Results 1 to 25 of 1284
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The data explosion: tackling the taboo of automatic feature recognition in airborne survey data = L'explosion des données: lutter contre le tabou de la reconnaissance automatique des éléments pour les données de prospections aéroportéesBENNETT, Rebecca; COWLEY, Dave; DE LAET, Véronique et al.Antiquity. 2014, Vol 88, Num 341, pp 896-905, issn 0003-598X, 10 p.Article
Increasing contextual information by merging existing archaeological data with state of the art laser scanning in the prehistoric funerary deposit of Pastora Cave, Eastern Spain = Augmenter l'information contextuelle en fusionnant les données archéologiques existantes avec un balayage laser de pointe pour le dépôt funéraire préhistorique de la grotte de la Pastora, à l'Est de l'EspagnePUCHOL, Oreto García; MCCLURE, Sarah B; SENABRE, Josep Blasco et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2013, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 1593-1601, issn 0305-4403, 9 p.Article
Modeling trophic resource availability for the first human settlers of Europe: The case of Atapuerca TD6 = Modélisation de la disponibilité des ressources trophiques pour les premiers habitants de l'Europe: le cas d'Atapuerca TD6RODRIGUEZ-GOMEZ, Guillermo; RODRIGUEZ, Jesus; MARTIN-GONZALEZ, Jesús Angel et al.Journal of human evolution. 2013, Vol 64, Num 6, pp 645-657, issn 0047-2484, 13 p.Article
Nuraghes and landscape planning: Coupling viewshed with complex network analysis = Nouraghes et aménagement du paysage: association de l'analyse de visibilitée et de l'analyse de réseaux complexesDE MONTIS, Andrea; CASCHILI, Simone.Landscape and urban planning. 2012, Vol 105, Num 3, pp 315-324, issn 0169-2046, 10 p.Article
Estimating original flake mass from 3D scans of platform area = Estimer la masse originelle d'un éclat à partir de scans 3D de la zone de la plate-formeCLARKSON, Chris; HISCOCK, Peter.Journal of archaeological science. 2011, Vol 38, Num 5, pp 1062-1068, issn 0305-4403, 7 p.Article
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE: NEW RECORDINGS OF MEGALITHIC ART IN NORTH-WEST IRELAND = Plus que ce que voit l'oeil: de nouveaux enregistrements de l'art mégalithique en Irlande du Nord-OuestHENSEY, Robert; ROBIN, Guillaume.Oxford journal of archaeology. 2011, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 109-130, issn 0262-5253, 22 p.Article
Mobility-driven cultural transmission along the forager―collector continuumPERREAULT, Charles; BRANTINGHAM, P. Jeffrey.Journal of anthropological archaeology (Print). 2011, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 62-68, issn 0278-4165, 7 p.Article
Computerized morphological classification of ceramics = Classification morphologique informatisée de la céramiqueKARASIK, Avshalom; SMILANSKY, Uzy.Journal of archaeological science. 2011, Vol 38, Num 10, pp 2644-2657, issn 0305-4403, 14 p.Article
Distribution spatiale des objets archéologiques et mouvements de matière à l'échelle des versants cultivés: le cas de Mougon (Indre-et-Loire, France) = Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Artefacts and Soils Redistribution at the Scale of Cultivated Slopes in Mougon (Indre-et-Loire, France)MOREAU, Anne; MORICE, Sylvie; SALVADOR-BLANES, Sébastien et al.Archéosciences. 2011, Num 35, pp 103-116, issn 1960-1360, 14 p.Article establishing open-access online reference collections for archaeobotanical researchWARINNER, Christina; D'ALPOIM GUEDES, Jade; GOODE, David et al.Vegetation history and archaeobotany. 2011, Vol 20, Num 3, pp 241-244, issn 0939-6314, 4 p.Article
WODAN—a database for wood and charcoal identificationsSTUIJTS, Ingelise; O'DONNELL, Lorna; LYONS, Susan et al.Archaeology Ireland. 2010, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 40-42, issn 0790-892X, 3 p.Article
