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Substrate-Mediated Delivery of MicroRNA-145 Through a Polysorbitol-Based Osmotically Active Transporter Suppresses Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation: Implications for Restenosis TreatmentMUTHIAH, Muthunarayanan; MOHAMMAD ARIFUL ISLAM; CHONG SU CHO et al.Journal of biomedical nanotechnology (Print). 2014, Vol 10, Num 4, pp 571-579, issn 1550-7033, 9 p.Article
Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES®): a technical reviewAUYANG, Edward D; SANTOS, Byron F; ENTER, Daniel H et al.Surgical endoscopy. 2011, Vol 25, Num 10, pp 3135-3148, issn 0930-2794, 14 p.Article
Real-time surface reconstruction from stereo endoscopic images for intraoperative registrationROEHL, S; BODENSTEDT, S; SUWELACK, S et al.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2011, Vol 7964, issn 0277-786X, isbn 978-0-8194-8506-9, 796414.1-796414.13, 2Conference Paper
Time-of-Flight Camera Technique for Augmented Reality in Computer-Assisted InterventionsMERSMANN, Sven; MÜLLER, Michael; SEITEL, Alexander et al.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2011, Vol 7964, issn 0277-786X, isbn 978-0-8194-8506-9, 79642C.1-79642C.9, 2Conference Paper
Ultrasound Calibration Framework for the Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK)YANIV, Ziv; FOROUGHI, Pezhman; KANG, Hyun-Jae et al.Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. 2011, Vol 7964, issn 0277-786X, isbn 978-0-8194-8506-9, 79641N.1-79641N.11, 2Conference Paper
Optimizing the tissue anchoring performance of barbed sutures in skin and tendon tissuesINGLE, N. P; KING, M. W.Journal of biomechanics. 2010, Vol 43, Num 2, pp 302-309, issn 0021-9290, 8 p.Article
Implication du stress du réticulum endoplasmique en transplantation d'organe solide = Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress in solid organ transplantationPALLET, Nicolas; BOUVIER, Nicolas; BEAUNE, Philippe et al.MS. Médecine sciences. 2010, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 397-403, issn 0767-0974, 7 p.Article
Facteurs psychosociaux: impact sur l'indication de greffe de moelle osseuse = Psychosocial factors: effect on indications for bone marrow graftPOLOMENI, A; RIO, B.Psycho-oncologie. 2010, Vol 4, Num 4, pp 244-249, issn 1778-3798, 6 p.Conference Paper
Prise en charge par le praticien des infections après transplantation d'organes solides : MALADIES INFECTIEUSES = Management of infection after organ transplantation by the primary care physicianMANUEL, Oriol; MEYLAN, Pascal R; VAN DELDEN, Christian et al.Revue médicale suisse. 2009, Vol 5, Num 197, pp 722-726, issn 1660-9379, 5 p.Article
The Gut Microbiota as a Target for Improved Surgical Outcome and Improved Patient CareKINROSS, James; VON ROON, Alexander C; PENNEY, Nicholas et al.Current pharmaceutical design (Print). 2009, Vol 15, Num 13, pp 1537-1545, issn 1381-6128, 9 p.Article
Chirurgie sans cicatrice : mythe ou réalité grâce à la chirurgie par les orifices naturels? : Chirurgie = Scarless surgery : myth or reality through NOTES?BUCHER, Pascal; PUGIN, Francois; HAGEN, Monika et al.Revue médicale suisse. 2008, Vol 4, Num 163, pp 1550-1552, issn 1660-9379, 3 p.Article
Comment préparer mon patient à une opération ?SCHIFFER, E; SOMMER, J.Revue médicale suisse. 2008, Vol 4, issn 1660-9379, S60-S62, SUPConference Paper
Utilité limitée de la température corporelle en postopératoire = Limited usefulness of postoperative body temperatureLa Revue Prescrire. 2006, Vol 26, Num 270, pp 209-209, issn 0247-7750, 1 p.Article
Basic experiments and finite element analysis of soft tissuesFARAG, Aly A; HONGJIAN SHI; FAHMI, Rachid et al.Biomechanics applied to computer assisted surgery. 2005, pp 193-208, isbn 81-308-0031-4, 1Vol, 16 p.Book Chapter
A mouse model of incisional painPOGATZKI, Esther M; RAJA, Srinivasa N.Anesthesiology (Philadelphia). 2003, Vol 99, Num 4, pp 1023-1027, issn 0003-3022, 5 p.Article
Gut feelings: a psychologist's 20-year journey with paediatric surgeonsLUDMAN, Lorraine.Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2003, Vol 96, Num 2, pp 87-91, issn 0141-0768, 5 p.Article
A debate on the value and necessity of clinical trials in surgeryCOOK, Richard C; ALSCHER, Kurt T; HSIANG, York N et al.The American journal of surgery. 2003, Vol 185, Num 4, pp 305-310, issn 0002-9610, 6 p.Article
Allogeneic blood transfusion increases the risk of postoperative bacterial infection: A meta-analysisHILL, Gary E; FRAWLEY, William H; GRIFFITH, Karl E et al.The Journal of trauma, injury, infection, and critical care. 2003, Vol 54, Num 5, pp 908-914, issn 1079-6061, 7 p.Article
Comparative study on two kidney graft rinsing and preservation solutions in terms of the post-transplantation risk of delayed graft function and costVINCENTELLI, J; LUCCIONI, A; DEVICTOR, B et al.Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics (Print). 2003, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 273-277, issn 0269-4727, 5 p.Article
Detection of simultaneous β-herpesvirus infections in clinical syndromes due to defined cytomegalovirus infectionRAZONABLE, Raymund R; RIVERO, Antonio; PAYA, Carlos V et al.Clinical transplantation. 2003, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 114-120, issn 0902-0063, 7 p.Article
Determination of temperature elevation in tissue during the application of the harmonic scalpelKOCH, Christian; FRIEDRICH, Thomas; METTERNICH, Frank et al.Ultrasound in medicine & biology. 2003, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 301-309, issn 0301-5629, 9 p.Article
Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on the tubed pedicle flap survival in a rat modelRICHARDS, Laura; LINEAWEAVER, William C; STILE, Frank et al.Annals of plastic surgery. 2003, Vol 50, Num 1, pp 51-56, issn 0148-7043, 6 p.Article
Fetal wound healing: Current biology : Fetal surgeryBULLARD, Kelli M; LONGAKER, Michael T; LORENZ, H. Peter et al.World journal of surgery. 2003, Vol 27, Num 1, pp 54-61, issn 0364-2313, 8 p.Article
Flame burns: a forgotten danger of diathermy?WEBB, J. B; BALARATNAM, S; PARK, A. J et al.The Surgeon (Edinburgh). 2003, Vol 1, Num 2, pp 111-113, issn 1479-666X, 3 p.Article
Muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap with maintenance of muscle innervation, function, and aesthetic appearance of the donor siteSCHWABEGGER, Anton H; HARPF, Christoph; RAINER, Christian et al.Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1963). 2003, Vol 111, Num 4, pp 1407-1411, issn 0032-1052, 5 p.Article