Results 1 to 25 of 20586
Selection :
Melvin Pollner and EthnomethodologyEMERSON, Robert M; HOLSTEIN, James A.The American sociologist. 2012, Vol 43, Num 1, issn 0003-1232, 135 p.Serial Issue
Durkheim et Tönnies: regards croisés sur la société et sur sa connaissance = Durkheim and Tonnies: exchanged perspectives on society and its knowledgeMESURE, Sylvie.Sociologie (Paris). 2013, Vol 4, Num 2, pp 201-222, issn 2108-8845, 22 p.Article
The End(s) of EthnomethodologyPOLLNER, Melvin.The American sociologist. 2012, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 7-20, issn 0003-1232, 14 p.Article
Toward a Methodology of Encounters: Opening to Complexity in Qualitative Research = Vers une méthodologie des rencontres: Ouverture à la complexité de la recherche qualitativeMCCOY, Kate.Qualitative inquiry. 2012, Vol 18, Num 9, pp 762-772, issn 1077-8004, 11 p.Article
Measure, value and the current crises of sociologyGANE, Nicholas.Measure and value = La mesure et la valeur. Sociological review monograph. 2012, pp 151-173, issn 0081-1769, isbn 978-1-4443-3958-1, 1Vol, 23 p.Book Chapter
IN SEARCH OF THE KINGDOM: THE SOCIAL GOSPEL, SETTLEMENT SOCIOLOGY, AND THE SCIENCE OF REFORM IN AMERICA'S PROGRESSIVE ERAWILLIAM, Joyce E; MACLEAN, Vicky M.Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences. 2012, Vol 48, Num 4, pp 339-362, issn 0022-5061, 24 p.Article
The ideal of the person: Recovering the novelty of Durkheim's sociology. Part I: The idea of society and its relation to the individual : New Durkheim Scholarship: French ConnectionsCALLEGARO, Francesco.Journal of classical sociology. 2012, Vol 12, Num 3-4, pp 449-478, issn 1468-795X, 30 p.Article
L'INTERPRÉTATION DES TERRAINS ET LE RECOURS À DES PROPOSITIONS THÉORIQUES : SOCIOLOGIE ET ANTHROPOLOGIE CONVERGENCES, CROISEMENTS ET DISSONANCES = Interpretation of fieldworks and resort to theorical proposals : Sociology and Anthropology. Convergences, crossings and dissonancesDEMEULENAERE, Pierre.L' Année sociologique (1949). 2012, Vol 62, Num 1, pp 67-91, issn 0066-2399, 25 p.Article
La critique est-elle indigne de la sociologie ? = Is the critical approach unworthy of sociology?GRANJON, Fabien.Sociologie (Paris). 2012, Vol 3, Num 1, pp 75-86, issn 2108-8845, 12 p.Article
Science de la science de l'État: la perturbation du chercheur embarqué comme impensé épistémologique = Science of the Science of the State. The Perturbation from the Embedded Researcher: an Epistemological DilemmaALAM, Thomas; GURRUCHAGA, Marion; O'MIEL, Julien et al.Sociétés contemporaines (Paris). 2012, Num 87, issn 1150-1944, 155-173, 178 [20 p.]Article
Pareto e Gramsci: itinerários de uma ciência política italiana = Pareto and Gramsci: Itineraries of an Italian political scienceBIANCHI, Alvaro; ALIAGA, Luciana.Análise social. 2012, Num 203, pp 322-342, issn 0003-2573, 21 p.Article
Ethics, Vulnerability, and Speakers of Other Languages: How University IRBs (Do Not) Speak to Research Involving Refugee Participants = Ethique, vulnérabilité, et individus parlant d'autres langues: Comment les comités d'éthique universitaires (ne) parlent (pas) de recherches impliquant des participants réfugiésPERRY, Kristen H.Qualitative inquiry. 2011, Vol 17, Num 10, pp 899-912, issn 1077-8004, 14 p.Article
The Experience of Waiting: Inquiry Into the Long-term Relational Responsibilities in Narrative Inquiry = L'expérience de l'attente: Enquête sur les responsabilités induites par les relations de long terme dans les enquêtes narrativesCAINE, Vera; ESTEFAN, Andrew.Qualitative inquiry. 2011, Vol 17, Num 10, pp 965-971, issn 1077-8004, 7 p.Article
Ethics and the Promotion of Inclusiveness Within Qualitative Research: Case Examples From Asia and the PacificCZYMONIEWICZ-KLIPPEL, Melina T; BRIJNATH, Bianca; CROCKETT, Belinda et al.Qualitative inquiry. 2010, Vol 16, Num 5, pp 332-341, issn 1077-8004, 10 p.Article
The Secret Life of Focus Groups: Robert Merton and the Diffusion of a Research MethodLEE, Raymond M.The American sociologist. 2010, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 115-141, issn 0003-1232, 27 p.Article
Paradigms and Novelty in Economics: The History of Economic Thought as a Source of EnlightenmentDOLFSMA, Wilfred; WELCH, Patrick J.The American journal of economics and sociology. 2009, Vol 68, Num 5, pp 1085-1106, issn 0002-9246, 22 p.Article
Emancipation or workability? : Critical versus pragmatic scientific orientation in action researchJOHANSSON, Anders W; LINDHULT, Erik.Action research (Print). 2008, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 95-115, issn 1476-7503, 21 p.Article
North Central Sociological Association 2008 Plenary Address : The Practice of Scientific Theorizing in Sociology and the Use of Scientific Theory in Sociological PracticeTURNER, Jonathan H.Sociological focus (Kent, Ohio). 2008, Vol 41, Num 4, pp 281-299, issn 0038-0237, 19 p.Article
L'abstraction en sociologieDEMEULENAERE, Pierre.L' Année sociologique (1949). 2006, Vol 56, Num 2, issn 0066-2399, [224 p.]Conference Proceedings
Blumer's dilemma : The critic as a tragic figure = Le dilemne de Blumer : le critique comme une personnalité tragiqueBEST, Joel.The American sociologist. 2006, Vol 37, Num 3, pp 5-14, issn 0003-1232, 10 p.Article
Social structural inquiries - Part 2: Statistical methods and process models = Recherches sociales structurales - 2e partie : méthodes statistiques et modèles de processusSMITH, Robert B.Quality & quantity. 2006, Vol 40, Num 1, pp 79-120, issn 0033-5177, 42 p.Article
Lire Max Weber = Reading Max WeberCHAZEL, François; GROSSEIN, Jean-Pierre.Revue française de sociologie. 2005, Vol 46, Num 4, issn 0035-2969, 311 p.Serial Issue
Les chiffres pour le dire : Les nouveaux instruments de l'heuristique causaleBERNARD, Paul; BOUCHER, Guillaume; VOYE, Liliane et al.Collection sociologie contemporaine. 2005, pp 101-139, issn 1713-0611, isbn 2-7637-8103-9, 1Vol, 39 p.Conference Paper
Sur la «crise» de l'histoire, II ? : Histoire, historiographie et science sociales = About the crisis of history, II ? : History, historiography and social sciences : Round table around G. Noiriel's book Penser avec, penser contreJONES, Colin.Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (1954). 2004, Vol 51, Num 4bis, pp 23-27, issn 0048-8003, 5 p.Article
Sociologie et histoire: les jeux et enjeux d'une pratique = Sociology and History : Games and Stakes of a PracticeTURCOTTE, P.-A.Eglise et théologie. 1993, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 43-73, issn 0013-2349Article