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EPIGRAPHISCHE KLEINIGKEITEN (II)AMELING, Walter.Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2011, Vol 178, pp 185-190, issn 0084-5388, 6 p.Article

EIN NEUES RÖMISCHES BRONZENES SIGNACULUM AUS YAVNEH-YAM (ISRAEL) = A New Roman Bronze Signaculum from Yavneh-Yam (Israel) = Un nouveau signaculum romain en bronze provenant de Yavneh-Yam (Israël)EICH, Peter; ECK, Werner.Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2009, Vol 171, pp 253-260, issn 0084-5388, 8 p.Article

Kloppenborg on Crop-Share Leases in Jewish Palestine = Kloppenborg sur le métayage en palestine juiveSILVER, Morris.Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient. 2009, Vol 52, pp 325-330, issn 0022-4995, 6 p., 2Article

Identifying a Roman Casting Pit at Tel Dor, Israel: Integrating Field and Laboratory Research = Identification d'une fosse de coulée romaine à Tel dor, Israël : Intégration des recherches de terrain et de laboratoireELIYAHU-BEHAR, Adi; REGEV, Lior; SHILSTEIN, Sana et al.Journal of field archaeology. 2009, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 135-151, issn 0093-4690, 17 p.Article

Inscribed To god jesus christ = Une dédicace au Dieu Jésus-ChristTZAFERIS, Vassilios.The Biblical archaeology review. 2007, Vol 33, Num 2, issn 0098-9444, 2, 38-49 [10 p.]Article

Felicien de saulcy and the rediscovery of tyros in JordanROSENBERG, Stephen G.Palestine exploration quarterly. 2006, Vol 138, Num 1, pp 35-41, issn 0031-0328, 7 p.Article

A Country Gentleman's EstateHIRSCHFELD, Yizhar; FEINBERG VAMOSH, Miriam.The Biblical archaeology review. 2005, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 18-31, issn 0098-9444, 14 p.Article

Treasures in the storeroomPOWERS, Tom.The Biblical archaeology review. 2003, Vol 29, Num 4, pp 46-51, issn 0098-9444, 6 p.Article

A second investigation into the chemical composition of the roman provincial (procuratorial) coinage of Judaea, AD 6-66 = Une seconde étude de la composition chimique de monnaie de la province (procuratoriale) romaine de Judée, 6-66 après J.-CLONNQVIST, K. K. A.Archaeometry. 2003, Vol 45, pp 45-60, issn 0003-813X, 16 p., 1Article

Naturezae função das estruturas romanas escavadas no sítio arqueolögico de Apollonia, Israel = Nature and function of the Roman structures excavated at the archaeological site of Apollonia, IsraelRECH, Raquel.Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. 2003, Num 13, pp 117-129, issn 0103-9709, 13 p.Article

Greek mercenaries at Tel Kabri and other sites in the levantNIEMEIER, Wolf-Dietrich.Tel Aviv (1974). 2002, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 328-331, issn 0334-4355, 4 p.Article

The short list: The New Testament figures known to history = Le courte liste : les figures du Nouveau Testament connues dans l'HistoireFELDMAN, Steven; ROTH, Nancy E.The Biblical archaeology review. 2002, Vol 28, Num 6, issn 0098-9444, 3, 34-37 [4 p.]Article

Herod's Roman templeJACOBSON, David.The Biblical archaeology review. 2002, Vol 28, Num 2, issn 0098-9444, 11 p., 18-27, 60 [11 p.]Article

Beyond coincidence? Marcus Agrippa and King Herod's Harbor = Au-dessus de la coïncidence? Marcus Agrippa et le port du roi HérodeHOHLFELDER, Robert L.Journal of Near Eastern studies. 2000, Vol 59, Num 4, pp 241-253, issn 0022-2968Article

La Judée sous l'occupation romaine = Judea under Roman OccupationTSAFRIR, Y; KAMBORIAN, K; BIOUL, B et al.Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon). 1999, Num 249, pp 11-15, issn 1141-7137Article

Les témoignages archéologiques liés à la vie de Jésus = Archaeological Evidences Connected with Jesus' LifeMANNS, F.Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon). 1999, Num 249, pp 46-55, issn 1141-7137Article

Two greek inscriptions from the painted tomb at Migdal Ashqelon = Deux inscriptions grecques provenant de la tombe peinte de Migdal AshqelonDI SEGNI, L.‘Atiqot (Jerusalem. 1991). 1999, Vol 37, pp 83-88, issn 0792-8424Article

Two tombs of the late Hellenistic and Roman periods near Tell er-Ras (Lohamé Hageta'ot) = Deux tombes de la fin de la période hellénistique et de la période romaine près de Tell er-Ras (Lohamé Hageta'ot)ROCHMAN-HALPERIN, A.‘Atiqot (Jerusalem. 1991). 1999, Vol 37, pp 177-178, issn 0792-8424Article

La troisième muraille antique de la Colline occidentale' de Jérusalem = The antique third wall of the occidental hill' in JerusalemLAPERROUSAZ, Ernest-Marie.Syria (Paris). 1998, Vol 75, pp 97-105, issn 0039-7946, 337 [10 p.]Article

The Wadi Faynan survey, Jordan : a preliminary report on survey in Area WF2 in 1997 = La prospection du Ouadi Faynan : rapport préliminaire de la prospection de la Zone WF2 en 1997FREEMAN, P. W. M; MCEWAN, L. M.Levant (London). 1998, Vol 30, pp 61-68, issn 0075-8914Article

Babatha's story : Personal archive offers a glimpse of ancient jewish life = L'histoire de Babatha : des archives personnelles offrent un aperçu de la vie juive antiqueSALDARINI, A. J.The Biblical archaeology review. 1998, Vol 24, Num 2, pp 28-33, issn 0098-9444, 11 p.Article

Evidence of early islamic pottery production in acre = Evidence d'une production de céramiques islamique à AcreSTERN, E. J.‘Atiqot (Jerusalem. 1991). 1998, Vol 36, pp 23-25, issn 0792-8424Article

Human remains from the Har Hazofim Observatory tombs (Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem) = Restes humains provenant des tombes de l'observatoire de Har Hazofim (Mont Scopus, Jérusalem)ARIELI, R.‘Atiqot (Jerusalem. 1991). 1998, Vol 35, pp 37-42, issn 0792-8424Article

The description of the Battle of Beth Zacharia : Literary fiction or historical fact ?BAR-KOCHVA, B.Qatedrah le-tôldôt Eres Yísra'el el we-yîššûbah. 1998, Num 86, pp 7-22, issn 0334-4657, 181 [17 p.]Article

Milliaires anciens et nouveaux de Gerasa = Ancient milliaries and new of GerasaSEIGNE, J; AGUSTA-BOULAROT, S.Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité. 1998, Vol 110, Num 1, pp 261-295, issn 0223-5102, 557 [35 p.]Article

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