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Network : Birth of a Category in Engineering Though During the French RestorationGUILLERME, A.History and technology. 1992, Vol 8, Num 3-4, pp 151-166, issn 0734-1512, 295Article
Automating the WorkerGIES, J.American heritage of invention & technology. 1991, Vol 6, Num 3, pp 56-63, issn 8756-7296Article
Crossover Inventors and Technological Linkages : American Shoemaking and the Broader Economy, 1848-1901THOMSON, R.Technology and culture. 1991, Vol 32, Num 4, pp 1018-1046, issn 0040-165XArticle
Formation de l'enseignement technique supérieur en RussieONOPRIENKO, V. I; ŠČERBAN, T. A.Očerki Istorii Estestvoznanija i Tehniki. 1991, Num 39, pp 56-63, issn 0320-0647Article
Naissance de l'idée d'un avion à réaction (19e-20e ss.)SOBOLEV, D. A.Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznanija i Tehniki. 1990, Vol 2, pp 45-53, issn 0205-9606Article
Made in Maine : a Professor's PerspectiveSEGAL, H. P.Technology and culture. 1990, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 463-468, issn 0040-165XArticle
Notes from the Field. A History FactoryWOHLEBER, C.American heritage of invention & technology. 1990, Vol 5, Num 3, pp 6-7, issn 8756-7296Article
Nation et entreprise. La Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale, 1801-1815REDONDI, P.History and technology. 1988, Vol 5, Num 2-4, pp 193-222, issn 0734-1512Article
European Rural Societies and Landscapes, and the Challenge of Urbanization and Industrialization in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in Papers from the 1987 Meeting of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural LandscapeCLAVAL, P.Geografiska annaler. Series B. Human geography. 1988, Vol 70B, Num 1, pp 27-38, issn 0435-3684Article
Industry and the Local Economy : Changing Contact Patterns within the Lulea District during the Nineteenth Century in Papers from the 1987 Meeting of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural LandscapeLAYTON, I. G.Geografiska annaler. Series B. Human geography. 1988, Vol 70B, Num 1, pp 205-218, issn 0435-3684Article
The Sewing Machine - The Queen of Inventions , an Exhibition at Slater Mill Historic Site, Pawtucket, Rhode IslandMOHANTY, G. F.Technology and culture. 1987, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 839-841, issn 0040-165XArticle
Zur Rolle der Mathematik bei der Entwicklung der Technikwissenschaften (2. Teil)PURKERT, W; HENSEL, S.Dresdener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technikwissenschaften. 1987, Num 14, pp 68-96, issn 0232-5349Article
Catalonia, Factory of Spain , an Exhibition in BarcelonaGLICK, T. F.Technology and culture. 1986, Vol 27, Num 3, pp 597-603, issn 0040-165XArticle
The Diaspora of British EngineeringBUCHANAN, R. A.Technology and culture. 1986, Vol 27, Num 3, pp 501-524, issn 0040-165XArticle
The Revival of traditional Japanese Technologies. A Case of Study of Watermills in JapanSATOFUKA, F.Quipu. 1986, Vol 3, Num 1, pp 123-134, issn 0185-5093Article
Technology, U.S.A. Style: 20th Century Imbalances in Abstracts of Papers Presented in Scientific Selections (2 vol.). Vol. 1STAUDENMAIER, J. M.International Congress of History of Science, n 17. 1985, pp. 17.3, isbn 0-918102-13-8Conference Proceedings
Westinghouse en France: Histoire d'un échec (1898-1920)LANTHIER, P.Information (L') Historique Paris. 1985, Vol 47, Num 5, pp 212-219Article
S. N. VankovCERUJAK, A. J.1984, 174 p.Book
Club technologique de CieszynPOLOCZKOWA, B.Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki Warszawa. 1984, Vol 29, Num 3-4, pp 627-636Article
The Existential Anxieties of EngineeringZIOLKOWSKI, T.American (The) Scholar Washington, D.C. 1984, Vol 53, Num 2, pp 197-218Article
Pour une histoire de la profession d'ingénieur en BelgiqueBAUDET, J. C.Technologia Bruxelles. 1984, Vol 7, Num 2, pp 35-62Article
Problèmes d'exploitation des objets techniquesOLEARCZUK, E.Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa. Kwartalnik Warszawa. 1984, Vol 20, Num 78, pp 279-285Article
Marx and the MachineMACKENZIE, D.Technology and Culture Chicago, Ill. 1984, Vol 25, Num 3, pp 473-502Article
A propos des écrits extraordinaires des ingénieurs in Les ingénieursRIBEILL, G.Culture Technique anc Technique et Culture Neuilly-sur-Seine. 1984, Num 12, pp 273-279Article
Des ouvriers aux ingénieurs: le développement des écoles d'Arts et Métiers et le rôle des anciens élèves in Les ingénieursRODNAY DAY, C.Culture Technique anc Technique et Culture Neuilly-sur-Seine. 1984, Num 12, pp 281-291Article