Results 1 to 25 of 3130
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Questions de terminologie = On the notion of handicapCHAPIREAU, F.Informations sociales. 1995, Num 42, pp 33-39, issn 0046-9459Article
Des malentendus = MisunderstandingsLANG, J.-L.Informations sociales. 1995, Num 42, pp 47-52, issn 0046-9459Article
L'enfant qui traverse la vie comme dans un songe : étude des représentations du polyhandicap chez les soignantsSAVELLI, B; BEHAR, M; COLLIGNON, P et al.Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales. Congrès. 2. 1992, pp 309-317, isbn 2-86531-048-5Conference Paper
Continuer à vivre.. = Life goes on..SCELLES, R.Informations sociales. 1995, Num 42, pp 76-81, issn 0046-9459Article
Ad'Ap mode d'emploi : Accessibilité: la nouvelle donneOrtho magazine (Longny-au-Perche). 2014, Num 114, pp 22-24, issn 1262-4586, 3 p.Article
Du rendez-vous manqué à la session de rattrapage : Accessibilité: la nouvelle donneOrtho magazine (Longny-au-Perche). 2014, Num 114, issn 1262-4586, p. 16Article
Interaction between allocentric and egocentric reference frames in deaf and hearing populationsMING ZHANG; XINYI TAN; LU SHEN et al.Neuropsychologia. 2014, Vol 54, pp 68-76, issn 0028-3932, 9 p.Article
Investigating deaf students' knowledge of Persian syntax: Further evidence for a critical period hypothesisGHEITURY, Amer; ASHRAF, Vida; HASHEMI, Reza et al.Neurocase (Oxford, Print). 2014, Vol 20, Num 3-4, pp 346-354, issn 1355-4794, 9 p.Article
Participation in leisure activities: Differences between children with and without physical disabilitiesSCHREUER, N; SACHS, D; ROSENBLUM, S et al.Research in developmental disabilities (Print). 2014, Vol 35, Num 1, pp 223-233, issn 0891-4222, 11 p.Article
Le handicap psychique: 10 ans après le rapport Charzat = Psychic Handicap: 10 Years after the Charzat ReportBARRES, Martine.Pratiques en santé mentale. 2013, Vol 59, Num 4, pp 5-8, issn 1286-1286, 4 p.Article
Family Influences on the Cognitive Development of Profoundly Deaf Children: Exploring the Effects of Socioeconomic Status and SiblingsMACAULAY, Catrin E; FORD, Ruth M.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education. 2013, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 545-562, issn 1081-4159, 18 p.Article
Acquiring Word Class Distinctions in American Sign Language: Evidence from HandshapeBRENTARI, Diane; COPPOLA, Marie; JUNG, Ashley et al.Language learning and development. 2013, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 130-150, issn 1547-5441, 21 p.Article
Assessing Aspects of Creativity in Deaf and Hearing High School StudentsSTANZIONE, Christopher M; PEREZ, Susan M; LEDERBERG, Amy R et al.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education. 2013, Vol 18, Num 2, pp 228-241, issn 1081-4159, 14 p.Article
Executive Functions and Behavioral Problems in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students at General and Special SchoolsHINTERMAIR, Manfred.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education. 2013, Vol 18, Num 3, pp 344-359, issn 1081-4159, 16 p.Article
The initial stages of first-language acquisition begun in adolescence: when late looks earlyFERJAN RAMIREZ, Naja; LIEBERMAN, Amy M; MAYBERRY, Rachel I et al.Journal of child language (Print). 2013, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 391-414, issn 0305-0009, 24 p.Article
The mathematical abilities of children with cochlear implantsEDWARDS, Alexandra; EDWARDS, Lindsey; LANGDON, Dawn et al.Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section C, Child neuropsychology. 2013, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 127-142, issn 0929-7049, 16 p.Article
SENS ET VALEUR DU PROJET «INTÉGRATION SCOLAIRE DES ENFANTS HANDICAPÉS» CHEZ LES PROFESSIONNELS DE L'ENSEI- GNEMENT, EN TUNISIE = Tunisia: meaning and value of the School Integration of Handicapped Children project among educational personnelABDERRAHMAN, Mohamed Lamine Ben.Psychologie & éducation (Dourdan). 2012, Num 1, pp 43-56, issn 1148-9502, 14 p.Article
Effects of Social Networks on the Quality of Life in an Elder and Middle-Aged Deaf Community SampleGERICH, Joachim; FELLINGER, Johannes.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education. 2012, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 102-115, issn 1081-4159, 14 p.Article
First Information Parents Receive After UNHS Detection of Their Baby's Hearing LossMATTHIJS, Liesbeth; LOOTS, Gerrit; MOUVET, Kimberley et al.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education. 2012, Vol 17, Num 4, pp 387-401, issn 1081-4159, 15 p.Article
Goal engagement and goal attainment in adolescents with and without visual impairmentPFEIFFER, Jens P; PINQUART, Martin.Journal of adolescence. 2012, Vol 35, Num 4, pp 909-916, issn 0140-1971, 8 p.Article
Grapheme―Phoneme Acquisition of Deaf PreschoolersBEAL-ALVAREZ, Jennifer S; LEDERBERG, Amy R; EASTERBROOKS, Susan R et al.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education. 2012, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 39-60, issn 1081-4159, 22 p.Article
Large-Scale Academic Achievement Testing of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students: Past, Present, and FutureSEN QI; MITCHELL, Ross E.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education. 2012, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 1-18, issn 1081-4159, 18 p.Article
Sequential vs simultaneous encoding of spatial information: A comparison between the blind and the sightedRUOTOLO, Francesco; RUGGIERO, Gennaro; VINCIGUERRA, Michela et al.Acta psychologica. 2012, Vol 139, Num 2, pp 382-389, issn 0001-6918, 8 p.Article
Skilled Deaf Readers Have an Enhanced Perceptual Span in ReadingBELANGER, Nathalie N; SLATTERY, Timothy J; MAYBERRY, Rachel I et al.Psychological science. 2012, Vol 23, Num 7, pp 816-823, issn 0956-7976, 8 p.Article
Approches d'intervention neuromaturationnelles: analyse des fondements théoriques et scientifiques = Neuromaturationnal intervention approaches: Analysis of theoretical and scientific foundationsJASMIN, E; BEAUREGARD, F; TETREAULT, S et al.ANAE. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant. 2012, Num 116, pp 76-85, issn 0999-792X, 10 p.Article