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Kältetechnik an Technischen Hochschulen. I: Die Dresdener Schule der Thermodynamik und Kältetechnik = The Technique Refrigeration in Technical Higher Education. I: The School of Thermodynamics and Technique Refrigeration at DresdeDIENEL, H.-L.Klima, Kälte, Heizung. 1993, Vol 21, Num 6, pp 233-237, issn 0172-1984Article

Die Münchner Schule der Kältetechnik und Thermodynamik = The Thermodynamic and the Cold Technique in the Munich SchoolDIENEL, H.-L.Klima, Kälte, Heizung. 1993, Vol 21, Num 10, pp 384-388, issn 0172-1984Article

Writing Energy History : Explaining the Neglect of CHP/DH in BritainRUSSELL, S.British journal for the history of science. 1993, Vol 26, Num 88/Part 1, pp 33-54, issn 0007-0874, spécArticle

Philosophical Objections to the Kinetic TheoryNYHOF, J.The British journal for the philosophy of science. 1988, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 81-109, issn 0007-0882Article

Henry Adams, The Second Law of Thermodynamics, and the Course of HistoryBURICH, K. R.Journal of the history of ideas (Print). 1987, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 467-482, issn 0022-5037Article

La naissance d'une nouvelle théorie physique: à propos de la théorie cinétique des gazKOIZUMI, K.Kagakushi Kenkyu. Journal of History of Science Tokyo. 1985, Vol 24, Num 154, pp 65-75Article

D. Mutev et la physique bulgareBORISOV, M; KAMISEVA, G.Priroda Sofija. 1984, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 77-82Article

D. Mutev et la physique bulgareBORISOV, M; KAMISEVA, G.Priroda Sofija. 1984, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 68-73Article

J. Fourier: L'élaboration de la théorie analytique de la chaleur in Sciences et techniques en perspectives. Année 1981-1982. Vol. 1DAHAN, A.1982, isbn 0294-0264Book

Alcune considerazioni sulla teoria caloricistica dei fenomeni termici nei gasSEBASTIANI, F.Physis. Rivista internazionale di Storia della Scienza Firenze. 1982, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 519-527Article

Robert Boyle: contributi alla fisica del caloreGRILLI, M.Physis. Rivista internazionale di Storia della Scienza Firenze. 1982, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 489-517Article

The French Connection: Giffard's Injector and the Nature of HeatKRANAKIS, E. F.Technology and Culture Chicago, Ill. 1982, Vol 23, Num 1, pp 3-38Article

What is Heat? C. Truesdell's View of Thermo-dynamics. A Critical DiscussionLERVIG, P.Centaurus Kobenhavn. 1982, Vol 26, Num 2-3, pp 85-122Article

La fonction thermodynamique de la biologie à la physique in C.1. Problems of the Interaction Among the Natural, Technical and Social SciencesVALENSI, G.International Congress of the History of Science. 16th Proceedings. C. Meetings on Specialized Topics. D. Commemorations. 1981, pp 59-64Conference Proceedings

Rankine, Atomic Vortices, and the Entropy FunctionHUTCHISON, K.Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences Oxford. 1981, Vol 31, Num 106, pp 72-134Article

Semantics of Concepts of Heat and Work in Connection with the Law of Conservation of Energy in Classical PhysicsPINKAVA, J.Teorie Rozvoje Vedy anc Teorie a Metoda Praha. 1981, Vol 5, Num 4, pp 133-140Article

Brownian Movement and Microscopic IrreversibilityGORDON, L. G. M.Foundations of Physics. An international Journal Devoted to the Conceptual Bases of Modern Natural Science New York, N.Y. 1981, Vol 11, Num 1-2, pp 103-113Article

Sadi CarnotWILSON, S.Pour la Science Paris. 1981, Num 48, pp 52-62Article

Early Non-Electric Ignition Systems for I. C. EnginesDAY, D. J. H.Newcomen (The) Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology, Transactions London. 1981, Vol 53, pp 171-182Article

L'article d'Einstein Remarques théoriques sur la superconductivité des métauxJAVELOV, B. E.Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznanija i Tehniki Moskva. 1980, Num 67-68, pp 46-55Article

Los problemas de la formacion de conceptos en la teoria del calor. (Les problèmes de la formation de concepts dans la théorie de la chaleur)ORDONEZ, J.Revista de Filosofia Madrid. 1980, Vol 3, pp 147-164Article

Die Herausbildung der technischen Thermodynamik im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland in Zur Entstchung technikwissenschaftlicher DisziplinenLOHMANN, H.-D.Dresdener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technikwissenschaften. 1980, Num 2, pp 68-85, issn 0232-5349Article

De l'histoire de la découverte de la loi de charge spacialeKABAKOVA, A. I.Istorija i Metodologija Estestvennyh Nauk Moskva. 1979, Vol 21, pp 127-128Article

The Thermostatics of J. Willard Gibbs and 19th Century Physical ChemistryHORNIX W. J.1977, 39 p.Book

L'esperimento di Joule sull'equivalente meccanico del calore e il secondo principio della termodinamica. (L'expérience de J. sur l'équivalent mécanique de la chaleur et le second principe de la thermodynamique)ROSSI, A.Physis. Rivista internazionale di Storia della Scienza Firenze. 1977, Vol 19, Num 1-4, pp 337-353Article

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