Results 1 to 25 of 5421
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Efficience de l'Esprit et empreinte du Christ.: La personnalité de l'Église dans l'œuvre de Charles JournetSAMUELE PINNA, Abbé.Nova et vetera (Fribourg). 2013, Vol 88, Num 2, pp 137-153, issn 0029-5027, 17 p.Article
L'inhabitation de Dieu Trinité dans les justesEMERY, Gilles.Nova et vetera (Fribourg). 2013, Vol 88, Num 2, pp 155-184, issn 0029-5027, 30 p.Article
Laïcité: un principe théocratique?NODE-LANGLOIS, Michel.Nova et vetera (Fribourg). 2013, Vol 88, Num 2, pp 223-240, issn 0029-5027, 18 p.Article
La chute de l’éternel dans le temps chez Kierkegaard : kénose et temporalitéAntier, Guilhen.Kénose : du don à l'abandon. Laval théologique et philosophique. 2011, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 57-67, 11 p.Book Chapter
American Naturalism on PantheismYALCIN, Martin O.American journal of theology & philosophy. 2011, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 156-179, issn 0194-3448, 24 p.Article
The Philosophy of Nature, Chance, and MiracleSWIEZYNSKI, Adam.American journal of theology & philosophy. 2011, Vol 32, Num 3, pp 221-241, issn 0194-3448, 21 p.Article
Natur in Gott: Schellings Beitrag zur philosophischen TheologieDANZ, Christian.Kerygma und Dogma. 2011, Vol 57, Num 1, pp 26-40, issn 0023-0707, 15 p.Article
SUÂREZ ET LA SPÉCIFICITÉ DU DÉSIR DE CONNAISSANCE MÉTAPHYSIQUE = Suárez and the specificity of metaphysical knowledgeCOUJOU, Jean-Paul.Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques. 2011, Vol 95, Num 1, pp 37-67, issn 0035-2209, 31 p.Article
Das Gewissen als Instanz der Selbsterschliessung: Luther, Kierkegaard und HeideggerWELZ, Claudia.Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie. 2011, Vol 53, Num 3, pp 265-284, issn 0028-3517, 20 p.Article
Transsubstantivation statt Transsubstantiation?: Xavier Zubiri über die EucharistieFORNET-PONSE, Thomas.Theologie und Glaube. 2011, Vol 101, Num 4, pp 525-538, issn 0049-366X, 14 p.Article
Cognitive Science of Religion: Looking Back, Looking ForwardBARRETT, Justin L.Journal for the scientific study of religion. 2011, Vol 50, Num 2, pp 229-269, issn 0021-8294, 41 p.Article
Counter-cultural religious experiencesDUMSDAY, Travis.Religious studies. 2011, Vol 47, Num 3, pp 317-330, issn 0034-4125, 14 p.Article
Death, futility, and the proleptic power of narrative endingSEACHRIS, Joshua.Religious studies. 2011, Vol 47, Num 2, pp 141-163, issn 0034-4125, 23 p.Article
Regulative principles and 'the Wise Author of Nature'PASTERNACK, Lawrence.Religious studies. 2011, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 411-429, issn 0034-4125, 19 p.Article
Dio e storia in Martin Heidegger Complessità e ambiguità di un rapportoTOMMASI, Roberto.Gregorianum. 2011, Vol 92, Num 2, pp 347-379, issn 0017-4114, 33 p.Article
LA PROPOSTA APOLOGETICA DI MAURICE BLONDEL (1861-1949): UNA RILETTURA DEL METODO DELL'IMMANENZA NEL 150° DELLA NASCITATANZELLA-NITTI, Giuseppe.Annales theologici. 2011, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 45-74, issn 0394-8226, 30 p.Article
The Transition from Nishida Kitarō's Philosophy to the Christian Theology of Holy Spirit Through the Catalyst of Suzuki Daisetsu's Theory of Japanese SpiritualityONODERA, Isao.Shūkyō kenkyū (Tokyo. 1939). 2010, Vol 84, Num 365, pp 23-50, issn 0387-3293, 28 p.Article
The Possibilities and Limitations of Spirituality as a Working HypothesisHiroshi, TSUCHIYA.Shūkyō kenkyū (Tokyo. 1939). 2010, Vol 84, Num 365, pp 201-224, issn 0387-3293, 24 p.Article
Lien trinitaire et approche habermassienne du naturalisme religieuxDURAND, Jean-Paul.Istina (Boulogne-sur-Seine). 2010, Vol 55, Num 2, pp 215-222, issn 0021-2423, 8 p.Article
Kirkestormen, neo-Gnosticism and Secular ChristianityPATTISON, George.Dansk teologisk tidsskrift. 2010, Vol 73, Num 4, pp 282-295, issn 0105-3191, 14 p.Article
Both Red and Green but Religiously Right: Coping with Evil in a Religion of NatureCROSBY, Donald A.American journal of theology & philosophy. 2010, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 108-123, issn 0194-3448, 16 p.Article
Philosophical Theology, Philosophy of Religion, and Fundamental TheologyO'COLLINS, Gerald.The Irish theological quarterly. 2010, Vol 75, Num 2, pp 217-224, issn 0021-1400, 8 p.Article
Religion, Science, and Culture: Learning from Langdon B. GilkeyPUNSALAN-MANLIMOS, Catherine M.American journal of theology & philosophy. 2010, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 15-32, issn 0194-3448, 18 p.Article
In the Presence of the Universe: Peirce, Royce, and Theology as TheosemioticRAPOSA, Michael L.Harvard theological review. 2010, Vol 103, Num 2, pp 237-247, issn 0017-8160, 11 p.Article
The Mystery of MatterMCDERMOTT, John M.Angelicum (Roma). 2010, Vol 87, Num 4, pp 993-1014, issn 1123-5772, 22 p.Article