Results 1 to 25 of 2668
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Influence of arthropod sampling solutions on insect genotyping reliabilitySTOECKLE, Bernhard C; DWORSCHAK, Kai; GOSSNER, Martin M et al.Entomologia experimentalis et applicata. 2010, Vol 135, Num 2, pp 217-223, issn 0013-8703, 7 p.Article
Radar studies of the vertical distribution of insects migrating over southern Britain: the influence of temperature inversions on nocturnal layer concentrationsREYNOLDS, D. R; CHAPMAN, J. W; EDWARDS, A. S et al.Bulletin of entomological research. 2005, Vol 95, Num 3, pp 259-274, issn 0007-4853, 16 p.Article
Observations on the morphology of Toxocara pteropodis eggsPROCIV, P.Journal of helminthology. 1990, Vol 64, Num 4, pp 271-277, issn 0022-149XArticle
Notuchus howensis n.sp. (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae) from Lord Howe IslandDONALDSON, J. F.Journal of the Australian Entomological Society. 1987, Vol 26, Num 1, pp 81-83, issn 0004-9050Article
Modeling of cardiac rhythms : a signal-processing perspectiveDOERSCHUK, P. C; CHIN, T. M; WILLSKY, A. S et al.Journal of electrocardiology. 1991, Vol 23, pp 102-110, issn 0022-0736, 9 p., SUPConference Paper
Application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis for analysing the gut microflora of Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister under different feeding conditionsKNAPP, B. A; SEEBER, J; PODMIRSEG, S. M et al.Bulletin of entomological research. 2008, Vol 98, Num 3, pp 271-279, issn 0007-4853, 9 p.Article
The use of manipulated baker's yeast as an algal substitute for the laboratory culture of AnostracaCOUTTEAU, P; BRENDONCK, L; LAVENS, P et al.Hydrobiologia (The Hague). 1992, Vol 234, Num 1, pp 25-32, issn 0018-8158Article
Zur Entwicklung und zum Paarungsverhalten zentralamazonischer Meinertelliden (Machiloidea, Archaeognatha, Insecta) = Développement et comportement sexuel des Meinertellidae (Machiloidea, Archaeognatha, Insecta) d'Amazonie Centrale = Development and mating behaviour of Meinertellidae (Machiloidea, Archaeognatha, Insecta) from the Central AmazonSTURM, H; ADIS, J.Amazoniana. 1984, Vol 8, Num 4, pp 447-473, issn 0065-6755Article
Monte Carlo simulation of shot noise analysis for reconstructing elementary events : quantum bumps in photoreceptor cellsJOEKEN, S; SCHNAKENBERG, J.Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. C. A journal of biosciences. 1993, Vol 48, Num 5-6, pp 519-528, issn 0939-5075Article
The final and subfinal larval stages of Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst) and the final stage of Panulirus ornatus (Fabricius), with a review of late-stage larvae of the Panulirus homarus larval complex (Decapoda, palinuridae)MCWILLIAM, P. S; PHILLIPS, B. F.Crustaceana. 1992, Vol 62, pp 249-272, issn 0011-216X, 3Article
Quantification of spatial inhomogeneity in conduction and initiation of reentrant atrial arrhythmiasLAMMERS, W. J. E. P; SCHALIJ, M. J; KIRCHHOF, C. J. H. J et al.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 1990, Vol 28, Num 4, pp H1254-H1263, issn 0363-6135Article
Skalbaggsstudier på Stenshuvud = Coléoptères du Stenshuvud, Sud de la Suède = Coleoptera from Stenshuvud, SE SwedenPALM, T.Entomologisk tidskrift. 1986, Vol 107, Num 1-2, pp 53-58, issn 0013-886XArticle
An annotated synonymic lis of North American and Caribbean wasps of the genus Cerceris (Hymenoptera: Philanthidae)FERGUSON, G. R.Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 1983, Vol 91, Num 4, pp 466-502, issn 0028-7199Article
Mechanical restitution during alternans in guinea pig papillary musclesSPENCER, C. I; LAB, M. J; SEED, W. A et al.Cardiovascular research. 1992, Vol 26, Num 8, pp 779-782, issn 0008-6363Article
Competitive interactions between species of freswater snails. I: Laboratory: la General methodologyBARBOSA, F. S; PEREIRA DA COSTA, D. P; ARRUDA, F et al.1983, Vol 78, Num 3, pp 335-341Article
Simulation of a localized heating system for broiler brooding to improve energy performanceOMAR EL MOGHARBEL; GHALI, Kamel; GHADDAR, Nesreen et al.International journal of energy research. 2014, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 125-138, issn 0363-907X, 14 p.Article
In Vivo Electrochemical Characterization of a Tissue-Electrode Interface During Metamorphic GrowthBOZKURT, Alper; GILMOUR, Robert F; LAL, Amit et al.IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering. 2011, Vol 58, Num 8, pp 2401-2406, issn 0018-9294, 6 p.Article
Optimization of breeding output for larval stage of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae): prospects for the creation and maintenance of laboratory colony from wild isolatesTCHUINKAM, T; MPOAME, M; FONTENILLE, D et al.Bulletin of entomological research. 2011, Vol 101, Num 3, pp 259-269, issn 0007-4853, 11 p.Article
Microdissection: a tool for bee chromosome studiesFERNANDES, Anderson; SOBRINHO SCUDELER, Patricia Elda; DINIZ, Debora et al.Apidologie (Celle). 2011, Vol 42, Num 6, pp 743-748, issn 0044-8435, 6 p.Article
Comparative analysis of various fixative solutions on insect preservation for molecular studiesBISANTI, Matteo; GANASSI, Sonia; MANDRIOLI, Mauro et al.Entomologia experimentalis et applicata. 2009, Vol 130, Num 3, pp 290-296, issn 0013-8703, 7 p.Article
Design of a time-sorting pitfall trap for surface-active arthropodsBUCHHOLZ, Sascha.Entomologia experimentalis et applicata. 2009, Vol 133, Num 1, pp 100-103, issn 0013-8703, 4 p.Article
Electroantennogram Technique for Conotrachelus nenuphar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)LESKEY, Tracy C; WRIGHT, Starker E; ANGER, William et al.Environmental entomology. 2009, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 870-878, issn 0046-225X, 9 p.Article
Characterization and correlation of DC electrical penetration graph waveforms with feeding behavior of beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellusSTAFFORD, C. A; WALKER, G. P.Entomologia experimentalis et applicata. 2009, Vol 130, Num 2, pp 113-129, issn 0013-8703, 17 p.Article
Detection of Trichinella spiralis, T. britovi and T. pseudospiralis in muscle tissue with real-time PCRGUENTHER, Sebastian; NÖCKLER, Karsten; VON NICKISCH-ROSENEGK, Markus et al.Journal of microbiological methods. 2008, Vol 75, Num 2, pp 287-292, issn 0167-7012, 6 p.Article
Estimating the intrinsic rate of increase of Tetranychus urticae : which is the minimum number of immature individuals to consider?ANSALONI, Tommaso; AUCEJO, Silvia; JACAS, Josep A et al.Experimental & applied acarology. 2007, Vol 41, Num 1-2, pp 55-59, issn 0168-8162, 5 p.Article