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TernCam: an automated energy-efficient visual surveillance system : NOVEL ARCHITECTURES AND ACCELERATORS FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTINGCHEN, Chia-Pang; CHUANG, Cheng-Long; LIN, Tzu-Shiang et al.International journal of computational science and engineering (Print). 2014, Vol 9, Num 1-2, pp 44-54, issn 1742-7185, 11 p.Article

Heterospecifics do not respond to subtle differences in chaffinch mobbing calls: message is encoded in number of elementsRANDLER, Christoph; FÖRSCHLER, Marc I.Animal behaviour (Print). 2011, Vol 82, pp 725-730, issn 0003-3472, 6 p., 4Article

Foraging space as a limited resource: inter- and intra-specific competition among sympatric pursuit-diving seabirdsRONCONI, R. A; BURGER, A. E.Canadian journal of zoology. 2011, Vol 89, Num 4, pp 356-368, issn 0008-4301, 13 p.Article

Rational Choice, Context Dependence, and the Value of Information in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)FREIDIN, Esteban; KACELNIK, Alex.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2011, Vol 334, Num 6058, pp 1000-1002, issn 0036-8075, 3 p.Article

Macrogeographic variation in the song of the Mourning Warbler (Oporornis philadelphia)PITOCCHELLI, J.Canadian journal of zoology. 2011, Vol 89, Num 11, pp 1027-1040, issn 0008-4301, 14 p.Article

An experimental analysis of receiver economics: cost, reliability and uncertainty interact to determine a signal's value : Ecology of informationMCLINN, Colleen M; STEPHENS, David W.Oikos (København). 2010, Vol 119, Num 2, pp 254-263, issn 0030-1299, 10 p.Article

Hierarchical group dynamics in pigeon flocksNAGY, Máté; AKOS, Zsuzsa; BIRO, Dora et al.Nature (London). 2010, Vol 464, Num 7290, pp 890-893, issn 0028-0836, 4 p.Article

Lasting recognition of threatening people by wild American crowsMARZLUFF, John M; WALLS, Jeff; CORNELL, Heather N et al.Animal behaviour (Print). 2010, Vol 79, pp 699-707, issn 0003-3472, 9 p., 3Article

Acoustic transmission of the chick-a-dee call of the Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus): forest structure and note functionPROPPE, D. S; BLOOMFIELD, L. L; STURDY, C. B et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2010, Vol 88, Num 8, pp 788-794, issn 0008-4301, 7 p.Article

Nonideal habitat selection by a North American cavity excavator: pecking up the wrong tree?SADOTI, G; VIERLING, K. T.Canadian journal of zoology. 2010, Vol 88, Num 6, pp 527-535, issn 0008-4301, 9 p.Article

King penguin brooding and defending a sub-Antarctic skua chickOOSTHUIZEN, W. Chris; NICO DE BRUYN, P. J.Polar biology (Print). 2009, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 303-305, issn 0722-4060, 3 p.Article

Temperature and life history : experimental heating leads female tree swallows to modulate egg temperature and incubation behaviourARDIA, Daniel R; PEREZ, Jonathan H; CHAD, Elise K et al.Journal of animal ecology. 2009, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 4-13, issn 0021-8790, 10 p.Article

Egg neglect under risk of predation in Cassin's Auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus)RONCONI, R. A; HIPFNER, J. M.Canadian journal of zoology. 2009, Vol 87, Num 5, pp 415-421, issn 0008-4301, 7 p.Article

Individual strategies and release site features determine the extent of deviation in clock-shifted pigeons at familiar sitesFILANNINO, Caterina; ARMSTRONG, Chris; GUILFORD, Tim et al.Animal cognition (Print). 2014, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 33-43, issn 1435-9448, 11 p.Article

The gliding speed of migrating birds: slow and safe or fast and risky?HORVITZ, Nir; SAPIR, Nir; LIECHTI, Felix et al.Ecology letters (Print). 2014, Vol 17, Num 6, pp 670-679, issn 1461-023X, 10 p.Article

A study of sharing and reciprocity in grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)PERON, Franck; JOHN, Maria; SAPOWICZ, Stephanie et al.Animal cognition (Print). 2013, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 197-210, issn 1435-9448, 14 p.Article

How to solve a mechanical problem: the relevance of visible and unobservable functionality for keaGAJDON, Gy. K; ORTNER, T. M; WOLF, C. C et al.Animal cognition (Print). 2013, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 483-492, issn 1435-9448, 10 p.Article

Independent appearance of an innovative feeding behaviour in Antillean bullfinchesDUCATEZ, S; AUDET, J. N; LEFEBVRE, L et al.Animal cognition (Print). 2013, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 525-529, issn 1435-9448, 5 p.Article

Learning of an oddity rule by pigeons in a four-choice touch-screen procedureAUST, Ulrike; STEURER, Michael M.Animal cognition (Print). 2013, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 321-341, issn 1435-9448, 21 p.Article

Adaptive Sleep Loss in Polygynous Pectoral SandpipersLESKU, John A; RATTENBORG, Niels C; VALCU, Mihai et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2012, Vol 337, Num 6102, pp 1654-1658, issn 0036-8075, 5 p.Article

Seasonal increase in intensity of nest defence against little cuckoos by Japanese bush warblersHAMAO, Shoji.Animal behaviour (Print). 2011, Vol 82, pp 869-874, issn 0003-3472, 6 p., 4Article

Sometimes tool use is not the key: no evidence for cognitive adaptive specializations in tool-using woodpecker finchesTESCHKE, I; CARTMILL, E. A; STANKEWITZ, S et al.Animal behaviour (Print). 2011, Vol 82, pp 945-956, issn 0003-3472, 12 p., 5Article

The versatility of graded acoustic measures in classification of predation threats by the tufted titmouse Baeolophus bicolor. exploring a mixed framework for threat communication : Ecology of informationSIEVING, Kathryn E; HETRICK, Stacia A; AVERY, Michael L et al.Oikos (København). 2010, Vol 119, Num 2, pp 264-276, issn 0030-1299, 13 p.Article

Sex-specific differences in diving behaviour of two sympatric Alcini species : thick-billed murres and razorbillsPAREDES, Rosana; JONES, Ian L; BONESS, Daryl J et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2008, Vol 86, Num 7, pp 610-622, issn 0008-4301, 13 p.Article

Condition dependence of nestling mouth colour and the effect of supplementing carotenoids on parental behaviour in the hihi (Notiomystis cincta)EWEN, John G; THOROGOOD, Rose; KARADAS, Filiz et al.Oecologia. 2008, Vol 157, Num 2, pp 361-368, issn 0029-8549, 8 p.Article

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