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Process mining techniques for analysing patterns and strategies in students' self-regulated learningBANNERT, Maria; REIMANN, Peter; SONNENBERG, Christoph et al.Metacognition and learning. 2014, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 161-185, issn 1556-1623, 25 p.Article

The effects of relational structure on analogical learningCORRAL, Daniel; JONES, Matt.Cognition. 2014, Vol 132, Num 3, pp 280-300, issn 0010-0277, 21 p.Article

Age-Related Effect of Serotonin Transporter Genotype on Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex Function in AdolescenceWIGGINS, Jillian Lee; BEDOYAN, Jirair K; CARRASCO, Melisa et al.Human brain mapping. 2014, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 646-658, issn 1065-9471, 13 p.Article

Are Power Calculations Useful? A Multicentre Neuroimaging StudySUCKLING, John; HENTY, Julian; LAI, Meng-Chuan et al.Human brain mapping. 2014, Vol 35, Num 8, pp 3569-3577, issn 1065-9471, 9 p.Article

Categorical congruence facilitates multisensory associative learningBARENHOLTZ, Elan; LEWKOWICZ, David J; DAVIDSON, Meredith et al.Psychonomic bulletin & review. 2014, Vol 21, Num 5, pp 1346-1352, issn 1069-9384, 7 p.Article

Computer-Based Learning: Graphical Integration of Whole and Sectional Neuroanatomy Improves Long-Term RetentionNAAZ, Farah; CHARIKER, Julia H; PANI, John R et al.Cognition and instruction. 2014, Vol 32, Num 1, pp 44-64, issn 0737-0008, 21 p.Article

Conscious awareness of action potentiates sensorimotor learningBOUTIN, Arnaud; BLANDIN, Yannick; MASSEN, Cristina et al.Cognition. 2014, Vol 133, Num 1, pp 1-9, issn 0010-0277, 9 p.Article

Costs and benefits of automatization in category learning of ill-defined rulesRAIJMAKERS, Maartje E. J; SCHMITTMANN, Verena D; VISSER, Ingmar et al.Cognitive psychology (Print). 2014, Vol 69, pp 1-24, issn 0010-0285, 24 p.Article

Demonstrator skill modulates observational aversive learningSELBING, Ida; LINDSTROM, Björn; OLSSON, Andreas et al.Cognition. 2014, Vol 133, Num 1, pp 128-139, issn 0010-0277, 12 p.Article

Differences in Brain Activation Between Novices and Experts in Science During a Task Involving a Common Misconception in ElectricityMASSON, Steve; POTVIN, Patrice; RIOPEL, Martin et al.Mind, brain, and education (Print). 2014, Vol 8, Num 1, pp 44-55, issn 1751-2271, 12 p.Article

Dispositional mindfulness is associated with reduced implicit learningSTILLMAN, Chelsea M; FELDMAN, Halley; WAMBACH, Caroline G et al.Consciousness and cognition (Print). 2014, Vol 28, pp 141-150, issn 1053-8100, 10 p.Article

Imaging early consolidation of perceptual learning with face stimuli during restVILSTEN, J. S; MUNDY, M. E.Brain and cognition (Print). 2014, Vol 85, pp 170-179, issn 0278-2626, 10 p.Article

Implicit learning is better at subjectively defined non-optimal time of dayDELPOUVE, Julie; SCHMITZ, Rémy; PEIGNEUX, Philippe et al.Cortex (Testo stampato). 2014, Vol 58, pp 18-22, issn 0010-9452, 5 p.Article

Learning what from where: Effects of spatial regularity on nonspatial sequence learning and updatingFILIPOWICZ, Alex; ANDERSON, Britt; DANCKERT, James et al.The Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006. Print). 2014, Vol 67, Num 7, pp 1447-1456, issn 1747-0218, 10 p.Article

No evidence that 'fast-mapping' benefits novel learning in healthy Older adultsGREVE, Andrea; COOPER, Elisa; HENSON, Richard N et al.Neuropsychologia. 2014, Vol 60, pp 52-59, issn 0028-3932, 8 p.Article

Role of prior knowledge in implicit and explicit learning of artificial grammarsZIORI, Eleni; POTHOS, Emmanuel M; DIENES, Zoltán et al.Consciousness and cognition (Print). 2014, Vol 28, pp 1-16, issn 1053-8100, 16 p.Article

Systematic Reflection: Implications for Learning From Failures and SuccessesELLIS, Shmuel; CARETTE, Bernd; ANSEEL, Frederik et al.Current directions in psychological science (Print). 2014, Vol 23, Num 1, pp 67-72, issn 0963-7214, 6 p.Article

The role of partial knowledge in statistical word learningYUROVSKY, Daniel; FRICKER, Damian C; CHEN YU et al.Psychonomic bulletin & review. 2014, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 1-22, issn 1069-9384, 22 p.Article

When is a cause the same? Incoherent generalization across contextsBARBERIA, Itxaso; BAETU, Irina; SANSA, Joan et al.The Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006. Print). 2014, Vol 67, Num 2, pp 281-303, issn 1747-0218, 23 p.Article

Win-Stay, Lose-Sample: A simple sequential algorithm for approximating Bayesian inferenceBONAWITZ, Elizabeth; DENISON, Stephanie; GOPNIK, Alison et al.Cognitive psychology (Print). 2014, Vol 74, pp 35-65, issn 0010-0285, 31 p.Article

Are Task Irrelevant Faces Unintentionally Processed? Implicit Learning as a Test CaseEITAM, Baruch; GLASS-HACKEL, Ruth; AVIEZER, Hillel et al.Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 2014, Vol 40, Num 5, pp 1741-1747, issn 0096-1523, 7 p.Article

Learning where to look for a hidden targetCHUKOSKIE, Leanne; SNIDER, Joseph; MOZER, Michael C et al.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013, Vol 110, pp 10438-10445, issn 0027-8424, 8 p., SUP2Article

Contextual cueing under working memory load: Selective interference of visuospatial load with expression of learningMANGINELLI, Angela A; LANGER, Nadine; KLOSE, Diana et al.Attention, perception & psychophysics. 2013, Vol 75, Num 6, pp 1103-1117, issn 1943-3921, 15 p.Article

Do Early Literacy Skills in Children's First Language Promote Development of Skills in Their Second Language? An Experimental Evaluation of TransferGOODRICH, J. Marc; LONIGAN, Christopher J; FARVER, Joann M et al.Journal of educational psychology. 2013, Vol 105, Num 2, pp 414-426, issn 0022-0663, 13 p.Article

Evidence that a transient but cognitively demanding process underlies forward blockingLIU, Pei-Pei; LUHMANN, Christian C.The Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006. Print). 2013, Vol 66, Num 4, pp 744-766, issn 1747-0218, 23 p.Article

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