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Sveriges äldsta och norra Europas näst äldsta hällbildsdokumentation: ―en notis om Johannes Haquini Rhezelius antikvariska resa till Oland och Smaland 1634 = The oldest rock art documentation in Sweden - a notice about the antiquarian Johannis Haquini Rhezelius' visit to Oland and Smaland in 1634GOLDHAHN, Joakim.Fornvännen. 2011, Vol 106, Num 1, pp 1-7, issn 0015-7813, 7 p.Article

Raka eller böjda ben?: Om variation bland älgarna på Nämforsens hällristningar = Straight or bent legs? On variation among the elks of the Nämforsen rock carvingsSJÖSTRAND, Ylva.Fornvännen. 2010, Vol 105, Num 1, pp 9-19, issn 0015-7813, 11 p.Article

Effects of climatic change and bog development on Holocene tufa formation in the Lorze Valley (central Switzerland)WEHRLI, Michael; MITCHELL, Edward A. D; VAN DER KNAAP, W. O et al.The Holocene (Sevenoaks). 2010, Vol 20, Num 3, pp 325-336, issn 0959-6836, 12 p.Article

Fremde in der römischen Schweiz = Les étrangers en Suisse du temps des RomainsHelvetia archaeologica. 2009, Vol 40, Num 157, issn 0018-0173, 33 p.Serial Issue

Life is a grind. BullaunsCORLETT, Chris.Archaeology Ireland. 2009, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 32-33, issn 0790-892X, 2 p.Article

150 Jahre Pfahlbauforschung am ZugerseeHOCHULI, Stefan.Archäologie der Schweiz. 2009, Vol 32, Num 4, pp 16-23, issn 0255-9005, 8 p.Article

Avaldsnes in Südwestnorwegen :ein Fundplatz von europäischem Rang in einer archäologischen LangzeitperspektiveOLIVER GRIMM, Schleswig.Praehistorische Zeitschrift. 2009, Vol 84, Num 1, pp 90-116, issn 0079-4848, 27 p.Article

The design of effective and efficient trial trenching strategies for discovering archaeological sitesVERHAGEN, Philip; BORSBOOM, Arno.Journal of archaeological science. 2009, Vol 36, Num 8, pp 1807-1815, issn 0305-4403, 9 p.Article

Vegetation development at a mountain settlement site in the Swedish Scandes during the late Holocene: palaeoecological evidence of human-induced deforestationKARISSON, Hanna; SHEVTSOVA, Anna; HÖRNBERG, Greger et al.Vegetation history and archaeobotany. 2009, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 297-314, issn 0939-6314, 18 p.Article

Le Laténium: Consécration de deux siècles de recherches et d'enthousiasmes archéologiquesKAESER, Marc-Antoine.Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon). 2009, Num 333, pp 4-9, issn 1141-7137, 6 p.Article

BIVALVES D'EAU DOUCE, MATIÈRE PREMIÈRE POUR LA FABRICATION DE PARURES EN SUISSE, DU NÉOLITHIQUE À L'ÂGE DU BRONZE = Fresh water bivalves, raw material to make ornament in Switzerland, from the Neolithic to the Bronze AgeBORRELLO, Maria A; GIROD, Alberto.Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz. 2008, Vol 91, pp 108-115, 8 p.Article

Shadows of a Northern Past. Rock Carvings of Bohuslän and Østfold = Ombres du passé nordique. Gravures rupestres de Bohuslän and ØstfoldCOLES, John; COLES, J.Germania (Mainz). 2008, Vol 86, Num 1, pp 340-343, issn 0016-8874, 4 p.Article

A prehistoric enclosure at keadeen, Co. WicklowCORLETT, Christiaan.Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 2004, Vol 134, pp 80-90, issn 0035-9106, 11 p.Article

Archaeological investigations on the Kinnegad-Enfield-Kilcock motorway scheme = Investigations archéologiques sur le tracé de l'autoroute de Kinnegad-Enfield-KilcockSWAN, Ronan.Archaeology Ireland. 2002, Vol 16, Num 4, pp 24-27, issn 0790-892X, 4 p.Article

On the phylogeographic context of sex-specific genetic markers of Finno-Ugric populationsROOTSI, Siiri; KIVISILD, Toomas; TAMBETS, Kristiina et al.Theroots of peoples and languages of Northern Eurasia. 2000, pp 148-164, issn 1456-1581, 1Vol, 17 p.Conference Paper

Archeologische monumentenzorg, de Betuweroute en spectaculaire resultaten : een complexe interactie = L'entretien des monuments archéologiques : Betuweroute et résultats spectaculaires : des interactions complexesKOOT, C. W.Nederlandse archeologische rapporten. 1999, Num 20, pp 43-52, issn 0169-3859Article

Het onbekende voorspeld : de ontwikkeling van een indicatieve kaart van archeologische waarden = Prédiction des sites inconnus : le développement des indicateurs cartographiques de la valeur archéologiqueDEEBEN, Jos; WIEMER, Ronald.Nederlandse archeologische rapporten. 1999, Num 20, pp 29-42, issn 0169-3859Article

Blackfriars ship 1 : Romano-Celtic, Gallo-Roman or Classis Britannicae ?MILNE, G.The International journal of nautical archaeology. 1996, Vol 25, Num 3-4, pp 234-238, issn 1057-2414Article

Fundet på Myntkabinettet : en hidtil ukendt D-brakteat = An unknown D-bracteate from the Cabinet of Coins and MedalsAXBOE, M.Fornvännen. 1995, Vol 90, Num 4, pp 209-211, issn 0015-7813Article

Maritime archaeology in Britain and Ireland 1994The International journal of nautical archaeology. 1995, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 219-222, issn 1057-2414Article

The Passage of Arms : An Archaeological Analysis of Prehistoric Hoards and Votive DepositsBRADLEY, R.1990, 234 p., isbn 0-521-38446-XBook

Stability and Long Term Changes in North Swedish Prehistory : An Example of Centre-Periphery RelationsBAUDOU, E.Approaches to Swedish Prehistory. A Spectrum of Problems and Perspectives in Contemporary Research. BAR. International Series. 1989, Num 500, pp 27-53Book Chapter

Manufacture of Stone Tools in Northern Sweden - A Study of Stone assemblages in the Caledonian ChainHOLM, L.Approaches to Swedish Prehistory. A Spectrum of Problems and Perspectives in Contemporary Research. BAR. International Series. 1989, Num 500, pp 191-210Book Chapter

Astian kulttuurihistoriasta Suomessa ja naapurialueillaSALO, U.Suomen museo. 1989, Vol 96, pp 5-48, issn 0355-1806Article

Occupations préhistoriques à l'abri du Pape (Roches de Freyr-Dinant)LEOTARD, J.-M.Notae Praehistoricae. 1989, Num 9, pp 27-28Article

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