Results 1 to 25 of 167
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Individuals and Environments: Linking Ability and Skill Ratings With InterestsANTHONEY, Sarah Fetter; ARMSTRONG, Patrick Ian.Journal of counseling psychology. 2010, Vol 57, Num 1, pp 36-51, issn 0022-0167, 16 p.Article
La psychodynamique du travail : objet, considérations épistémologiques, concepts et prémisses théoriques = The psychodynamic of work: object, epistemological considerations, concepts and theoretical premisesALDERSON, Marie.Santé mentale au Québec. 2004, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 243-260, issn 0383-6320, 18 p.Article
La structure éclatée, et la quête identitaire dans le travail = Structural blown up and fragmented structure and identity quest in the professional occupationLESIEUR, G.Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail. 2003, Vol 64, Num 4, pp 272-274, issn 1250-3274, 3 p.Conference Paper
Der rationale Kern im Taylorismus = The rational core in TaylorismTODESCO, R.Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. 1994, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 123-125, issn 0932-4089Article
Le «garçon de bloc»: étude d'ethnopsychologie du travail? = Ethnopsychological study of work : the « boy of the operating room »CLOT, Y.Education permanente. 1993, Num 116, pp 97-107, issn 0339-7513, 1Article
has the problem of judgment in utility analysis been solved?JUDIESCH, M. K; SCHMIDT, F. L; HUNTER, J. E et al.Journal of applied psychology. 1993, Vol 78, Num 6, pp 903-911, issn 0021-9010Article
Taking things a bit too far : some problems with emergent institutional theoryHALL, R. H.Advances in psychology. 1992, Vol 82, pp 71-87, issn 0166-4115Article
A cognitive model in a blackboard architecture : synergism of AI and psychologyCACCIABUE, P. C; DECORTIS, F; DROZDOWICZ, B et al.Reliability engineering & systems safety. 1992, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 187-197, issn 0951-8320Article
Self-regulation in organisational psychology : Self-regulationWALTON, E. J; WOOD, R. E.Applied psychology (Print). 1992, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 154-159, issn 0269-994XArticle
Effects of verbal and mathematics task performance on task and career self-efficacy and interestHACKETT, G; BETZ, N. E; O'HALLORAN, M. S et al.Journal of counseling psychology. 1990, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 169-177, issn 0022-0167, 9 p.Article
Femmes au travail : femmes domestiques, femmes domestiquées = Women at work: domestic women, domesticated womenHOUEL, A.Perspectives psychiatriques (Paris). 1990, Vol 29, Num 22, pp 113-116, issn 0031-6032, 4 p.Article
Control theory and the perception of work environments: the effects of focus of attention on affective and behavioral reactions to workHOLLENBECK, J. R.Organizational behavior and human decision processes (Print). 1989, Vol 43, Num 3, pp 406-430, issn 0749-5978Article
An ipsative theory of business behaviourFREY, B. S; HEGGLI, B.Journal of economic psychology. 1989, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 1-20, issn 0167-4870Article
Research notes and communications strategic groups: a commentPRAVEEN NAYYAR.Strategic management journal. 1989, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 101-103, issn 0143-2095Article
Stress among farm women: a structural model approachGIESEN, C; MAAS, A; VRIENS, M et al.Behavioral medicine (Washington, DC). 1989, Vol 15, Num 2, pp 53-62Article
Human computer interaction within an industrial psychology frameworkFRESE, M.Revue internationale de psychologie appliquée. 1989, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 29-44, issn 0035-340XArticle
On humanising technologyHELLER, F.Revue internationale de psychologie appliquée. 1989, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 15-28, issn 0035-340XArticle
Relationship between job knowledge and the reliability of conceptual similarity schemataSMITHER, J. W; REILLY, R. R.Journal of applied psychology. 1989, Vol 74, Num 3, pp 530-534, issn 0021-9010Article
Validity of personnel decisions: a conceptual analysis of the inferential and evidential basesBINNING, J. F; BARRETT, G. V.Journal of applied psychology. 1989, Vol 74, Num 3, pp 478-494, issn 0021-9010Article
AN information-theoretic approach to classifying sensory inspectorsOHTA, H; ARIZONO, I.International journal of production research. 1988, Vol 26, Num 8, pp 1289-1298, issn 0020-7543Article
Jeunes entrepreneurs aventuriers des temps modernes = The nowadays young adventurous contractorsLAMOUREUX, M.-C.Apprentissage et socialisation. 1988, Vol 11, Num 2, pp 115-118, issn 0704-7517Article
Ausrichtung des theoretischen Unterrichts auf die wachsenden Anforderungen im Beruf = Préparation de l'enseignement théorique sur les exigences croissantes dans la profession = Preparation of theoretical instruction on increasing job requirementsHÜTTNER, R; HEUSER, R.Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Otto von Guericke Magdeburg. 1987, Vol 31, Num 7, pp 7-11, issn 0541-8933Article
Pädagogische Psychologie: fünf Überlegungen zum Sebstverständnis eines Faches = Psychopédagogie: cinq considérations sur l'autocompréhension d'une profession = Psychopedagogy: five considerations about the self-understanding of a professionHOFER, M.Psychologische Rundschau. 1987, Vol 38, Num 2, pp 82-95, issn 0033-3042Article
Die Gründung der Gesellschaft fur Arbeitswissenschaft und die Anfränge der Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft = La fondation du Gesellschaft fur Arbeitswissenschaft et le commencement du Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft = The founding of the Gesellschaft fur Arbeitswissenschaft and the beginning of the Zeitschrift für ArbeitswissenschaftSTIRN, H.Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft. 1983, Vol 37, Num 4, pp 193-196, issn 0340-2444Article
Économie servicielle et travail: contribution théorique au développement « d'une économie de la coopération » : ECONOMIE, SUBJECTIVITE ET TRAVAIL = Services Economy and Work: Elements of a Doctrine for An Economy of CooperationDU TERTRE, Christian.Travailler (Revigny-sur-Ornain). 2013, Num 29, pp 29-64, issn 1620-5340, 36 p.Article