Results 1 to 25 of 1760
Selection :
Behavioral dynamics of tax evasion ― A surveyPICKHARDT, Michael; PRINZ, Aloys.Journal of economic psychology. 2014, Vol 40, pp 1-19, issn 0167-4870, 19 p.Article
The slippery slope framework on tax compliance: An attempt to formalizationPRINZ, Aloys; MUEHLBACHER, Stephan; KIRCHLER, Erich et al.Journal of economic psychology. 2014, Vol 40, pp 20-34, issn 0167-4870, 15 p.Article
Can strategic uncertainty help deter tax evasion? An experiment on auditing rulesFANGFANG TAN; YIM, Andrew.Journal of economic psychology. 2014, Vol 40, pp 161-174, issn 0167-4870, 14 p.Article
The effects of income source, context, and income level on tax compliance decisions in a dynamic experimentDURHAM, Yvonne; MANLY, Tracy S; RITSEMA, Christina et al.Journal of economic psychology. 2014, Vol 40, pp 220-233, issn 0167-4870, 14 p.Article
An investigation of the endowment effect in the context of a college housing lotteryNASH, Jane Gradwohl; ROSENTHAL, Robert A.Journal of economic psychology. 2014, Vol 42, pp 74-82, issn 0167-4870, 9 p.Article
Exploring 'Generation Y' interaction qualities at home and at work : WorkloadWEI LIU; PASMAN, Gert; TAAL-FOKKER, Jenneke et al.Cognition, technology & work (Print). 2014, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 405-415, issn 1435-5558, 11 p.Article
The Probability of Guilt in Criminal Cases: Are People Aware of Being 'Beyond Reasonable Doubt'?MAGNUSSEN, Svein; EILERTSEN, Dag Erik; TEIGEN, Karl Halvor et al.Applied cognitive psychology. 2014, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 196-203, issn 0888-4080, 8 p.Article
Specialty Guidelines for Forensic PsychologyThe American psychologist. 2013, Vol 68, Num 1, pp 7-19, issn 0003-066X, 13 p.Article
From willpower breakdown to the breakdown of the willpower model ― The symmetry of self-control and impulsive behaviorDEWITTE, Siegfried.Journal of economic psychology. 2013, Vol 38, pp 16-25, issn 0167-4870, 10 p.Article
Explorations of perceived qualities of on-body interactive productsKURU, Armağan; ERBUG, Çiğdem.Ergonomics. 2013, Vol 56, Num 6, pp 906-921, issn 0014-0139, 16 p.Article
Households' heating investments: The effect of motives and attitudes on choice of equipment : Section on Bioenergy marketsSHULING CHEN LILLEMO; ALFNES, Frode; HALVORSEN, Bente et al.Biomass & bioenergy. 2013, Vol 57, pp 4-12, issn 0961-9534, 9 p.Article
The effects of sign design features on bicycle pictorial symbols for bicycling facility signsKYUNGHUI OH; ROGOFF, Aaron; SMITH-JACKSON, Tonya et al.Applied Ergonomics. 2013, Vol 44, Num 6, pp 990-995, issn 0003-6870, 6 p.Article
Work ethic in formerly socialist economiesLINZ, Susan J; CHU, Yu-Wei Luke.Journal of economic psychology. 2013, Vol 39, pp 185-203, issn 0167-4870, 19 p.Article
Asymmetric obligationsRIEDEL, Nadine; SCHILDBERG-HÖRISCH, Hannah.Journal of economic psychology. 2013, Vol 35, pp 67-80, issn 0167-4870, 14 p.Article
Do experimental auction estimates pass the scope test?LOUREIRO, Maria L; GRACIA, Azucena; NAYGA, Rodolfo M et al.Journal of economic psychology. 2013, Vol 37, pp 7-17, issn 0167-4870, 11 p.Article
Effects of a Visual Technology on Mock Juror Decision MakingPARK, Jaihyun; FEIGENSON, Neal.Applied cognitive psychology. 2013, Vol 27, Num 2, pp 235-246, issn 0888-4080, 12 p.Article
Gang-related crime: the social, psychological and behavioral correlatesALLEYNE, Emma; WOOD, Jane L.Psychology, crime & law. 2013, Vol 19, Num 7-8, pp 611-627, issn 1068-316X, 17 p.Article
Investigating the relationship between justice-vengeance motivations and punitive sentencing recommendationsMURRAY, Jennifer; THOMSON, Mary E; COOKE, David J et al.Legal and criminological psychology. 2013, Vol 18, Num 1, pp 1-15, issn 1355-3259, 15 p.Article
Learner-Controlled Practice Difficulty in the Training of a Complex Task: Cognitive and Motivational MechanismsHUGHES, Michael G; ANTHONY DAY, Eric; XIAOQIAN WANG et al.Journal of applied psychology. 2013, Vol 98, Num 1, pp 80-98, issn 0021-9010, 19 p.Article
Social learning increases the acceptance and the efficiency of punishment institutions in social dilemmasGURERK, Özgür.Journal of economic psychology. 2013, Vol 34, pp 229-239, issn 0167-4870, 11 p.Article
Spearcons (Speech-Based Earcons) Improve Navigation Performance in Advanced Auditory MenusWALKER, Bruce N; LINDSAY, Jeffrey; NANCE, Amanda et al.Human factors. 2013, Vol 55, Num 1, pp 157-182, issn 0018-7208, 26 p.Article
The Effects of Subjective Time Pressure and Individual Differences on Hypotheses Generation and Action Prioritization in Police InvestigationsALISON, Laurence; DORAN, Bernadette; LONG, Matthew L et al.Journal of experimental psychology. Applied. 2013, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 83-93, issn 1076-898X, 11 p.Article
The effectiveness of calibrated versus default distance decay functions for geographic profiling: a preliminary examination of crime typeEMENO, Karla; BENNELL, Craig.Psychology, crime & law. 2013, Vol 19, Num 3-4, pp 215-232, issn 1068-316X, 18 p.Article
Trust and power as determinants of tax compliance: Testing the assumptions of the slippery slope framework in Austria, Hungary, Romania and RussiaKOGLER, Christoph; BATRANCEA, Larissa; NICHITA, Anca et al.Journal of economic psychology. 2013, Vol 34, pp 169-180, issn 0167-4870, 12 p.Article
Volatility expectations and the reaction to analyst recommendationsKLIGER, Doron; KUDRYAVTSEV, Andrey.Journal of economic psychology. 2013, Vol 37, pp 1-6, issn 0167-4870, 6 p.Article