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Instrument Research, Tools, and the Knowledge Enterprise 1999-2009: Birth and Development of Dip-Pen NanolithographyMARCOVICH, Anne; SHINN, Terry.Science, technology, & human values. 2011, Vol 36, Num 6, pp 864-896, issn 0162-2439, 33 p.Article
Technological Grounding : Enrolling Technology as a Discursive Resource to Justify Cultural Change in OrganizationsLEONARDI, Paul M; JACKSON, Michele H.Science, technology, & human values. 2009, Vol 34, Num 3, pp 393-418, issn 0162-2439, 26 p.Article
Making Nano Matter: An Inquiry into the Discourses of Governable ScienceSIMAKOVA, Elena.Science, technology, & human values. 2012, Vol 37, Num 6, pp 604-626, issn 0162-2439, 23 p.Article
Risk Regulation in the Baltic Sea Ferry Traffic : The Successive Failures of Bow Visor Technology = La régulation des risques dans la circulation des navires transbordeurs en mer Baltique : Les échecs successifs de la technologie Bow VisorILMARI HÄNNINEN, Hannu; SAKARI LAURILA, Juha.Science, technology, & human values. 2008, Vol 33, Num 6, pp 683-706, issn 0162-2439, 24 p.Article
The business of expectations: How promissory organizations shape technology and innovationPOLLOCK, Neil; WILLIAMS, Robin.Social studies of science. 2010, Vol 40, Num 4, pp 525-548, issn 0306-3127, 24 p.Article
Propergols futurs et nouvelles applications = Future propellants and new usesLONGEVIALLE, Yves.Journées scientifiques Paul Vieille. 2004, pp 295-304, isbn 2-9521621-0-7, 1Vol, 10 p.Conference Paper
Concepts propulsifs avancés = Advanced propulsive conceptsUHRIG, Gilles; GUERY, Jean-Francois.Journées scientifiques Paul Vieille. 2004, pp 305-319, isbn 2-9521621-0-7, 1Vol, 15 p.Conference Paper
Working around ERPs in Technological UniversitiesKITTO, Simon; HIGGINS, Vaughan.Science, technology, & human values. 2010, Vol 35, Num 1, pp 29-54, issn 0162-2439, 26 p.Article
ENERGIA: QUALE FUTURO? : Servono iniziative su scala mondiale per affrontare il fabbisogno energetico, il caro petrolio e salvaguardare lo sviluppo e la pace nel mondo = Energie : quel futur ? Comment affronter les besoins energétiques, le pétrole cher, et sauver le développement et la paix dans le monde ? = Energy, which future ? : facing energetic requirements and expensive oil and safeguarding development and peace in the worldCAGLIOTI, Luciano.Prometeo (Milano). 2008, Vol 26, Num 103, pp 16-21, issn 0394-1639, 6 p.Article
«Körper, Geist und Seele bepuscheln ...» : Wellness als Technologie der Selbstführung = Well being as technology of self = Le bien-être comme technique du soiDUTTWEILER, Stefanie.Interferenzen. 2005, Vol vol.8, pp 261-277, issn 1661-8890, isbn 3-0340-0690-X 978-3-03-400690-3, 1Vol, 17 p.Conference Paper
On the Consequences of Post-ANTGAD, Christopher; BRUUN JENSEN, Casper.Science, technology, & human values. 2010, Vol 35, Num 1, pp 55-80, issn 0162-2439, 26 p.Article
G-COT: The Geographical Construction of Technology = G-COT : la construction géographique des technologiesNORCLIFFE, Glen.Science, technology, & human values. 2009, Vol 34, Num 4, pp 449-475, issn 0162-2439, 27 p.Article
Innovation et conception, usages et savoir faire, produits et objets techniques = Innovation and conception, uses and know-how, products and technical objectsBEGUIN, Pascal; GRISET, Pascal; LICOPPE, Christian et al.Science & devenir de l'homme. 2008, Num 57-58, issn 1950-4527, 218-239, 284 [23 p.]Article
On Climate, Cars, and Literary Theory = Concernant le climat, les voitures et la théorie littérairePINKUS, Karen.Technology and culture. 2008, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 1002-1009, issn 0040-165X, 8 p.Article
Wonderful Webcams: About Active Gazes and Invisible Technologies = Fabuleuses webcam : regards actifs et technologies invisiblesPOLS, Jeannette.Science, technology, & human values. 2011, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 451-473, issn 0162-2439, 23 p.Article
Rhetoric of Innovation Policy Making in Hong Kong Using the Innovation Systems Conceptual ApproachSHARIF, Naubahar.Science, technology, & human values. 2010, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 408-434, issn 0162-2439, 27 p.Article
RFID 'Theatre of the proof': Product launch and technology demonstration as corporate practicesSIMAKOVA, Elena.Social studies of science. 2010, Vol 40, Num 4, pp 549-576, issn 0306-3127, 28 p.Article
IL CERVELLO BUGIARDO = Le cerveau menteur = The lying brainPALMERINI, Chiara; SARTORI, Giuseppe.Prometeo (Milano). 2009, Vol 27, Num 108, pp 48-53, issn 0394-1639, 6 p.Article
Die Gestalt der technischen Moderne : Forschungen im Schnittfeld von Design-und Technikgeschichte = The Gestalt of modern technology : researches in the field of design and history of technology = Le gestalt de la technologie moderne : recherches dans le domaine du design - et histoire des techniquesHESSLER, Martina.NTM. 2008, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 245-258, issn 0036-6978, 14 p.Article