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Axiphenylalaninium and Axityrosinium, Modified Amino Acids from the Mediterranean Marine Sponge Axinella polypoidesGABANT, Marion; MARTIN, Marie-Thérèse; MORIOU, Céline et al.Journal of natural products (Print). 2009, Vol 72, Num 10, pp 1875-1878, issn 0163-3864, 4 p.Article

Stylopeptide 2, a Proline-Rich Cyclodecapeptide from the Sponge Stylotella spBRENNAN, Mary R; COSTELLO, Catherine E; MALEKNIA, Simin D et al.Journal of natural products (Print). 2008, Vol 71, Num 3, pp 453-456, issn 0163-3864, 4 p.Article

Physiology of coordination in spongesLEYS, S. P; MEECH, R. W.Canadian journal of zoology. 2006, Vol 84, Num 2, pp 288-306, issn 0008-4301, 19 p.Article

Acetylenic strongylodiols from a Petrosia (Strongylophora) Okinawan marine spongeWATANABE, Kinzo; TSUDA, Yuichiro; HAMADA, Maki et al.Journal of natural products (Print). 2005, Vol 68, Num 7, pp 1001-1005, issn 0163-3864, 5 p.Article

Cladorhiza corona sp. nov. (Porifera: Demospongiae: Cladorhizidae) from the Aleutian Islands (Alaska)LEHNERT, Helmut; WATLING, Les; STONE, Robert et al.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2005, Vol 85, Num 6, pp 1359-1366, issn 0025-3154, 8 p.Article

Lyssacinosida du Pacifique Sud-Ouest (Porifera: Hexactinellida) = Lyssacinosida of the Southwestern Pacific (Porifera: Hexactinellida)TABACHNICK, Konstantin R; LEVI, Claude.Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (1993). 2004, Vol 191, pp 11-71, issn 1243-4442, 61 p.Article

Taxonomy of Plakortis and Plakinastrella (Demospongiae: Plakinidae) from oceanic islands off north-eastern Brazil, with description of three new speciesMORAES, Fernando C; MURICY, Guilherme.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2003, Vol 83, Num 2, pp 385-397, issn 0025-3154, 13 p.Article

Redescription and range extension of the sea anemone Exocoelactis actinostoloides (Wassilieff, 1908), with revision of genus Exocoelactis (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria)ARELLANO, Shawn M; FAUTIN, Daphne G.Zoosystema. 2001, Vol 23, Num 4, pp 645-657, issn 1280-9551Article

Origine et évolution des mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant la morphogenèse chez les Métazoaires : un nouveau modèle spongiaire, Sycon raphanus (Calcispongia, Calcaronea) = Origin and evolution of molecular mechanisms of morphogenesis control in Metazoa : a new model of sponge, Sycon raphanus (Calcispongia, Calcaronea)Manuel, Michaël; Boury Esnault, Nicole.2001, 236 p.Thesis

Porifera Hexactinellida : On Euryplegma auriculare Schulze, 1886, and formation of a new orderTABACHNICK, Konstantin R; REISWIG, Henry M.Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (1993). 2000, Vol 184, pp 39-52, issn 1243-4442Article

Ecdysteroids from the Caribbean sponge Iotrochota birotulataCOSTANTINO, V; DELL'AVERSANO, C; FATTORUSSO, E et al.Steroids. 2000, Vol 65, Num 3, pp 138-142, issn 0039-128XArticle

17β-Estradiol-dependent regulation of chaperone expression and telomerase activity in the marine sponge Geodia cydoniumWIENS, M; SEACK, J; KOZIOL, C et al.Marine biology (Berlin). 1999, Vol 133, Num 1, pp 1-10, issn 0025-3162Article

A new species of poecilosclerid sponge (Porifera) from bathyal methane seeps in the Gulf of MexicoMALDONADO, M; YOUNG, C. M.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 1998, Vol 78, Num 3, pp 795-806, issn 0025-3154Article

Sterol composition and biosynthesis in the sponge Spheciospongia vespariaARREGUIN-ESPINOSA, R; ARREGUIN, B; HERNANDEZ-SANTOYO, A et al.Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986). 1998, Vol 72, Num 3, pp 245-248, issn 0268-2575Article

Reevaluation of stalked aplysinid sponges, with description of a new species from the upper Bahamian slopeMALDONADO, M; YOUNG, C. M.Bulletin of marine science. 1998, Vol 63, Num 2, pp 417-426, issn 0007-4977Article

The ultrastructure of the mature oocyte and the nurse cells of the ceractinomorpha Petrosia ficiformisLEPORE, E; SCISCIOLI, M; GHERARDI, M et al.Cahiers de biologie marine. 1995, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 15-20, issn 0007-9723Article

Axinella estacioi n. sp. (Porifera, axinellida) from caves of the Strait of Gibraltar (Southern Iberian Peninsula)CARBALLO, J. L; GARCIA-GOMEZ, J. C.Cahiers de biologie marine. 1995, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 245-250, issn 0007-9723Article

A new 9,11-secosterol, stellettasterol from a marine sponge Stelletta spLI, H; MATSUNAGA, S; FUSETANI, N et al.Experientia. 1994, Vol 50, Num 8, pp 771-773, issn 0014-4754Article

Species differentiation in the marine sponge genus Discodermia (Demospongiae: Lithistida): the utility of ethanol estract profiles as species-specific chemotaxonomic markersKELLY-BORGES, M; ROBINSON, E. V; GUNASEKERA, S. P et al.Biochemical systematics and ecology. 1994, Vol 22, Num 4, pp 353-365, issn 0305-1978Article

Sterol composition and biosynthesis in the Black Sea sponge Dysidea fragilisELENKOV, I; MILKOVA, T; ANDREEV, S et al.Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B. Biochemistry & molecular biology. 1994, Vol 107, Num 4, pp 547-551, issn 1096-4959Article

Isolation of brominated long-chain fatty acids from the phospholipids of the tropical marine sponge Amphimedon terpenensisGARSON, M. J; ZIMMERMANN, M. P; HOBERG, M et al.Lipids. 1993, Vol 28, Num 11, pp 1011-1014, issn 0024-4201Article

Porifera Demospongiae: Spongiaires bathyaux de Nouvelle-Calédonie, récoltés par le «Jean Charcot» Campagne BIOCAL, 1985 = Porifera Demospongiae: Bathyal sponges off New Caledonia collected by the «Jean Charcot». BIOCAL cruise, 1985LEVI, C.Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (1993). 1993, Vol 158, pp 9-87, issn 1243-4442Article

Chemotaxonomy of Agelas (Porifera : Demospongiae)BRAEKMAN, J.-C; DALOZE, D; STOLLER, C et al.Biochemical systematics and ecology. 1992, Vol 20, Num 5, pp 417-431, issn 0305-1978Article

Partial characterization of hemagglutinin activity of the marine sponge Anthosigmella variansATTA, A. M; CUNHA, A. P; PEIXINHO, S et al.Brazilian journal of medical and biological research. 1992, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 53-55, issn 0100-879XArticle

Three new D-ring unsaturated sterols form the Mediterranean sponge Topsentia aurantiaca : structure determination and complete nuclear magnetic resonance assignmentCIMINIELLO, P; FATTORUSSO, E; MAGNO, S et al.Steroids. 1992, Vol 57, Num 2, pp 62-66, issn 0039-128XArticle

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