Results 1 to 25 of 18539
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Online adaptation to post-edits for phrase-based statistical machine translationBERTOLDI, Nicola; SIMIANER, Patrick; CETTOLO, Mauro et al.Machine translation. 2014, Vol 28, Num 3-4, pp 309-339, issn 0922-6567, 31 p.Article
An overview of the European Union's highly multilingual parallel corporaSTEINBERGER, Ralf; EBRAHIM, Mohamed; POULIS, Alexandros et al.Language resources and evaluation. 2014, Vol 48, Num 4, pp 679-707, issn 1574-020X, 29 p.Article
Analysis of voice features related to obstructive sleep apnoea and their application in diagnosis support : Broadening the View on Speaker AnalysisBENAVIDES, Ana Montero; POZO, Rubén Fernández; TOLEDANO, Doroteo T et al.Computer speech & language (Print). 2014, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 434-452, issn 0885-2308, 19 p.Article
Building the essential resources for Finnish: the Turku Dependency TreebankHAVERINEN, Katri; NYBLOM, Jenna; VILJANEN, Timo et al.Language resources and evaluation. 2014, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 493-531, issn 1574-020X, 39 p.Article
Semantic spaces for improving language modelingBRYCHCIN, Tomas; KONOPIK, Miloslav.Computer speech & language (Print). 2014, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 192-209, issn 0885-2308, 18 p.Article
Translation project adaptation for MT-enhanced computer assisted translationCETTOLO, Mauro; BERTOLDI, Nicola; FEDERICO, Marcello et al.Machine translation. 2014, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 127-150, issn 0922-6567, 24 p.Article
Multiplicité des approches en anglais de spécialitéVAN DER YEUGHT, Michel.A. sp. Anglais de spécialité. 2013, Num 63, issn 1246-8185, 161 p.Serial Issue
Predicting sentence translation quality using extrinsic and language independent featuresBICICI, Ergun; GROVES, Declan; VAN GENABITH, Josef et al.Machine translation. 2013, Vol 27, Num 3-4, pp 171-192, issn 0922-6567, 22 p.Article
Petit dictionnaire permanent des « actes de langages stéréotypés » (ALS) = Small permanent dictionary of stereotyped speech actsPERNOT, Caroline.Nouveaux cahiers d'allemand. 2013, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 1-12, issn 0758-170X, 12 p.Article
PLATON, un outil de dictée automatique au service de l'apprentissage de l'orthographe : Maîtrise de la langue maternelle, du secondaire au supérieur (... et au-delà ?)ROEKHAUT, Sophie; BEAUFORT, Richard; FAIRON, Cédrick et al.Le Langage et l'homme. 2013, Vol 48, Num 2, pp 127-140, issn 0458-7251, 14 p.Article
A unified approach for effectively integrating source-side syntactic reordering rules into phrase-based translationJIAJUN ZHANG; CHENGQING ZONG.Language resources and evaluation. 2013, Vol 47, Num 2, pp 449-474, issn 1574-020X, 26 p.Article
Automatic normalization of short texts by combining statistical and rule-based techniques : Analysis of Short Texts on the WebCOSTA-JUSSA, Marta R; BANCHS, Rafael E.Language resources and evaluation. 2013, Vol 47, Num 1, pp 179-193, issn 1574-020X, 15 p.Article
Manual labour: tackling machine translation for sign languagesMORRISSEY, Sara; WAY, Andy.Machine translation. 2013, Vol 27, Num 1, pp 25-64, issn 0922-6567, 40 p.Article
Brouillage des frontières, rencontres des domaines: quelles conséquences pour l'enseignement de la terminologie et de la traduction spécialisée ?BORDET, Geneviève.A. sp. Anglais de spécialité. 2013, Num 64, pp 95-115, issn 1246-8185, 21 p.Article
A comparison of segmentation methods and extended lexicon models for Arabic statistical machine translationHASAN, Sasa; MANSOUR, Saab; NEY, Hermann et al.Machine translation. 2012, Vol 26, Num 1-2, pp 47-65, issn 0922-6567, 19 p.Article
Machine translation between Hebrew and ArabicSHILON, Reshef; HABASH, Nizar; LAVIE, Alon et al.Machine translation. 2012, Vol 26, Num 1-2, pp 177-195, issn 0922-6567, 19 p.Article
La traduction dans le curriculum des professeurs de langues : Quelle formation pour les enseignants de langues du secondaire ? = Translation in the curriculum of language teachers : How to train language teachers in secondary education ?POIARKOVA, Elena.Les Langues modernes. 2012, Vol 106, Num 2, pp 56-64, issn 0023-8376, 9 p.Article
What types of word alignment improve statistical machine translation?LAMBERT, Patrik; PETITRENAUD, Simon; YANJUN MA et al.Machine translation. 2012, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 289-323, issn 0922-6567, 35 p.Article
Venetan to English Machine Translation: Issues and Possible SolutionsJABER, Suhel; TONELLI, Sara; DELMONTE, Rodolfo et al.Copenhagen studies in language. 2011, Num 41, pp 69-80, issn 0905-7269, 12 p.Conference Paper
Matxin-Informatika: versión del traductor Matxin adaptada al dominio de la informática = Matxin-Informatika, version of Matxin translation system adapted to the computer science domainALEGRIA, Iñaki; CABEZON, Unai; LABAKA, Gorka et al.Procesamiento del lenguaje natural. 2011, Num 47, pp 323-324, issn 1135-5948, 2 p.Article
Auf dem Weg zu einem Modell der Translationsdidaktik = Approaching the model of teaching translationMALGORZEWICZ, Anna.Glottodidactica (Poznań). 2010, Vol 36, pp 21-32, issn 0072-4769, 12 p.Article
Voice and text : Role playing with computers = La voix et le texte : jeux de rôle avec les ordinateursYAGER, S.Literary and linguistic computing. 1999, Vol 14, Num 2, pp 211-222, issn 0268-1145Article
L'orthographe en questions au 3615 ORTHOTEL ou Est-ce que le participe passé dans les gâteaux sont fai- s'accorde? = Spelling in the 3615 ORTHOTELBILLIEZ, J; LUCCI, V; MILLET, A et al.Langue française. 1999, Num 124, pp 74-89, issn 0023-8368, 127 [17 p.]Article
Language learning in a MOO : Creating a transoceanic bilingual virtual community = Apprentissage d'une langue dans un MOO : création d'une communauté bilingue transocéanique virtuelleDONALDSON, R. P; KÖTTER, M.Literary and linguistic computing. 1999, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 67-76, issn 0268-1145Conference Paper
Telos Language Partner : Multimedia language learning, authoring and customisationHOFFSTAEDTER, P; KOHN, K.Information services & use. 1999, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 277-287, issn 0167-5265Article