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An Intersensory Interaction Account of Priming Effects—and Their Absence : Behaviorial Priming and its ReplicationKLATZKY, Roberta L; CRESWELL, J. David.Perspectives on psychological science (Print). 2014, Vol 9, Num 1, pp 49-58, issn 1745-6916, 10 p.Article
Color Selectivity of the Spatial Congruency Effect: Evidence from the Focused Attention ParadigmMAKOVAC, Elena; GERBINO, Walter.The Journal of general psychology. 2014, Vol 141, Num 1, pp 18-34, issn 0022-1309, 17 p.Article
Congruent Sound Can Modulate Odor PleasantnessSEO, Han-Seok; LOHSE, Franziska; LUCKETT, Curtis R et al.Chemical senses. 2014, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 215-228, issn 0379-864X, 14 p.Article
Crossmodal representation of a functional robotic hand arises after extensive training in healthy participantsMARINI, Francesco; TAGLIABUE, Chiara F; SPOSITO, Ambra V et al.Neuropsychologia. 2014, Vol 53, pp 178-186, issn 0028-3932, 9 p.Article
I Can See, Hear, and Smell Your Fear: Comparing Olfactory and Audiovisual Media in Fear CommunicationDE GROOT, Jasper H. B; SEMIN, Gün R; SMEETS, Monique A. M et al.Journal of experimental psychology. General. 2014, Vol 143, Num 2, pp 825-834, issn 0096-3445, 10 p.Article
Neural correlates of the rubber hand illusion in amputees: A report of two casesSCHMALZL, Laura; KALCKERT, Andreas; RAGNO, Christina et al.Neurocase (Oxford, Print). 2014, Vol 20, Num 3-4, pp 407-420, issn 1355-4794, 14 p.Article
Olfactory-Visual Congruence Effects Stable Across Ages: Yellow Is Warmer When It Is Pleasantly LemonyGUERDOUX, Estelle; TROUILLET, Raphaël; BROUILLET, Denis et al.Attention, perception & psychophysics. 2014, Vol 76, Num 5, pp 1280-1286, issn 1943-3921, 7 p.Article
Reward expectation influences audiovisual spatial integrationBRUNS, Patrick; MAIWORM, Mario; RÖDER, Brigitte et al.Attention, perception & psychophysics. 2014, Vol 76, Num 6, pp 1815-1827, issn 1943-3921, 13 p.Article
Synaesthesia in Chinese characters: The role of radical function and positionHUNG, Wan-Yu; SIMNER, Julia; SHILLCOCK, Richard et al.Consciousness and cognition (Print). 2014, Vol 24, pp 38-48, issn 1053-8100, 11 p.Article
The use of realistic and mechanical hands in the rubber hand illusion, and the relationship to hemispheric differencesBERTAMINI, Marco; O'SULLIVAN, Noreen.Consciousness and cognition (Print). 2014, Vol 27, pp 89-99, issn 1053-8100, 11 p.Article
Touching words is not enough: How visual experience influences haptic-auditory associations in the Bouba-Kiki effectFRYER, Louise; FREEMAN, Jonathan; PRING, Linda et al.Cognition. 2014, Vol 132, Num 2, pp 164-173, issn 0010-0277, 10 p.Article
Within-hemifield posture changes affect tactile―visual exogenous spatial cueing without spatial precision, especially in the darkKENNETT, Steffan; DRIVER, Jon.Attention, perception & psychophysics. 2014, Vol 76, Num 4, pp 1121-1135, issn 1943-3921, 15 p.Article
How do visual and postural cues combine for self-tilt perception during slow pitch rotations?DI CESARE, C. Scotto; BULOUP, F; MESTRE, D. R et al.Acta psychologica. 2014, Vol 153, pp 51-59, issn 0001-6918, 9 p.Article
Interwoven Fluctuations During Intermodal Perception: Fractality in Head Sway Supports the Use of Visual Feedback in Haptic Perceptual Judgments by Manual WieldingKELTY-STEPHEN, Damian G; DIXON, James A.Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 2014, Vol 40, Num 6, pp 2289-2309, issn 0096-1523, 21 p.Article
Bodily ownership and self-location: Components of bodily self-consciousnessSERINO, Andrea; ALSMITH, Adrian; COSTANTINI, Marcello et al.Consciousness and cognition (Print). 2013, Vol 22, Num 4, pp 1239-1252, issn 1053-8100, 14 p.Article
Cross-modal associations between vision, touch, and audition influence visual search through top-down attention, not bottom-up captureORCHARD-MILLS, Emily; ALAIS, David; VAN DER BURG, Erik et al.Attention, perception & psychophysics. 2013, Vol 75, Num 8, pp 1892-1905, issn 1943-3921, 14 p.Article
Moving to the beat improves timing perceptionMANNING, Fiona; SCHUTZ, Michael.Psychonomic bulletin & review. 2013, Vol 20, Num 6, pp 1133-1139, issn 1069-9384, 7 p.Article
Beyond colour perception: Auditory―visual synaesthesia induces experiences of geometric objects in specific locationsCHIOU, Rocco; STELTER, Marleen; RICH, Anina N et al.Cortex (Testo stampato). 2013, Vol 49, Num 6, pp 1750-1763, issn 0010-9452, 14 p.Article
Bouba and Kiki in Namibia? A remote culture make similar shape―sound matches, but different shape―taste matches to WesternersBREMNER, Andrew J; CAPAROS, Serge; DAVIDOFF, Jules et al.Cognition. 2013, Vol 126, Num 2, pp 165-172, issn 0010-0277, 8 p.Article
High-intensity sound increases the size of visually perceived objectsTAKESHIMA, Yasuhiro; GYOBA, Jiro.Attention, perception & psychophysics. 2013, Vol 75, Num 3, pp 501-507, issn 1943-3921, 7 p.Article
How automatic are crossmodal correspondences?SPENCE, Charles; DEROY, Ophelia.Consciousness and cognition (Print). 2013, Vol 22, Num 1, pp 245-260, issn 1053-8100, 16 p.Article
Matching Voice and Face Identity From Static ImagesMAVICA, Lauren W; BARENHOLTZ, Elan.Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 2013, Vol 39, Num 2, pp 307-312, issn 0096-1523, 6 p.Article
Seeing the body distorts tactile size perceptionLONGO, Matthew R; SADIBOLOVA, Renata.Cognition. 2013, Vol 126, Num 3, pp 475-481, issn 0010-0277, 7 p.Article
Spatial limits on the nonvisual self-touch illusion and the visual rubber hand illusion: Subjective experience of the illusion and proprioceptive driftAIMOLA DAVIES, Anne M; WHITE, Rebekah C; DAVIES, Martin et al.Consciousness and cognition (Print). 2013, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 613-636, issn 1053-8100, 24 p.Article
The takete―maluma phenomenon in autism spectrum disordersOCCELLI, Valeria; ESPOSITO, Gianluca; VENUTI, Paola et al.Perception (London. Print). 2013, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 233-241, issn 0301-0066, 9 p.Article