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MISOGYNY REVISITED: THE EVE TRADITIONS IN AVOT DE RABBI NATAN, VERSIONS A AND B = Réexamen de la misogynie : les traditions d'Eve dans les Avot de Rabbi Nathan, versions A et BPOLZER, Natalie C.AJS review. 2012, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 207-255, issn 0364-0094, 49 p.Article

Die Älteste Haggada = The Oldest Haggada. translation of the passover Haggada according to the Palestinian rite and suggestions to its origins and its contribution to the understanding of the history of Christian liturgy = La plus ancienne Haggada. Traduction de la Pesach-Haggada selon le rite palestinien et propositions concernant son origine et son importance pour l'histoire de la liturgie chrétienneLEONHARD, Clemens.Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 2003, Vol 45, Num 2, pp 201-231, issn 0066-6386, 31 p.Article

Noticias masoréticas en los midrasîm halákicos más antiguos y su comparación con los midrasîm exegéticos = Masoretic notes in the oldest halakhic midrashim and comparison with the exegetical midrashimMARTIN CONTRERAS, Elvira.Sefarad. 2003, Vol 63, Num 1, pp 119-139, issn 0037-0894, 21 p.Article

Noticias masoréticas en el midrás Lamentaciones Rabbâ = Masoretic notices in the midrash Lamentations RabbahMARTIN CONTRERAS, Elvira.Sefarad. 2002, Vol 62, Num 1, pp 125-141, issn 0037-0894, 17 p.Article

Two centuries of Midrash study. A survey of some standard works on Rabbinic Midrash and its methods = Deux siècles d'étude du Midrash. Un compte rendu d'oeuvres classiques sur le midrash rabbinique et ses méthodesTEUGELS, L.Nederlandsch theologisch tijdschrift. 2000, Vol 54, Num 2, pp 125-144, issn 0028-212X, 158 [11 p.]Article

On the custom of communities in Eretz Israel to recite Kedushah on PurimHAKOHEN, E.Trbys. 1999, Vol 68, Num 4, pp 493-510, issn 0334-3650Article

Three early rabbinic cardinal principles : Reasons of the commandmentsTSEVAT, M.Orientalia. 1996, Vol 65, Num 4, pp 435-439, issn 0030-5367Article

Midrasj in, en, op de bijbel ? Kritische kanttekeningen bij het onkritische gebruik van een term = Midrash in and on the Bible?TEUGELS, L.Nederlandsch theologisch tijdschrift. 1995, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 273-290, issn 0028-212XArticle

Vocablos Griegos y latinos en Cantar de los Cantares Rabbâ = Greek and Latin Words in the Song of Songs RabbahGIRON, L. F.Sefarad. 1994, Vol 54, Num 2, pp 271-306, issn 0037-0894Article

The Preacher and his Public in the Third-Century PalestineHIRSHMAN, M.Journal of Jewish studies. 1991, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 108-114, issn 0022-2097Article

The Rachel's Lament in the Targum and Other Ancient Jewish InterpretationsZATELLI, I.Rivista Biblica. 1991, Vol 39, Num 4, pp 477-490, issn 0393-4853Article

Rabbinische Reaktionen gegen die Gnosis (Les réactions rabbiniques contre la gnose)THOMA, C.Judaica (Basel). 1988, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 2-14, issn 0022-572XArticle

The Figure of Joseph in the TargumsNIEHOFF, M.Journal of Jewish studies. 1988, Vol 39, Num 2, pp 234-250, issn 0022-2097Article

Appropriation and Imitation : The Priority of Leviticus Rabbah over Pesiqta Derab KahanaNEUSNER, J.Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research. 1987, Vol 54, pp 141-168Article

El Targum de Ester en la tradicion sefardi. El Ms. G-I-5 de El EscorialDIEZ MERINO, L.Estudios bíblicos. 1987, Vol 45, Num 1-2, pp 57-92, issn 0014-1437Article

Le sens de la Pâque au II siècleLA MAISONNEUVE, D. de.Monde (Le) de la Bible anc Bible et Terre Sainte Paris. 1986, Num 43, pp 22-24Article

Two Related Arameans. A Difficult Reading in the Passover HaggadahLACHS, S. T.Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period. 1986, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 65-69, issn 0047-2212Article

Gen 1,26 and 2,7 in Judaism, Samaritanism, and GnosticismFOSSUM, J.Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period Leiden. 1985, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 202-239Article

Ish as Man and Adult in the Halakic MidrashimCHERNICK, M.Jewish (The) Quarterly Review Philadelphia, Pa. 1983, Vol 73, Num 3, pp 254-280Article

Etends la tente de la paixGERTNER, J.Sinaï Jérusalem. 1983, Vol 24, Num 5-6, pp 252-265Article

Sifre Deuteronomy 26 (ad Deut. 3: 23): How Conscious the Composition?FRAADE, S. D.Hebrew Union College Annual Cincinnati, Ohio. 1983, Vol 54, pp 245-301Article

Merits, Martyrs and Your Life as Booty: An Exegesis of Mekilta, Pisha 1NIDITCH, S.Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period Leiden. 1982, Vol 13, Num 1-2, pp 160-171Article

Sinai in Jewish Thought and TraditionSCHWARTZ, J.Immanuel. A Semi-Annual Bulletin of Religious Thought and Research in Israel Jérusalem. 1981, Num 13, pp 7-14Article

De la relation entre la forme et le contenu dans le rouleau des Lamentations. (L'ordre alphabétique dans les Lamentations)HAKOHEN, S.Sinaï Jérusalem. 1980, Vol 89, Num 3-4, pp 119-133Article

Comme avec un doigt. Histoire textuelle d'une expression évitant un anthropomorphismeFOX, H.Tarbiz. A Quarterly for Jewish Studies Jérusalem. 1980, Vol 49, Num 3-4, pp 278-291Article

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