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Ichthyosporidium weissii n. sp. (Microsporidia) Infecting the Arrow Goby (Clevelandia ios)SANDERS, Justin; MYERS, Mark S; TOMANEK, Lars et al.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology. 2012, Vol 59, Num 3, pp 258-267, issn 1066-5234, 10 p.Article

First record of a Kabatana sp. microsporidium infecting fish in the Atlantic OceanBARBER, I; DAVIES, A. J; IRONSIDE, J. E et al.Diseases of aquatic organisms. 2009, Vol 83, Num 2, pp 145-152, issn 0177-5103, 8 p.Article

Speciosins A―K, Oxygenated Cyclohexanoids from the Basidiomycete Hexagonia speciosaJIANG, Meng-Yuan; LING ZHANG; RONG LIU et al.Journal of natural products (Print). 2009, Vol 72, Num 8, pp 1405-1409, issn 0163-3864, 5 p.Article

Reverse arrangement of rRNA subunits in the microsporidium Glugoides intestinalisREFARDT, Dominik; MOUTON, Laurence.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology. 2007, Vol 54, Num 1, pp 83-85, issn 1066-5234, 3 p.Article

Composites: the new steel?SMITH, Paul.International gas engineering and management. 2004, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 5-7, issn 1465-7058, 3 p.Article

Heterologous diploid nuclei in the violet root rot fungus, Helicobasidium mompaAIMI, Tadanori; IWASAKI, Yoshinori; KANO, Sanae et al.Mycological research (Print). 2003, Vol 107, pp 1060-1068, issn 0953-7562, 9 p., 9Article

Molecular study of Dermatocarpon miniatum (Verrucariales) and allied taxaHEIDMARSSON, Starri.Mycological research (Print). 2003, Vol 107, pp 459-468, issn 0953-7562, 10 p., 4Article

Neophaeosphaeria and Phaeosphaeriopsis, segregates of ParaphaeosphaeriaCAMARA, Marcos P. S; RAAIALEY, Annette W; CASTLEBURY, Lisa A et al.Mycological research (Print). 2003, Vol 107, pp 516-522, issn 0953-7562, 7 p., 5Article

New species of Inocybe from Dicymbe forests of GuyanaMATHENY, P. Brandon; AIME, M. Catherine; HENKEL, Terry W et al.Mycological research (Print). 2003, Vol 107, pp 495-505, issn 0953-7562, 11 p., 4Article

Phylogeography of Hyphoderma setigerum (Basidiomycota) in the Northern HemisphereNILSSON, R. Henrik; HALLENBERG, Nils; NORDEN, Björn et al.Mycological research (Print). 2003, Vol 107, pp 645-652, issn 0953-7562, 8 p., 6Article

Une nouvelle chanterelle du Costa Rica: Cantharellus atrolilacinus sp. nov = Cantharellus atrolilacinus sp. nov. from Costa RicaEYSSARTIER, Guillaume; BUYCK, Bart; HALLING, Roy E et al.Cryptogamie. Mycologie. 2003, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 21-25, issn 0181-1584, 5 p.Article

Can ascospore ultrastructure differentiate between the genera Linocarpon and Neolinocarpon and species therein?YANNA; WAI HONG HO; HYDE, Kevin D et al.Mycological research (Print). 2003, Vol 107, pp 1305-1313, issn 0953-7562, 9 p., 11Article

New and rare hyphomycetes from streams of northwest Portugal. Part IMARVANOVA, L; PASCOAL, C; CASSIO, F et al.Cryptogamie. Mycologie. 2003, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 339-358, issn 0181-1584, 20 p.Article

On the phylogeny of some polyketide synthase genes in the lichenized genus LecanoraGRUBE, Martin; BLAHA, Juliane.Mycological research (Print). 2003, Vol 107, pp 1419-1426, issn 0953-7562, 8 p., 12Article

Cystoderma freirei, une nouvelle espèce découverte en Galice (Espagne) = Cystoderma freirei, a new species from Galicia (Spain)JUSTO, Alfredo; CASTRO, M. Luisa.Cryptogamie. Mycologie. 2003, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 309-316, issn 0181-1584, 8 p.Article

Jahnulales (Dothideomycetes, ascomycota): a new order of lignicolous freshwater ascomycetesPANG, Ka-Lai; ABDEL-WAHAB, Mohamed A; SIVICHAI, Somsak et al.Mycological research (Print). 2002, Vol 106, pp 1031-1042, issn 0953-7562, 9Article

Molecular evidence for teleomorph-anamorph connections in Cordyceps based on ITS-5.8S rDNA sequencesLIU, Zuo-Yi; LIANG, Zong-Qi; LIU, Ai-Ying et al.Mycological research (Print). 2002, Vol 106, pp 1100-1108, issn 0953-7562, 9Article

Monosporascus ibericus sp. nov., an endophytic ascomycete from plants on saline soils, with observations on the position of the genus based on sequence analysis of the 18S rDNACOLLADO, Javier; GONZALEZ, Antonio; PLATAS, Gonzalo et al.Mycological research (Print). 2002, Vol 106, pp 118-127, issn 0953-7562, 1Article

Psathyrella coprinoides sp. nov. une nouvelle psathyrelle de la section Cystopsathyra = Psathyrella coprinoides sp. nov., a new Psathyrella in the section CystopsathyraDELANNOY, Alain; CHIAFFI, Maxime; COURTECUISSE, Régis et al.Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France. 2002, Vol 118, Num 1, pp 1-9, issn 0395-7527Article

Cantharellus conspicuus sp. novEYSSARTIER, Guillaume; BUYCK, Bart; VERBEKEN, Annemieke et al.Cryptogamie. Mycologie. 2002, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 95-102, issn 0181-1584Article

Hyphomycetes (Hongos Mitospóricos) del Área protegida Mil cumbres, Cuba Occidental = Hyphomycetes (mitosporic fungi) from Mil Cumbres Conservation Area, Western CubaDELGADO-RODRIGUEZ, Gregorio; MENA-PORTALES, Julio; CALDUCH, Misericordia et al.Cryptogamie. Mycologie. 2002, Vol 23, Num 4, pp 277-293, issn 0181-1584, 17 p.Article

Serendipita lyrica sp. nov., Achroomyces lotharingus sp. nov et quelques autres hétérobasidiés notables de Lorraine (France) = Serendipita lyrica sp. nov., Achroomyces lotharingus sp. nov. and some other heterobasidiomycetes from Lorraine (France)TRICHIES, Gérard.Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France. 2002, Vol 118, Num 4, pp 351-379, issn 0395-7527, 29 p.Article

À propos du genre Lopharia sensu lato (Basidiomycètes, Aphyllophorales) = The genus Lopharia Kalchbr. et MacOwan is divised in three generaBOIDIN, Jacques; GILLES, Gérard.Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France. 2002, Vol 118, Num 2, pp 91-115, issn 0395-7527, 25 p.Article

Fungi from mauritius : four new ascomycetes on native plantsDULYMAMODE, Rafic; CANNON, Paul F; SIVANESAN, A et al.Mycological research (Print). 2001, Vol 105, pp 247-254, issn 0953-7562, 2Article

Lichenopyrenis galligena (Pleomassariaceae), a new genus of gall-forming lichenicolous fungi on LeptochidiumCALATAYUD, Vicent; SANZ, Maria José; APTROOT, André et al.Mycological research (Print). 2001, Vol 105, pp 634-637, issn 0953-7562, 5Article

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