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Host preference, site fidelity, and homing behavior of the symbiotically luminous cardinalfish, Siphamia tubifer (Perciformes: Apogonidae)GOULD, Alison L; HARII, Saki; DUNLAP, Paul V et al.Marine biology (Berlin). 2014, Vol 161, Num 12, pp 2897-2907, issn 0025-3162, 11 p.Article

Probing aggressive motivation during territorial contests in a group-living cichlid fishREDDON, Adam R; BALK, Daniel; BALSHINE, Sigal et al.Behavioural processes. 2013, Vol 92, pp 47-51, issn 0376-6357, 5 p.Article

Partner choice in Gobiid fish Myersina macrostoma living in association with the alpheid shrimp Alpheus rapaxJAAFAR, Zeehan; ZHISHENG HOU.Symbiosis (Philadelphia, PA). 2012, Vol 56, Num 3, pp 121-127, issn 0334-5114, 7 p.Article

Stability of swimming performance and activity hierarchies among wild largemouth bass at multiple temporal scales: evidence for context-dependent shuffling between seasonsHANSON, K. C; HASLER, C. T; DONALDSON, M. R et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2010, Vol 88, Num 3, pp 324-333, issn 0008-4301, 10 p.Article

Evaluating the role of fish behavior in surveys conducted with underwater vehiclesSTONER, Allan W; RYER, Clifford H; PARKER, Steven J et al.Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences (Print). 2008, Vol 65, Num 6, pp 1230-1243, issn 0706-652X, 14 p.Article

Pain perception, aversion and fear in fishBRAITHWAITE, V. A; BOULCOTT, P.Diseases of aquatic organisms. 2007, Vol 75, Num 2, pp 131-138, issn 0177-5103, 8 p.Article

Assessing the effect of visual isolation on the population density of atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using gisDOLINSEK, Ivan J; BIRON, Pascale M; GRANT, James W. A et al.River research and applications (Print). 2007, Vol 23, Num 7, pp 763-774, issn 1535-1459, 12 p.Article

Initiators, Leaders, and Recruitment Mechanisms in the Collective Movements of DamselfishWARD, Ashley J. W; HERBERT-READ, James E; JORDAN, Lyndon A et al.The American naturalist. 2013, Vol 181, Num 6, pp 748-760, issn 0003-0147, 13 p.Article

The role of Thalassoma lunare as a predator of juvenile fish on a sub-tropical coral reefHOLMES, T. H; WILSON, S. K; VANDERKLIFT, M et al.Coral reefs (Print). 2012, Vol 31, Num 4, pp 1113-1123, issn 0722-4028, 11 p.Article

Uninformed Individuals Promote Democratic Consensus in Animal GroupsCOUZIN, Lain D; IOANNOU, Christos C; DEMIREL, Güven et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2011, Vol 334, Num 6062, pp 1578-1580, issn 0036-8075, 3 p.Article

Punishers Benefit From Third-Party Punishment in FishRAIHANI, Nichola J; GRUTTER, Alexandra S; BSHARY, Redouan et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2010, Vol 327, Num 5962, issn 0036-8075, p. 171Article

Female territoriality in a paternal mouthbrooding cardinalfish to avoid predation against spawned eggsFUKUMORI, Kayoko; OKUDA, Noboru; YANAGISAWA, Yasunobu et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2009, Vol 87, Num 6, pp 508-514, issn 0008-4301, 7 p.Article

Intersexual variation in the seasonal behaviour and depth distribution of a freshwater temperate fish, the largemouth bassHANSON, K. C; HASLER, C. T; COOKE, S. J et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2008, Vol 86, Num 8, pp 801-811, issn 0008-4301, 11 p.Article

Hydrodynamically coupled rigid bodiesNAIR, Sujit; KANSO, Eva.Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2007, Vol 592, pp 393-411, issn 0022-1120, 19 p.Article

Relationships between pair formation, site fidelity and sex in a coral reef cardinalfishRUEGER, Theresa; GARDINER, Naomi M; JONES, Geoffrey P et al.Behavioural processes. 2014, Vol 107, pp 119-126, issn 0376-6357, 8 p.Article

Behavioural response of larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in a laboratory environment to potential damage-released chemical alarm cuesPERRAULT, K; IMRE, I; BROWN, G. E et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2014, Vol 92, Num 5, pp 443-447, issn 0008-4301, 5 p.Article

Breeding pattern and nest guarding in Sicyopterus lagocephalus, a widespread amphidromous GobiidaeTEICHERT, N; KEITH, P; VALADE, P et al.Journal of ethology. 2013, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 239-247, issn 0289-0771, 9 p.Article

Patch exploitation by planktivorous fish and the concept of aggregation as an antipredation defense in zooplanktonMACIEJ GLIWICZ, Z; MASZCZYK, Piotr; JABLONSKI, Jędrzej et al.Limnology and oceanography. 2013, Vol 58, Num 5, pp 1621-1639, issn 0024-3590, 19 p.Article

Predatory Fish Select for Coordinated Collective Motion in Virtual PreyLOANNOU, C. C; GUTTAL, V; COUZIN, I. D et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2012, Vol 337, Num 6099, pp 1212-1215, issn 0036-8075, 4 p.Article

Feeding sites frequentation by the pink whipray Himanturafai in Moorea (French Polynesia) as determined by acoustic telemetryGASPAR, Cécile; CHATEAU, Olivier; GALZIN, René et al.Cybium (Paris). 2008, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 153-164, issn 0399-0974, 12 p.Article

Insights into the concept of fish welfareVOLPATO, Gilson Luiz; GONCALVES-DE-FREITAS, Eliane; FERNANDES-DE-CASTILHO, Marisa et al.Diseases of aquatic organisms. 2007, Vol 75, Num 2, pp 165-171, issn 0177-5103, 7 p.Article

Time resolved measurements of the flow generated by suction feeding fishDAY, Steven W; HIGHAM, Timothy E; WAINWRIGHT, Peter C et al.Experiments in fluids. 2007, Vol 43, Num 5, pp 713-724, issn 0723-4864, 12 p.Article

Cuckoldry features of introduced pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) in contrasting environmental conditions in southern EuropeALMEIDA, D; TOBES, I; MIRANDA, R et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2012, Vol 90, Num 8, pp 1051-1057, issn 0008-4301, 7 p.Article

Morphological, molecular, and in situ behavioral observations of the rare deep-sea anglerfish Chaunacops coloratus (Garman, 1899), order Lophiiformes, in the eastern North PacificLUNDSTEN, Lonny; JOHNSON, Shannon B; CAILLIET, Gregor M et al.Deep-sea research. Part 1. Oceanographic research papers. 2012, Vol 68, pp 46-53, issn 0967-0637, 8 p.Article

Mate removal leads to increase in parental defence behaviour in free-ranging convict cichlidsBREUKELEN, Natalie April Van; ITZKOWITZ, Murray.Animal behaviour (Print). 2011, Vol 82, pp 1023-1026, issn 0003-3472, 4 p., 5Article

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