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Does the stress tolerance of mixed grassland communities change in a future climate? A test with heavy metal stress (zinc pollution)VAN DEN BERGE, Joke; NAUDTS, Kim; JANSSENS, Ivan A et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2011, Vol 159, Num 12, pp 3294-3301, issn 0269-7491, 8 p.Article
The efficiency of tobacco Bel-W3 and native species for ozone biomonitoring in subtropical climate, as revealed by histo-cytochemical techniquesALVES, Edenise S; MOURA, Bárbara B; PEDROSO, Andrea N. V et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2011, Vol 159, Num 12, pp 3309-3315, issn 0269-7491, 7 p.Article
O3 Sensitivity in a Potential C4 Bioenergy Crop : Sugarcane in CaliforniaGRANTZ, D. A; VU, H.-B.Crop science. 2009, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 643-650, issn 0011-183X, 8 p.Article
Uptake of heavy water and loss by tangerine in the heavy water vapor release experiment in a greenhouse as a substitute for tritiated waterICHMASA, Y; SASAJIMA, E; MAKIHARA, H et al.Fusion science and technology. 2005, Vol 48, Num 1, pp 775-778, 4 p.Conference Paper
Genetic engineering and environmental pollution: potential and uncertaintiesZABORSKY, O. R.1983, Vol 1, Num 8, pp 670-673Article
Histological changes in the leaf of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in response to 2,4-D treatmentsHERDI, F.Acta agronomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1983, Vol 32, Num 3-4, pp 288-297, issn 0001-513XArticle
Untersuchungen über das Auftreten von sauren Niederschlägen in Oesterreich = Recherches sur l'importance des pluies acides en AutricheSMIDT, S.1983, Num 150, 88 p.Serial Issue
A continuous simulation modeling approach to nonpoint pollution management1983, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 279-280Thesis
Air pollutant sensitivity of pea plants when simulating conditions around sulfur dioxide point sources1983, Vol 43, Num 12, 3797Thesis
Heavy metals in soils, sludges and plants: summary of research activitiesCOTTENIE, A; KIEKENS, L.Environmental effects of organic and inorganic contaminants in sewage sludge. Workshop. 1983, pp 244-245, isbn 90-277-1586-6Conference Paper
Occurrence, behaviour and fate of organic micropollutants during waste water and sludge treatment processesLESTER, J. N.Environmental effects of organic and inorganic contaminants in sewage sludge. Workshop. 1983, pp 3-18, isbn 90-277-1586-6Conference Paper
Presentation of the analytical and sampling methods and of results on organo-chlorines in soils improved with sewage sludges and compostDIERCXSENS, P; TARRADELLAS, J.Environmental effects of organic and inorganic contaminants in sewage sludge. Workshop. 1983, pp 59-68, isbn 90-277-1586-6Conference Paper
Toxic organic compounds in town waste materials: their origin, concentration and turnover in waste composts, soils and plantsHARMS, H; SAUERBECK, D. R.Environmental effects of organic and inorganic contaminants in sewage sludge. Workshop. 1983, pp 38-51, isbn 90-277-1586-6Conference Paper
Microbiological activity of soils polluted by heavy metalsYEVDOKIMOVA, G. A.Soviet soil science. 1982, Vol 14, Num 3, pp 31-38, issn 0038-5832Article
Physiologic responses of plants to sulfur dioxide and other environmental stresses1982, Vol 43, Num 3, 573Thesis
Atrazine contamination of water supplies from agricultural use in Nebraska1982, Vol 43, Num 3, 589Thesis
Environmental transport of heavy metals from soil amended with undigested sludge1982, Vol 43, Num 1, 81Thesis
Effects of ozone, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide alone and in mixtures on azalea1982, Vol 42, Num 11, 4260Thesis
Enzymatic adaptations to arsenic-induced oxidative stress in Zea mays and genotoxic effect of arsenic in root tips of Vicia faba and Zea maysDUQUESNOY, Isabelle; CHAMPEAU, Gabrielle Marie; EVRAY, Germaine et al.Comptes rendus. Biologies. 2010, Vol 333, Num 11-12, pp 814-824, issn 1631-0691, 11 p.Article
The open-top chamber impact on vapour pressure deficit and its consequences for stomatal ozone uptakePIIKKI, K; DE TEMMERMAN, L; HOGY, P et al.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2008, Vol 42, Num 26, pp 6513-6522, issn 1352-2310, 10 p.Article
Abnormal mitosis and growth inhibition in Allium cepa roots induced by propham and chlorprophamHIDALGO, A; GONZALEZ-REYES, J. A; NAVAS, P et al.Cytobios. 1989, Vol 57, Num 228, pp 7-14, issn 0011-4529, 8 p.Article
Fremdstoffe in landwirtschaflich genutzten Böden = Heavy metals and residues of other substances in agricultural used soilsKAMPE, W.Gesunde Pflanzen. 1984, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 1-12, issn 0367-4223Article
Der Einfluss von Fluorwassertoff auf Kernobstgehölze, insbesondere auf die Obstart Apfel. Teil III: Untersuchungen zur Fluorakkumulation in den vegetativen und generativen Organen von Kernobstgehölzen = Effet du fluorure d'hydrogène sur les fruits des Pomacées particulièrement sur les pommes. III: Etudes sur l'accumulation de fluore dans les organes végétatifs et reproducteurs des pommiers = The effect of hydrogen fluoride on pomaceous fruit especially on apple. III: Studies on fluorine accumulation in the vegetative and generative organs of pomaceous fruit treesREUTER, f; DASSLER, H. G.1983, Vol 31, Num 7, pp 341-353Article
Smog damage to cotton in the San Joaquin valleyTEMPLE, P. J; CLIFTON TAYLOR, O; BENOIT, L. A et al.1983, Vol 37, Num 9-10, pp 4-5Article
A canadian perspective on toxic organics in sewage sludgeBRIDLE, T. R; WEBBER, M. D.Environmental effects of organic and inorganic contaminants in sewage sludge. Workshop. 1983, pp 27-37, isbn 90-277-1586-6Conference Paper