Results 1 to 25 of 373
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How many Europes ? Varieties of capitalism, divergence and convergence and the transformation of the European services landscapeDANIELS, P; RUBALCABA, L; STARE, M et al.Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 2011, Vol 102, Num 2, pp 146-161, issn 0040-747X, 16 p.Article
New aspects of European road accessibilityTÓTH, G; KINCSES, Á.Geographia polonica. 2011, Vol 84, Num 2, pp 33-46, issn 0016-7282, 14 p.Article
The spatial characteristics of the regional economic convergence in the European UnionRUSU, A.Lucrările seminarului geografic Dimitrie Cantemir. 2010, Num 32, pp 159-167, issn 1222-989X, 9 p.Article
Modelling European regional scenarios : aggressive versus defensive competitive strategiesCAPELLO, R; FRATESI, U.Environment & planning A (Print). 2009, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 481-504, issn 0308-518X, 24 p.Article
Economic determinants of internal migration rates : a comparison across five European countriesVAN DER GAAG, N; VAN WISSEN, L.Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 2008, Vol 99, Num 2, pp 209-222, issn 0040-747X, 14 p.Article
Opyt klassifikacii regionov EC s ispol'zovaaniem klasternogo podhodaKONONOVA, S.E.Izvestiâ Russkogo geografičeskogo obŝestva. 2008, Vol 140, Num 3, pp 51-55, issn 0869-6071, 5 p.Article
The spatial distribution of income inequality in the European UnionEZCURRA, R; PASCUAL, P; RAPÚN, M et al.Environment & planning A (Print). 2007, Vol 39, Num 4, pp 869-890, issn 0308-518X, 22 p.Article
Economic convergence on different spatial levels : the conflict between cohesion and growthKRAMAR, H.Raumforschung und Raumordnung. 2006, Vol 64, Num 1, pp 18-27, issn 0034-0111, 10 p.Article
From European spatial development to territorial cohesion policyFALUDI, A.Regional studies. 2006, Vol 40, Num 6, pp 667-678, issn 0034-3404, 12 p.Article
The geography of knowledge spillovers between high-technology firms in Europe : evidence from a spatial interaction modeling perspectiveFISCHER, M.M; SCHERNGELL, T; JANSENBERGER, E et al.Geographical analysis. 2006, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 288-309, issn 0016-7363, 22 p.Article
The short list of structural indicators in the light of European territorial cohesionBENGS, C; HANELL, T; RISTISUO, H et al.Bollettino della Società geografica italiana. 2006, Vol 11, Num 1, pp 69-89, issn 0037-8755, 21 p., Ser. 12Article
Trouble in the East : the new entrants and challenges to the European idealFEAKINS, M; BIALASIEWICZ, L.Eurasian geography and economics. 2006, Vol 47, Num 6, pp 647-661, issn 1538-7216, 15 p.Article
Flussi di merci e capitali nel processo di allargamento europeo = L'intégration Union européenne-Europe centre-orientale : les investissements directs étrangers en Europe centre-orientale et la dynamique des flux commerciauxRUSSO, G.Bollettino della Società geografica italiana. 2006, Vol 11, Num 2, pp 335-364, issn 0037-8755, 30 p., Ser. 12Article
Inequality, polarisation and regional mobility in the European UnionEZCURRA, R; GIL, C; PASCUAL, P et al.Urban studies (Harlow). 2005, Vol 42, Num 7, pp 1057-1076, issn 0042-0980, 20 p.Article
Regional inequality in the European Union : does industry mix matter ?EZCURRA, R; GIL, C; PASCUAL, P et al.Regional studies. 2005, Vol 39, Num 6, pp 679-697, issn 0034-3404, 19 p.Article
Manufacturing productivity growth across European Union states : 1978-94MELACHROINOS, A; SPENCE, N.Environment & planning A (Print). 2001, Vol 33, Num 9, pp 1681-1703, issn 0308-518XArticle
The determinants of structural change in the European Union : a new application of RASVAN DER LINDEN, J; DIETZENBACHER, E.Environment & planning A (Print). 2000, Vol 32, Num 12, pp 2205-2229, issn 0308-518XArticle
Une nouvelle typologie économique des régions européennesVANDERMOTTEN, C; MARISSAL, P.Espace géographique (Paris). 2000, Vol 29, Num 4, pp 289-300, issn 0046-2497Article
Regional incentive spending for European regionsMARTIN, R.Regional studies. 1998, Vol 32, Num 6, pp 527-536, issn 0034-3404Article
Les équipements de transports européens: travaux et projetsBAVOUX, D; BAVOUX, J.J.Annales de géographie (Paris). 1997, Vol 106, Num 593-594, pp 218-228, issn 0003-4010Article
A future for Europe? Results with a regional prediction modelMUR, J.Regional studies. 1996, Vol 30, Num 6, pp 549-565, issn 0034-3404Article
De europeiska höghastighetsbanorna och deras geografiska betydelse = Les trains européens à grande vitesse et leur importance géographiqueHALL, P.Ymer. 1995, Vol 115, pp 11-19, issn 0044-0477Article
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe: Umweltfreundlicher Weg aus der Agrarkrise oder neues Subventionsloch ? = Ressources regénérables: chemin écologique pour résoudre la crise agronomique ou nouveau trou de subvention ?SCHRADER, J.F.Kieler Diskussionsbeiträge. 1994, Num 238, isbn 3-89456-081-9, 23 p., isbn 3-89456-081-9Book
On defining a Western European automobile industry. Problems and potentialsJONES, P.N.Erdkunde. 1993, Vol 47, Num 1, pp 25-39, issn 0014-0015Article
The regional impact of the internal market : a comparative analysis of traditional industrial regions and lagging regionsQUEVIT, M.Regional studies. 1992, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 349-360, issn 0034-3404Article