letters. 2000, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 50-53, issn 1006-6748Article

Holonic concept based methodology for part routeing on flexible manufacturing systemsLUN, M; CHEN, F. F.International journal, advanced manufacturing technology. 2000, Vol 16, Num 7, pp 483-490, issn 0268-3768Article

Improvement of vehicle directional stability in cornering based on yaw moment controlYOUN, W.-Y; SONG, J.-B.KSME international journal. 2000, Vol 14, Num 8, pp 836-844, issn 1226-4865Article

Consumérisme et produits industriels = Consumerism and industrial productsCORRE, Marie-France.Techniques de l'ingénieur. L'Entreprise industrielle. 1999, Vol 1, Num AG2100, pp AG2100.1-AG2100.10, issn 1282-9072Article

Contraintes et opportunités extérieures pour l'entreprise = External constraints and opportunities for the enterpriseQUIBEL, Jacques.Techniques de l'ingénieur. L'Entreprise industrielle. 1999, Vol AGB1, Num A4050, pp A4050.1-A4050.14, issn 1282-9072Article

Effizienz und Wachstum durch Komplexitätsmanagement = Efficiency and growth through complexity managementSUTTROP, D.VDI-Z. 1999, Vol 141, Num 7-8, pp 48-51, issn 0042-1766Article

Rechnerunterstützter Informationsfluss im werkzeugbau = Computer aided information flow in tooling industryBALIC, J.ÖIAZ. 1999, Vol 144, Num 6, pp 257-260, issn 0721-9415Article

Model validation of an aerospace structureIMAMOVIC, N; EWINS, D. J.SPIE proceedings series. 1999, pp 470-474, isbn 0-912053-64-X, 2VolConference Paper

Parameter identification in rotor bearing systemsSTEFFEN, V. JR; ASSIS, E. G.SPIE proceedings series. 1999, pp 1100-1106, isbn 0-912053-64-X, 2VolConference Paper

  • Página / 169