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Arsenite binding-induced zinc loss from PARP-1 is equivalent to zinc deficiency in reducing PARP-1 activity, leading to inhibition of DNA repairXI SUN; XIXI ZHOU; LIBO DU et al.Toxicology and applied pharmacology. 2014, Vol 274, Num 2, pp 313-318, issn 0041-008X, 6 p.Article

Changes in the expression of epigenetic factors during copper-induced apoptosis in PC12 cellsYONGKUN SUN; CHUANG LIU; YUTONG SONG et al.Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering. 2014, Vol 49, Num 9-10, pp 1023-1028, issn 1093-4529, 6 p.Article

Combined use of HPLC-ICP-MS and microwave-assisted extraction for the determination of cobalt compounds in nutritive supplementsYANG, Fang-Yu; JIANG, Shiuh-Jen; SAHAYAM, A. C et al.Food chemistry. 2014, Vol 147, pp 215-219, issn 0308-8146, 5 p.Article

Determination of the total polyphenolic content in Cirsium palustre (L.) leaves extracts with manganese(IV) chemiluminescence detectionMALEJKO, Julita; NALEWAJKO-SIELIWONIUK, Edyta; NAZARUK, Jolanta et al.Food chemistry. 2014, Vol 152, pp 155-161, issn 0308-8146, 7 p.Article

Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles and/or zinc chloride on biochemical parameters and mineral levels in rat liver and kidneyAMARA, S; BEN SLAMA, I; MRAD, I et al.Human & experimental toxicology. 2014, Vol 33, Num 11, pp 1150-1157, issn 0960-3271, 8 p.Article

Evaluation of different methods for determination of the iron saturation level in bovine lactoferrinBOKKHIM, Huma; TRAN, Trang; BANSAL, Nidhi et al.Food chemistry. 2014, Vol 152, pp 121-127, issn 0308-8146, 7 p.Article

Exposure to mercury among Spanish preschool children: Trend from birth to age fourLLOP, Sabrina; MURCIA, Mario; BALLESTER, Ferran et al.Environmental research (New York, N.Y. : Print). 2014, Vol 132, pp 83-92, issn 0013-9351, 10 p.Article

Feasibility of non-invasive detection of engineered nanoparticles in food mimicking matrices by Optical Coherence TomographyGROMBE, Ringo; KIRSTEN, Lars; MEHNER, Mirko et al.Food chemistry. 2014, Vol 153, pp 444-449, issn 0308-8146, 6 p.Article

Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Urban Soil of Karachi, PakistanKARIM, Zahida; BILAL ASLAM QURESHI.Human and ecological risk assessment. 2014, Vol 20, Num 3-4, pp 658-667, issn 1080-7039, 10 p.Article

Heart function in magnetic resonance imaging and the mesenteric artery reactivity in rats receiving lead-contaminated drinking waterSKOCZYNSKA, A; SKORKA, T; WOJAKOWSKA, A et al.Human & experimental toxicology. 2014, Vol 33, Num 5, pp 455-465, issn 0960-3271, 11 p.Article

Mercury Exposure and Risks from Dental Amalgam in Canada: The Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007-2009RICHARDSON, G. Mark.Human and ecological risk assessment. 2014, Vol 20, Num 1-2, pp 433-447, issn 1080-7039, 15 p.Article

Mitochondrial dysfunction induced by different concentrations of gadolinium ionJIE ZHAO; ZHOU, Zhi-Qiang; JIN, Jian-Cheng et al.Chemosphere (Oxford). 2014, Vol 100, pp 194-199, issn 0045-6535, 6 p.Article

Pathways of Pb and Mn observed in a 5-year longitudinal investigation in young children and environmental measures from an urban settingGULSON, Brian; MIZON, Karen; TAYLOR, Alan et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2014, Vol 191, pp 38-49, issn 0269-7491, 12 p.Article

Reduction of hexavalent chromium by digested oat bran proteinsTSOPMO, Apollinaire; QING GAO; BAAKDAH, Morooj M et al.Food chemistry. 2014, Vol 153, pp 171-176, issn 0308-8146, 6 p.Article

Speciated arsenic concentrations, exposure, and associated health risks for rice and bulgurSOFUOGLU, Sait C; GÜZELKAYA, Hilal; AKGÜL, Özlem et al.Food and chemical toxicology. 2014, Vol 64, pp 184-191, issn 0278-6915, 8 p.Article

The effects of rhodium on the renal function of female Wistar ratsIAVICOLI, Ivo; LESO, Veruscka; FONTANA, Luca et al.Chemosphere (Oxford). 2014, Vol 104, pp 120-125, issn 0045-6535, 6 p.Article

Vasorelaxant effects of mercury on rat thoracic aorta: The nitric oxide signaling mechanismOMANWAR, S; SAIDULLAH, B; RAVI, K et al.Human & experimental toxicology. 2014, Vol 33, Num 9, pp 904-910, issn 0960-3271, 7 p.Article

ENVIRONNEMENT Exposition au plomb: pas de dose connue sans dangerLa Revue Prescrire. 2014, Vol 34, Num 372, pp 776-780, issn 0247-7750, 5 p.Article

A Time-Dependent Risk Assessment for Broken Compact Fluorescent LampsCLEAR, Robert; RUBINSTEIN, Francis.Risk analysis. 2014, Vol 34, Num 10, pp 1957-1967, issn 0272-4332, 11 p.Article

Changes in rat urinary porphyrin profiles predict the magnitude of the neurotoxic effects induced by a mixture of lead, arsenic and manganeseANDRADE, Vanda; MATEUS, M. Luísa; BATOREU, M. Camila et al.Neurotoxicology (Park Forest South). 2014, Vol 45, pp 168-177, issn 0161-813X, 10 p.Article

Correlation of in Vivo Relative Bioavailability to in Vitro Bioaccessibility for Arsenic in Household Dust from China and Its Implication for Human Exposure AssessmentLI, Hong-Bo; JIE LI; JUHASZ, Albert L et al.Environmental science & technology. 2014, Vol 48, Num 23, pp 13652-13659, issn 0013-936X, 8 p.Article

Growth in Inuit children exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls and lead during fetal development and childhoodDALLAIRE, Renée; DEWAILLY, Éric; AYOTTE, Pierre et al.Environmental research (New York, N.Y. : Print). 2014, Vol 134, pp 17-23, issn 0013-9351, 7 p.Article

PBPK and population modelling to interpret urine cadmium concentrations of the French populationBECHAUX, Camille; BODIN, Laurent; CLEMENGON, Stéphan et al.Toxicology and applied pharmacology. 2014, Vol 279, Num 3, pp 364-372, issn 0041-008X, 9 p.Article

Preconceptional Monitoring of Mercury Levels in Hair and Blood as a Tool for Minimizing Associated Reproductive RisksNEUMAN, Gal; GARERI, Joey; KOREN, Gideon et al.Therapeutic drug monitoring. 2014, Vol 36, Num 6, pp 696-698, issn 0163-4356, 3 p.Article

Vulnerability of welders to manganese exposure - A neuroimaging study : NEUROTOXICITY AND DEVELOPMENT: HUMAN, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTSLONG ZAIYANG; YUE-MING, Jiang; ZHENG WEI et al.Neurotoxicology (Park Forest South). 2014, Vol 45, pp 285-292, issn 0161-813X, 8 p.Article

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