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People care in institutions: a conceptual schema and its applicationWOZNER, Yochanan; BEKER, Jerome.Child & youth services. 1991, Vol 15, Num 1, issn 0145-935X, 250 p.Serial Issue

Die Rolle des Arztes im Betreuungsgesetz = The role of the doctor in the new german «care» legislation in GermanyWOJNAR, J.Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme). 1992, Vol 54, Num 9, pp 473-478, issn 0941-3790Conference Paper

Symposium: rules in today's residential environmentsMental retardation (Washington, DC). 1990, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 65-103, issn 0047-6765, 36 p.Serial Issue

Evaluating services for youthLINDSEY, Duncan.Children and youth services review. 1990, Vol 12, Num 3, issn 0190-7409, 72 p.Serial Issue

Symposium: Psychotherapy and psychodiagnosis: what is an appropriate standard of care?, Atlanta GA, August 12-16, 1988SHAPIRO, David L.Psychotherapy in private practice. 1990, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 13-53, issn 0731-7158, 37 p.Conference Proceedings

The role of schools in promoting inclusive communities in contexts of diversityANDREOULI, Eleni; HOWARTH, Caroline; SONN, Christopher et al.Journal of health psychology. 2014, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 16-21, issn 1359-1053, 6 p.Article

Community mobilisation in the 21st century: Updating our theory of social change?CAMPBELL, Catherine.Journal of health psychology. 2014, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 46-59, issn 1359-1053, 14 p.Article

Patient neglect in 21st century health-care institutions: A community health psychology perspectiveREADER, Tom W; GILLESPIE, Alex; MANNELL, Jenevieve et al.Journal of health psychology. 2014, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 137-148, issn 1359-1053, 12 p.Article

Des associations de pensionnaires aux associations d'usagers, présentation d'Advocacy France = From boarders associations to users associations, introduction to Advocacy FranceDEUTSCH, Claude.Pratiques en santé mentale. 2014, Vol 60, Num 1, pp 65-69, issn 1286-1286, 5 p.Conference Paper

Using Data to Improve Fidelity When Implementing Evidence-Based ProgramsKERSHNER, Sarah; FLYNN, Shannon; PRINCE, Mary et al.Journal of adolescent health. 2014, Vol 54, Num 3, issn 1054-139X, S29-S36, SUPArticle

Tailoring a video-feedback intervention for sensitive discipline to parents with intellectual disabilities: a process evaluationHODES, Marja W; MARIEKE MEPPELDER, H; SCHUENGEL, Carlo et al.Attachment & human development (Print). 2014, Vol 16, Num 4, pp 387-401, issn 1461-6734, 15 p.Article

Defining student diversity: categorizing and processes of marginalization in Swedish schoolsHJÖRNE, Eva; SÄLJÖ, Roger.Emotional and behavioural difficulties. 2014, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 251-265, issn 1363-2752, 15 p.Article

Les centres ressources pour les intervenants auprès des auteurs de violences sexuelles (CRIAVS) = The resource centres for people working with perpetrators of sexual violenceLACAMBRE, M.La Lettre du psychiatre (Puteaux). 2014, Vol 10, Num 4-5, pp 136-138, issn 1774-0789, 3 p.Article

La contrainte physique pour répondre à la crise: règles, usages et réflexions = Physical coercion in order to respond to crisisDUMONT, Anne; TERRA, Jean-Louis.Pratiques en santé mentale. 2014, Vol 60, Num 4, pp 11-16, issn 1286-1286, 6 p.Conference Paper

Helping Troubled Children: Divergent DiscoursesHARPER, Gordon; SARGENT, John; FERNANDO, Peshali et al.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2014, Vol 53, Num 5, pp 491-493, issn 0890-8567, 3 p.Article

Sticks or carrots? Conditional cash transfers and their effect on child abuse and neglectROELEN, Keetie.Child abuse & neglect. 2014, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 372-382, issn 0145-2134, 11 p.Article

Les Clis et les Ulis : Élèves handicapés: l'inclusion fait écoleMAISONNEUVE, Catherine.Ortho magazine (Longny-au-Perche). 2014, Num 112, pp 21-22, issn 1262-4586, 2 p.Article

Les MDPH au bord de l'embolie : Élèves handicapés: l'inclusion fait écoleMAISONNEUVE, Catherine.Ortho magazine (Longny-au-Perche). 2014, Num 112, pp 16-18, issn 1262-4586, 3 p.Article

JHSB Policy BriefUENO, Koji; VAGHELA, Preeti; RITTER, Lacey J et al.Journal of health and social behavior. 2014, Vol 55, Num 4, issn 0022-1465, p. 460Article

A review of quality assurance methods to assist professional record keeping: Implications for providers of interpersonal violence treatmentBRADSHAW, Kelsey M; DONOHUE, Brad; WILKS, Chelsey et al.Aggression & violent behavior. 2014, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 242-250, issn 1359-1789, 9 p.Article

Acceptability and challenges of rapid ART initiation among pregnant women in a pilot programme, Cape Town, South AfricaBLACK, Samantha; ZULLIGER, Rose; MARCUS, Rebecca et al.AIDS Care (Print). 2014, Vol 26, Num 5-6, pp 736-741, issn 0954-0121, 6 p.Article

An ecological analysis of infant neglect by adolescent mothersBARTLETT, Jessica Dym; RASKIN, Maryna; KOTAKE, Chie et al.Child abuse & neglect. 2014, Vol 38, Num 4, pp 723-734, issn 0145-2134, 12 p.Article

Appreciative Inquiry: A Research Tool for Mental Health ServicesHENNESSY, Julia L; HUGHES, Frances.Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services. 2014, Vol 52, Num 6, pp 34-40, issn 0279-3695, 7 p.Article

Barriers to Cross-Systems Collaboration in Child Welfare, Education, and the Courts: Supporting Educational Well-being of Youth in Care Through Systems ChangeGARSTKA, Teri A; LIEBERMAN, Alice; BIGGS, Jacklyn et al.Journal of public child welfare. 2014, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 190-211, issn 1554-8732, 22 p.Article

Computer-based prevention of intimate partner violence in marriageBRAITHWAITE, Scott R; FINCHAM, Frank D.Behaviour research and therapy. 2014, Vol 54, pp 12-21, issn 0005-7967, 10 p.Article

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