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De la découverte de la fission à la pile de Fermi où science et histoire se mêlent = From Discovery of Fission to Fermi's Pile where Science and History combineRADVANYI, P.Revue du Palais de la Découverte. 1993, Vol 21, Num 208, pp 17-33, issn 0339-7521Article

Rethinking big science: Modest, mezzo, grand science and the development of the Bevalac, 1971-1993 = Une science de grande envergure : le développement du Bevalac, 1971-1993WESTFALL, Catherine.Isis. 2003, Vol 94, Num 1, pp 30-56, issn 0021-1753, 27 p.Article

Nuclear democracy: Political engagement, pedagogical reform, and particle physics in postwar america = La démocratie nucléaire : engagement politique, réforme pédagogique et physique des particules dans l'Amérique de l'après-guerreKAISER, David.Isis. 2002, Vol 93, Num 2, pp 229-268, issn 0021-1753Article

Comment la France a fait sa bombe H = How France invented its H-bombBILLAUD, P.Recherche (Paris, 1970). 1996, Num 293, pp 74-78, issn 0029-5671Article

Atoms, Cancer, and Politics Supporting Atomic Science at the University of Chicago, 1944-1950FEFFER, S. M.Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences. 1992, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 233-261, issn 0890-9997Article

Spontaneous Breakdown of Symmetry : Its Rediscovery and Integration into Quantum Field TheoryBROWN, L. M; TIAN YU CAO.Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences. 1991, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 211-235, issn 0890-9997Article

La radioactivité : histoire d'une découverteBARBO, L.Sciences et techniques en perspective. 1990, Vol 18, issn 0294-0264, 130 p.Serial Issue

The Non Frequency Approach to Elementary Particle Statistics in The Foundations of Statistical Methods in Biology, Physics and EconomicsCOSTANTINI, D; GARIBALDI, U.Boston studies in the philosophy of science. 1990, Vol 122, pp 167-181, issn 0068-0346Article

La dualité onde-corpuscule in Albert Einstein oeuvres choisies 1 : quanta mécanique statistique et physique quantique1989, pp 85-118Book

Une erreur d'Einstein (1921) in Albert Einstein oeuvres choisies 1 : quanta mécanique statistique et physique quantique1989, pp 150-155Book

Accounting for Science : The Impact of Social and Political Factors on Japanese Elementary Particle PhysicsLOW, M. F.Historia scientiarum. 1989, Num 36, pp 43-65, issn 0285-4821Article

The Development of Elementary Particle Theory in Japan-Methodological Aspect of the Formation of the Sakata and Nagoya ModelsMAKI, Z.Historia scientiarum. 1989, Num 36, pp 83-95, issn 0285-4821Article

Development of the Renormalization Theory in Quantum Electrodynamics. IIARAMAKI, S.Historia scientiarum. 1989, Num 37, pp 91-113, issn 0285-4821Article

Scienza e Guerra : teoria matematica dei giochi e deterrenza nucleare in Atti dell'VIII congresso nazionale di storia della fisicaDRAGO, A; MINERVINI, G.Congresso. 1988, pp 129-135, isbn 88-85896-97-9, isbn 88-85896-97-9Conference Proceedings

The Scientific Papers of C. P. SnowBRAND, J. C. D.History of science. 1988, Vol 26, Num 72, pp 111-127, issn 0073-2753Article

Pourquoi ni Bothe ni les Joliot-Curie n'ont découvert le neutronSIX, J.Revue d'histoire des sciences (Paris). 1988, Vol 41, Num 1, pp 3-24, issn 0151-4105Article

Neutrons and Politics : Maier-Leibnitz and the Emergence of Pile Neutron Research in the FRGECKERT, M.Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences. 1988, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 81-113, issn 0890-9997Article

Marie Sk odowska-Curie, vie et oeuvreCACKOWSKI, Z.Nauka polska (Wrocłlaw. 1953). 1988, Vol 36, Num 238-239, pp 165-167, issn 0028-1271Article

Diffusione dei raggi X : techniche sperimentali e implicazioni teoriche tra il 1923 e il 1926IANNELLO, M. G; SEBASTIAN, F.Atti del VII congresso nazionale di storia della fisica. 1987, pp 237-241Conference Proceedings

The Mexican Reactions to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Tragedies of 1945CABRAL, R.Quipu. 1987, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 81-118, issn 0185-5093Article

Marie Curie, 120 anniversaire de sa naissanceGENKOVA, L; BENEVA, S.Priroda (Sofiâ). 1987, Vol 36, Num 6, pp 89-92, issn 0032-8731Article

Les pionniers du rayon XDARMON, P.L'Histoire. 1987, Num 98, pp 94-97, issn 0182-2411Article

Corpuscles, Electrons and Cathode Rays : J. J. Thomson and the Discovery of the ElectronFALCONER, I.British journal for the history of science. 1987, Vol 20, Num 66, pp 241-276, issn 0007-0874Article

Leslie Harold Martin, 1900-1983CARO, D. E; MARTIN, R. L.Historical records of Australian science. 1987, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 97-107, issn 0727-3061Article

ST Les radiations. Travaux de KirchhoffUEMATSU, E.Kagakushi Kenkyu. 1986, Vol 25, Num 157, pp 14-19, issn 0022-7692Article

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