A METHOD TO VISUALLY RATIONALISE SUPERIMPOSED PIGMENT MOTIFSGUNN, R. G; OGLEBY, C. L; LEE, D et al.Rock art research. 2010, Vol 27, Num 2, pp 131-136, issn 0813-0426, 6 p.Article
A simple methodology for recording petroglyphs using low-cost digital image correlation photogrammetry and consumer-grade digital camerasORTIZ SANZ, Juan; GIL DOCAMPO, Maria de la Luz; MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZ, Santiago et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2010, Vol 37, Num 12, pp 3158-3169, issn 0305-4403, 12 p.Article
Modellierung und Interpretation der Kommunikationsräume des 3. und frühen 2.Jahrtausends v.Chr. in Europa mittels Diversitätsgradienten = Modelling and Interpretation of the Communication Spaces of the 3rd and Early 2nd Millennium BC in Europe Using Diversity GradientsRASSMANN, Knut; DUCKE, Benjamin.Archäologischer Anzeiger. 2010, Num 1, pp 239-261, issn 0003-8105, 23 p.Article
Virtual skeletons: using a structured light scanner to create a 3D faunal comparative collectionNIVEN, Laura; STEELE, Teresa E; FINKE, Hannes et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2009, Vol 36, Num 9, pp 2018-2023, issn 0305-4403, 6 p.Article
Du monde invisible vers le monde visible : Découvertes en archéologie funéraireSENEGAS, Nicolas.L' Archéologue, Archéologie nouvelle. 2008, Num 99, pp 20-21, issn 1255-5932, 2 p.Article
Neolithische Wirtschaft und Umwelt im Lichte archäozoologischer AnalysenKUHN, Jessica.Praehistorische Zeitschrift. 2008, Vol 83, Num 1, pp 1-35, issn 0079-4848, 35 p.Article
3D scanning technology as a standard archaeological tool for pottery analysis : practice and theoryKARASIK, Avshalom; SMILANSKY, Uzy.Journal of archaeological science. 2008, Vol 35, Num 5, pp 1148-1168, issn 0305-4403, 21 p.Article
Integrated seismic tomography and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) for the high-resolution study of burial mounds (tumuli)FORTE, E; PIPAN, M.Journal of archaeological science. 2008, Vol 35, Num 9, pp 2614-2623, issn 0305-4403, 10 p.Article
Is spring starting earlier?THOMPSON, R; CLARK, R. M.The Holocene (Sevenoaks). 2008, Vol 18, Num 1, pp 95-104, issn 0959-6836, 10 p.Article
Sexing Skulls Using Discriminant Function Analysis of Visually Assessed TraitsWALKER, Phillip L.American journal of physical anthropology. 2008, Vol 136, Num 1, pp 39-50, issn 0002-9483, 12 p.Article
Some spatial analyses of Chalcolithic settlement in Southern Israel = Quelques analyses spatiales de l'habitat chalcolithique du sud d'IsraelFLETCHER, Richard.Journal of archaeological science. 2008, Vol 35, Num 7, pp 2048-2058, issn 0305-4403, 11 p.Article
Assessing A.L. 288-1 femur length using computer-aided three-dimensional reconstructionSYLVESTER, Adam D; MERKL, Brandon C; MAHFOUZ, Mohamed R et al.Journal of human evolution. 2008, Vol 55, Num 4, pp 665-671, issn 0047-2484, 7 p.Article
IL SERVIZIO CARTOGRAFICO DIGITALE DELLA SOPRINTENDENZA PER I BENI ARCHEOLOGICI DELLA LIGURIA : PRESENTAZIONE DEL SISTEMA INFORMATIVO = The department of digital cartography of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delta Liguria : presentation of the processing system = Le service de cartographie numérisée de la Surintendance archéologique de Ligurie: présentation du système informatiqueMONTINARI, Giulio.Bulletin du Musée d'anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco. 2008, pp 285-286, issn 0544-7631, 2 p., SUP1Article
Sailing virtual canoes across Oceania: revisiting island accessibilityDI PIAZZA, Anne; DI PIAZZA, Philippe; PEARTHREE, Erik et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2007, Vol 34, Num 8, pp 1219-1225, issn 0305-4403, 7 p.Article